Fall 2021
The AAVMC’s Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME) was founded in 2016 with the goal of promoting collaboration and fostering innovation on a worldwide scale to advance the quality of teaching and learning in veterinary medical education.
CIVME Initiatives
CIVME Grant Programmes Launch
The next round of the CIVME research grant program has been launched. There are two broad categories for applications:

  • Research Grant Program, which invites applications for Educational Research Projects (ERP) and Educational Exchange Projects (EEP). Information and a link to the application form can be found here:
  • MSD Animal Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Grant Program. Information and a link to the application form can be found here:

There are detailed instructions on the first page of the online form, which should be carefully followed when preparing an application. The form is available in English, Spanish, and French. The deadline for applications is no later than January 14, 2022.

Projects need to be able to demonstrate alignment with CIVME’s goals:

  • Communication and collaboration that advances veterinary medical education around the world  
  • Collaboration amongst educational researchers  
  • Dissemination of innovations and other educational advances, to magnify the impact of projects by outreach to educators and their respective organizations  

Collaboration across CIVME regions is highly encouraged. Preference will be given to applications that are collaborative efforts between institutions and across regions.

Total project budgets should not exceed $10,000 and are limited for a maximum period of 24 months. Due to the size of the CIVME grants, indirect project costs are not allowed.

For more information, please contact civme@aavmc.org.
WVA-CIVME Collaboration Conducts Survey on Global Quality Standards
In July 2021, the WVA-CIVME Global Quality Standards for Veterinary Education Steering Committee conducted a survey of veterinary educational establishments around the world. The purpose was to collect information about current practices for developing and updating veterinary medical curricula, including educational quality assessment standards, internal and external reviews of the program, and strategies to meet national and regional veterinary workforce demands.

In addition, questions were posed about continuing education requirements for licensed veterinarians in that country. A total of 164 responses were received, of which 154 were deemed to be valid (please see pie chart below for distribution of responses across global regions). Translation and analysis of the results is ongoing with final results expected later this fall. We thank all respondents for their participation in this project!
CIVME Regional Associates Feature
Pan Dong Ryu (Seoul National University)
Pan Dong Ryu, Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University (SNU) is a CIVME member (Alternate, Asia). Dr. Ryu obtained his veterinary license (1979) in Seoul and served in the Korean Army for two years as a First Lieutenant. He earned his master’s degree in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), SNU (1983), his PhD degree in Veterinary Physiology (Pharmacology) from Iowa State University (1989) and conducted postdoctoral training at Yale University. He joined SNU as a faculty member in 1991 and retired in 2021.
Currently Professor Ryu oversees the publication of the Journal of Veterinary Science (2016~) and the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (2018~) as Editor-in-Chief. In 2021, he began working as President of Gong-Gham (meaning ‘empathy’) School, a non-profit private social welfare corporation and as Chair of the Committee on Law and Education System, Korean Research Institute for Veterinary Healthcare Policy. Dr. Ryu’s current interest is in identifying the social accountability of veterinary schools.
As Dean (2011-2015), Professor Ryu reformed the veterinary curriculum of SNU by doubling the amount of hands-on training, hosted the consultative site visit of the AVMA-COE, and initiated the construction of two buildings - farm animal clinical training center and a companion animal teaching hospital. These advancements provided a strong foundation for the AVMA-COE accreditation of the veterinary program at SNU in 2019. Dr. Ryu played a leadership role in developing the Korean model of competency-based veterinary education, including OIE guidelines, entrustable professional activities of AAVMC and core clinical skills as President (2014-2015) and Chair of Education Committee (2016-2021) of the Korean Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges, and as President (2013-2015) of the Korean Society for Veterinary Education.
Professor Ryu served as President of the Asian Association of Veterinary Schools (2014-2015); a member of the OIE Ad hoc Group on Veterinary Education (2015~2016); Co-Chair of Vision 2050 Committee of World Veterinary Conference for WVA Declaration of Incheon with Dr. Rene Carlson (2016-2017); member of Board of Directors, Accreditation Board of Veterinary Education in Korea (2015-2020); and co-guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education with Dr. Timothy Parkison (2019-2020).
In research, Dr. Ryu published 178 papers on synaptic transmission in the hypothalamus and the primo vascular system, a novel tissue known as anatomical substance of the meridian, and he worked as Director of Brain Korea 21 Program for veterinary medicine (2006-2011), a national graduate research program in SNU.
Associate Professor Sue Rackard MVB, PhD, FRAMI, SFHEA
Sue Rackard is the newest CIVME regional associate, joining the UK and Ireland Regional team representing Ireland. Sue graduated from the University College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland in 1989. After a short period in small animal practice in the UK she returned to the university as a junior lecturer in small animal surgery where she commenced her PhD studies and grew her clinical experience.

After many years as an academic clinician and clinical teacher, Sue’s focus shifted to educational development, initially in the CPD arena for Veterinary Practitioners and more recently in teaching and assessment of undergraduate Veterinary Medical Students. She is currently Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning at the School of Veterinary Medicine in University College Dublin with responsibility for curriculum review and enhancement of the veterinary medicine programme which is AVMA and RCVS accredited.

Sue’s interests in veterinary medical education research and scholarship include curriculum mapping, employability and developing self-direction in our learners. Sue is an advocate for sharing, collaboration, empowering others, being innovative and stepping out of one’s comfort zone, sharing a belief in CIVME’s conviction that it is the profession’s obligation to ensure that the benefits of modern veterinary medicine are shared with as many people and animals as possible around the world.
International News in Veterinary Medical Education
AAVMC's 2021 Annual Conference & Iverson Bell Symposium "Catalyze 2022" Will be Hybrid This Year!
Planning is underway for the AAVMC’s 2021 Annual Conference & Iverson Bell Symposium “Catalyze 2022” at Washington D.C.’s famous Watergate Hotel March 3-5, 2021. The meeting is expected to be hybrid: it will be live and in-person, but it will also feature opportunities for remote participation.

The program committee is working with staff and thought leaders from around the world to build a program that will inform and inspire educators from across the spectrum of academic veterinary medicine. Sessions will explore advancements in instruction as well as how dynamic changes in diversity, equity and inclusion and wellbeing are improving organizational cultures.

Registration for the AAVMC’s annual conference “Catalyze 2022” is open: Register today to receive early bird registration discounts.
Reflections on Distance Learning in Veterinary Medicine in Italy. 
Monica Forni, University of Bologna; Giuseppe Crescenzo, University of Bari

During the 74th SiSVet (Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences) National Conference, a workshop was held with contributions from students and lecturers from the thirteen different national veterinary training establishments, to compare their experiences in the rapid transformation of the traditional Italian approach to teaching into distance learning. The pandemic has produced an enormous acceleration of a process that would probably have started in our country anyway. The central question is: what to eliminate in the future and what to preserve from the lessons learned? Since it is a matter of communication, it was essential for this evaluation to have a perception of the effectiveness of the different approaches on both the teacher and student sides.

Among the solutions proposed by the students: a project by IVSA Bologna for shared study rooms.
VetEd 2021
The 11th annual Veterinary Schools Council Veterinary Education Symposium (VetEd) was hosted virtually by the University of Surrey from 7-9th July 2021.
The conference’s overall theme was “Partnership,” a key principle of the university. VetEd started with 12 half-day pre-conference workshops before moving on a packed two-day main conference, with seven keynote presentations, 23 workshops, 35 short communications and 70 ePoster presentations clustered around six sub-themes.

This was the first year that the event had been run online, and took place on the Virtual Event platform Aventri. As with any VetEd, a brilliant team of students was on hand to help make things run smoothly. Attendees were able to network, talk with other delegates and sponsors, interact in a virtual exhibition hall, watch live presentations and participate in workshops. All Keynotes, Short Communications and ePoster presentations were recorded and made available for viewing afterwards via a Digital Conference Proceedings book.

The conference was a great success, with just short of 500 online participants from all over the world joining in. Prizes were awarded by the Scientific committee for best overall short communication and ePoster presentation, as well as best student short communication and ePoster presentations. Delegates also voted for the best pre-conference workshop and conference workshops too.

Survey feedback indicated that the virtual nature of the conference was highly appreciated, enabling attendance for participants on the other side of the world. Most significantly, it appears to have retained the all-important friendly and collegiate atmosphere that makes VetEd so special.
Bangladesh College of Veterinary Surgeons (BCVS): a New Initiative to Advance the Standard of the Veterinary Profession in Bangladesh
Bangladesh College of Veterinary Surgeons (BCVS) was established in 2019 as a joint initiative of the National Veterinary Dean Council, Bangladesh Veterinary Council, Bangladesh Veterinary Association, Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research, The Vet Executive – an association of private veterinarians, and the Department of Livestock Services. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is supporting the initiative through the provision of technical assistance from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, USA. BCVS aims to advance the standard of the veterinary profession in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, veterinary education is currently being offered by 13 veterinary schools that include age-old heritage schools as well as very recently established ones. Bangladesh Veterinary Council (BVC) is the statutory body for regulating veterinary education in Bangladesh. Any veterinarian graduating from a school recognized by BVC is eligible to register as a practicing veterinarian. To encourage veterinarians to continuously improve their professional competency, the BCVS has initiated a professional board examination. Interested veterinarians may appear in the test voluntarily and the successful candidate will be admitted as a “Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons” (MCVS) as a recognition of their excellence in professional competence. A computer-based MCQ test has been developed and is being operated by an international test service provider, Prometric. The first round of MCVS examination is now in progress.

In the near future, BCVS will also facilitate specialized residency training programs for veterinarians followed by formal examination. The successful candidate will be admitted as a “Fellow of the College of Veterinary Surgeons” (FCVS).

Additionally, BCVS also supports continuing education (CE) programs for veterinarians in Bangladesh and collaborates with the CE providers by issuing weighted CE credits to the participants.
Recent and Upcoming Events
Please contact civme@aavmc.org to update CIVME on your regional news and events.
...........8 September 2021
...........29-30 September 2021
...........25-29th October 2021.
...........24-27 October 2021, Online Turkey
..........,04-07 November 2021, Antalya-Turkey
  • International Conference on Veterinary and Agriculture Sciences-ICVALS
...........2021, 5-8 November 2021, Antalya-Turkey
...........11-14 November 2021, North Cyprus
...........9-11 December 2021, İstanbul-Turkey
..........16-19 December 2021, Antalya-Turkey
...........16-19 December 2021, Antalya-Turkey
Media Stories on International Veterinary Medicine
The AAVMC is working hard to create a culture of diversity and inclusion in every dimension of academic veterinary medicine. To foster this goal, the photographs and illustrations which are used in our communications programs are aspirational, and do not necessarily reflect the levels of diversity and inclusion that currently exist.
AAVMC Newsletters

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Sign up for the newsletter of the Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME) here. Read past issues here.
American Association of Veterinary
Medical Colleges

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