Chamber @ A Glance 
News from the J efferson County Chamber of Commerce 

Hello, Chamber Members! 

It's my honor and pleasure to serve as your next Chamber President! I'm excited about enriching the economic well-being of our community by promoting business growth for Jefferson County and engaging our family and friends in community-wide events.  I look forward to leading  the Chamber and making our community a better place to live, work and raise a family. What's better than that?

Kindest regards,

Amy Howard

BRAG's route out of town.
Louisville was ready for BRAG_

Community News and Events
BRAG - BRAG, Bicycle Ride Across Georgia, was a wonderful success! The City, County, Chamber and community worked together seamlessly to host 1000+ visitors in June. Our guests were in awe of our community's beauty and hospitality!

BRAG'S Last Night in Louisville

Touring Bartow
Our first four bicyclists to arrive!

Upcoming Meetings and Events 
Lunch & Learn   

Jefferson County Budget Lunch & Learn ---

Join us as Jefferson County Administrator Adam Brett discusses Jefferson County's 2017-2018 budget and fields questions on this topic that affects us all. This Lunch & Learn is scheduled for  Thursday, July 20 at The Dogwood Cafe at noon

Remember, Lunch & Learns are FREE to Chamber members; non-members may attend for a $15 fee.  

Reserve your spot now!
Call the Chamber at 478-625-8134 or email us at chamberinfo@jeffersoncounty.org if you are able to attend!

Reservations really help the kitchen staff!  

This Lunch & Learn is generously sponsored by:

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce 
Amy Howard, President 
478-625-8134 - office         