September 2023

President's Message


Most of our Chapters are back to meeting in person after a summer break, and it's great to see all the activities and events shown in this issue of the Compatriot.

Many of our CASSAR and SAR Western District officers attended the SAR Leadership and Trustee meeting in Louisville, KY from September 21-23. It is important for our Society to be represented at these meetings, and I appreciate everyone who was able to attend. Our CASSAR Past President, John Dodd, is now the SAR President General and presided over the meeting.

President General John L. Dodd

The proceedings of the Leadership meeting will be posted on the SAR Sharefile webpage, but I will summarize some important points below. In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) is celebrating the impact that Hispanic Compatriots made during the American Revolution. It is vital that that the SAR acknowledges the contributions and sacrifices that were made by Hispanic individuals during the American Revolution. The SAR welcomes as members proven descendants of the Spanish army or colonial militia who served in a presidio or garrison in what is presently the United States of America, as well as those who made a donation, contribution, or served under Gen. Bernardo de Galvez, including participating in the cattle drive from Texas to help feed the Patriots.

The Trustees approved the NSSAR Budget for 2024, which assumes no growth in membership. One of the important issues discussed during the Leadership meeting is the lack of growth in membership the last 5 years, and it was one of the key contributors to the need to increase annual membership dues. We are calling on all Chapters to recruit new members and work diligently to retain existing members. Our SAR Membership Committee has published a Membership Recruitment, Retention and Reinstatement Guide that will assist you at this link:

I urge you to read it and apply it to your chapter.

The California Delegation

Front row:

Brian Stephens, Diane Stephens, PG John Dodd, First Lady Karen Dodd, Janet Brown.

Second row:

Jim Klingler, Kent Gregory, Un Hui Yi, Peter Davenport, Jim Faulkinbury, John Fulwinder, Pam Fulwinder, Matthew Bowdish, VPG Rob Moore, Derek Brown. Not pictured, Brandon Villardi.

The Trustees approved the SAR Mission Statement and recommended that it be included at the beginning of Chapter and State Society meetings: "The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country."

Also, the Trustees approved First Lady Karen Dodd's project of supporting the SAR Outreach Education Program, Donors of $250 or more to the program will receive a special lapel pin.

The SAR Executive Committee approved new medals for PG John Dodd's trip to France in 2024 and for the Boston Tea Party commemoration in December 2023. Also, the Middle School Brochure Contest committee's request to include 3 additional founding documents in the contest was approved.

The Friday evening banquet guest speaker was Postmaster General Louis De Joy, who spoke about the transformation of the U.S. Postal Service. 

PG John Dodd and TG Michael Elston presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to

Postmaster General Louis De Joy.

Finally, please note registration is still open for our 148th CASSAR Fall Board of Managers meeting on November 3-4 aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Please see the link on our CASSAR website to register for that event. I hope to see you there.

Thank you for your service to SAR,

Jim Klingler, President

Welcome New Compatriots


"We will remember our compatriot brothers with thanksgiving."

News from the National Society

NSSAR Public Relations Committee Event Press Kit

Greetings Compatriots! 


         We are entering a busy period for your SAR, with district and state meetings, ceremonies, and commemorations.

As we enter this decade of the 250th Anniversary of the Revolution, not only our members but also the public at large hopefully will look to the SAR’s social media platforms for important patriotic information. I encourage you all to take to social media to spread the word concerning your activities. 


         Please ensure your chapter, state and district websites and any Facebook pages and other social media outlets are current. The Public Relations Committee developed a helpful “event press kit,” including a model press release, available on the SAR website:     

Click Here for Event Press Kit

     Marketing and Public Relations Manager Drew Hight also is available to assist with press releases for larger events. Please share your photos and short videos with him for editing and posting on NSSAR social media sites. Importantly, visit these sites yourself and “follow,” “join” and “subscribe.” This only takes a minute and assists with the algorithms to let others know our sites exist and convey important information. Links are on the NSSAR website and below:

     I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events. Thank you again for service to the SAR.  

John L. Dodd

President General

SAR Member Data Verification Project

The National Society SAR has undertaken a project to publish a Semiquincentennial Membership Directory, due out in 2024.

Please follow the instructions contained in the email to verify your membership data.

For more information about this project, please visit

This project is authorized by the SAR.

Congress Delegates Approve Annual Dues Increase

Annual dues for regular members, CAR transfer members and reinstatements increased from $35 to $50 per year, effective September 1, 2023. National life member dues increased effective August 1, 2023. Other dues categories remain the same.

News from Around the California Society

Eagle Chapter

Eagle Chapter SAR and Luiseno DAR chapters celebrated Constitution Day September 17, 2023 in Temecula, CA

Mother Lode Chapter

From Farmer to Soldier

The story of Henry Drake

At the June 27th chapter meeting, Chancellor Doug Drake shared his story “From Farmer to Soldier”, the story of Henry Drake - a young farmer boy from Massachusetts who was thrust into the realities of the Revolutionary War.

Mother Lode Past President Doug Drake was awarded the SAR Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation of Farm Boy to Soldier at the Mother Lode Chapter meeting in August.

Orange County Chapter

America 250 Minute

Compatriot Dan Casey (pictured below) delivers an America 250 Minute.

His talk was on the Spanish involvement in the Revolutionary War.

Lou Carlson Receives 25-Year Membership Recognition

(L-R) Louis V. Carlson, Orange County Chapter receives the SAR 25-Year membership

pin and certificate from Orange County Chapter President Philip Mitchell.

Redlands Chapter

Flag Certificate

Ben Hobbins (left), Redlands Chapter, Chaplain, Chair Veterans, Flag and County Cmte presents the SAR Flag Certificate to Pam Mikkelsen, California Mayflower Society Inland Empire Governor.

Redwood Empire Chapter


For POW/MIA Day, Bill and Karen Nay, traveled to Mount Battaglia (Italy) to see the Memorial to the 88th Division. It was very humbling to be where many soldiers remains and souls are held for eternity. May they rest in peace.

We always keep POW/MIAs in our thoughts and acknowledge them in many events including POW/MIA day the 3rd Friday of September. Most of the time, these mortal souls are remembered as faceless heroes. We are always amazed the number is nearly 81,000 even to this day.

To put a name and a story to this sacred day, Bill and Karen Nay decided to learn the story about her cousin PVT Ernest P. Jeske. Karen's grandmother was Martha Jeske, Ernest Jeske's Aunt. PVT Jeske entered the Army in Michigan and was assigned to the 88th Infantry "Blue Devils". He was only 19 when he paid the ultimate sacrifice on Mount Battaglia, along with about half of his unit. Many of the soldiers of the 88th Division are part of that 81,000 still MIA.

"The 88th Infantry Division began an assault on the Gothic Line, a German defensive line in Italy that included the high ground of Mount Battaglia. Soldiers with the 760th Tank Battalion and elements of the 88th Infantry Division pushed back the enemy, initially meeting little resistance. German forces eventually retaliated. On September 27, they launched a fierce six-day assault on Allied forces on Mount Battaglia. The 350th Infantry Regiment used every available soldier to repel this attack, including Headquarters administrative personnel but suffered heavy casualties. Despite these losses, the 88th Infantry Division continued its campaign through the North Apennines of Italy, eventually taking Mount Grande and Mount Farnetto on 20 and 22 October, respectively, after 44 days of fighting on the front lines of Italy."

Thank you to PVT Ernest P. Jeske and his many 88th Division Soldiers for helping to Free Italy and the rest of the world.

Sacramento Chapter

Constitution Day Celebration

(L-R) Steve Belden, Jim Faulkinbury, Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost,

David Beach, and Don Littlefield. (photo courtesy of Susan Skinner)

On Sunday, September 17, the Sacramento Chapter (David Beach, Jim Faulkinbury, and Don Littlefield) along with Mother Lode Chapter President Steve Belden, joined with more than 17 other organizations to celebrate Constitution Day at Lions Park, in Folsom. There were games, music, singing, and patriotic speeches. It gave the SAR a great opportunity to share our mission and stories with the members of the public, young and old.

The Sons of the American Revolution Display Table

(L-R) Craig Anderson, David Beach, Jim Faulkinbury

San Diego Chapter

Clairemont Family Day

The San Diego Chapter Color Guard presented the Colors at the annual Clairemont Family Day event at the South Clairemont Park in San Diego. The Color Guard was led by Skip Cox who also sang the National Anthem. We had a booth open during the event alongside the Children of the American Revolution. We were able to discuss SAR with a number of potential new members and made contact with one former member who is interested in reinstatement. We also were contacted by a 5th and 8th grade history teacher who wants to engage her classes in our Poster and Brochure contests. Compatriots that attended on behalf of our Chapter were Skip Cox, Alan Winters, Rob Welch, Gary & Judy Newton, Gene and Claudine Moore and Jim McAdory.

San Diego Chapter Monthly Meeting

San Diego Inducts 5 New Members

(L-R) San Diego Chapter President Peter Fagen, Gene Moore,

Alexander Flores, Joseph Flores, Gregory Flores, Raymond Modregon.

Honorable J. Clifford Wallace

The Honorable J. Clifford Wallace, Senior Judge and Chief Judge Emeritus of the 9th Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals. Judge Wallace delivered the keynote speech on “Improving the Rule of Law in other Countries.

2nd Keynote Speaker

Retired journalist, Martin Kruming (left), gave a presentation on the Global Neighborhood Project. This project serves as a match-maker for communities around the globe.

A special presentation was made to Jesus Benayas, President of the House of Spain. Chapter President Peter Fagen presented Jesus with a “Friend of the Sons of the American Revolution” certificate for his many years of partnering with our Chapter on educational programs.

Inki Welch, President of the House of USA and Hall of Nations, was presented the SAR Good Citizenship Certificate and Medal by Peter Fagen for her years of working with the San Diego Chapter on public displays in Balboa Park.

Sons of Liberty Chapter

Honor Flight Homecoming

Craig Van Doren (center) of Honor Flight Southland receives a check on behalf of Sons

of Liberty Chapter to fund a flight for a Southland Veteran for Mission 16 in October 2023.

Sons of Liberty Compatriots Mark Cross (left) and Bryan Horseman (right).

Sons of Liberty Chapter proudly supports Honor Flight Southland with a financial contribution to support a veteran and with Compatriots Bryan Horseman and Mark Cross flying Mission 16.

Honor Flight is a nationwide network, and Southland is the Southern California member, who flies Veterans of WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam to Washington, DC to view the memorials built in their honor in our nation’s capital. As a non-profit, Honor Flight does fundraising to fly the vets to Washington, DC at no cost to them.

Thomas Jefferson Chapter

George Washington Endowment Fund

The George Washington Endowment Fund (GWEF) was created to establish a permanently restricted fund, the income of which would provide annual funding for support of NSSAR unfunded and underfunded committees and special projects.

George Washington Fellows have elected through their single gift or annual installment payment plan to give a $1000.00 membership donation thereby leaving a patriotic legacy of a lifetime whose perpetual gift never dies and continues to support the SAR in perpetuity.” Becoming a George Washington Fellow is not limited to SAR members. Spouses, children, grandchildren, nephews, and nieces are all eligible.

For more information or to download a brochure please download and complete the fillable form here. Gifts or pledges of $1,000 or more entitle you to be known as a George Washington Fellow. Please consider making a gift or commitment to this program and leave a patriotic legacy for life. Donate Today!

New George Washington Endowment Fund Fellows Inducted

Derek Brown, VPG International District, presents Thomas Jefferson Chapter President Danny L. Shurtz, with the GWEF pin and Certificate.

Derek Brown, VPG International District, presents his son, Compatriot Jeffrey H. Brown, with his GWEF pin and Certificate.

Yosemite Chapter

Honor Flight Color Presentation

(L-R) Randy Dhindsa, Scott Nichols, Jackson Dhindsa, and Jim Riley 

Yosemite Chapter Color Guard presented the Colors at the return flight for the Central Valley Honor Flight at Fresno Air Terminal. Event Was extensively covered by local TV News.

Randy Dhindsa (above left) and Scott Nichols (above right) presented and posted the Colors at Fresno Christian School, Fresno, CA, in front of 350 elementary students, on September 11, in observance of Patriot Day.

John Hendon Awarded the SAR Distinguished Service Medal

(L-R) John Hendon, John’s wife, Christine, Scott Nichols,

Chapter President and Stan Day, Chapter Treasurer. 

Stan Day, Yosemite Chapter Treasurer, honored John Hendon with a Chapter Distinguished Service Medal and Certificate for his role in keeping the Chapter going during a critical period in 2017. He also served as Chapter President from 2018 to 2020 and successfully navigated the Chapter through the Covid pandemic issues. 

SAR Flag Certificate

(L-R) Phil Kraemer, Scott Nichols

Yosemite Chapter President Scott Nichols presented the SAR Flag Certificate to Phil and Kim Kraemer, of Aurora CO, during a visit on August 31.

America 250

PG Manning’s America 250 Daily Minute

If you want to find out how your chapter can be apart of this celebration, contact John Ferris, Chair, America 250 SAR, at .  

The California Society has given over 1200 challenge coins. 

If you would like to order CASSAR Challenge Coins in bulk, contact John Ferris, Chairman CASSAR America 250, at

148th CASSAR Fall Board of Managers Meeting


The Queen Mary

November 3 - November 4

The Harbor Chapter is looking forward to hosting the

148th BOM meeting November 3-4 aboard the iconic RMS Queen Mary.

Meeting Registration Open

Harbor Chapter is accepting registration fees by check AND credit card.

To pay by check, use the form available on the CASSAR website or

register and pay online now using the link below:

 Hotel Reservations are available using the group link below or by calling:

888-217-1153. The Group code is: 1123CASSAR

CASSAR BOM — Hotel Reservations

SAR Education Center and Museum Video

SAR YouTube Channel

Revolutionary War Rarities | Facebook

Revolutionary War Rarities | YouTube

Upcoming Events

  • November 3-4 148th CASSAR BOM Meeting, Long Beach
  • November 10, 2023 Veterans Day
  • December 16, 2023 Wreaths Across America
  • December 16, 2023 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party
  • February 20, 2024 George Washington's Birthday
  • April 19, 2024 250th Anniversary Lexington and Concord
  • April 26-27, 2024 CASSAR Annual Meeting, Burlingame

Youth Protection Training

Every member who participates in SAR programs and interacts with youth under the age of 18, is required to successfully complete SAR Youth Protection Training. Training is online, takes about 20 minutes, and is valid for three years.

Send your certificate of completion to Dan McKelvie:

Important Links

SAR Website

CASSAR Website

SAR Dues and Transaction Fees

California Society Officers


James Klingler

Executive Vice President

Donald B. Littlefield


Vice President South

John Ferris

Vice President North

Randy Dhindsa

Vice President Membership

Scott Whitman


Christopher Cerillo


Kevin Bidenkap


Terry L. Briggs


Michael R. Hirman, Esq.


David Morrow


M. Scott Brooks


Rev. Scott Elliott


Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Investment Fund Trustee


John L. Dodd, Esq.

Investment Fund Trustee


Dr. M. Kent Gregory

Investment Fund Trustee


Stephen R. Renouf

Past President

D. Craig Anderson    

National Trustee

James Klingler

Alternate National Trustee

Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Cyber Scams

If you receive an email, text, or voice mail from a purported Officer or Compatriot seeking any kind of financial transaction, consider it a hoax. Phishing messages are very sophisticated and may include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo, a compatriot's name, or a pseudo SAR email address. Stop Think Verify !!!

From the Editor's Desk

CALL FOR ARTICLES — October 20, 2023 Deadline

Please send news of events and high resolution digital photos to

Don Littlefield at


All photos or or other materials that show or name any

minor under the age of 18

must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.

Click here to download the Release Form

The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.

Editor: Donald B Littlefield