November 2023

President's Message


On November 11th we commemorated Veterans Day, and many of our Compatriots participated in Veterans Day events in their communities. This issue of the Compatriot includes pictures from those events. Veterans Day is intended to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military - living and dead - whether in wartime or peace. The holiday was first observed on November 11, 1919, as Armistice Day in honor of the first anniversary of the end of World War I, which officially ended on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" in 1918. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill proclaiming November 11th as Veterans Day and called upon Americans everywhere to re-dedicate themselves to the cause of peace. Thanks to everyone who participated in a Veterans Day event.


Hopefully, by the time you read this issue of the Compatriot, your Chapter Secretary will be completing your chapter's Reconciliation Report and sending it to State Secretary, Chris Cerillo, with a check for your Chapter members' dues for 2024. If you haven't been contacted by your chapter yet, please call your Chapter Secretary or President to let them know, so you can renew your membership for next year.


As I have noted previously, one the issues the SAR is facing is that our national membership has not grown in the past 5 years. So, in addition to contacting all our current members, the SAR Membership Committee has requested that we contact members of our Chapters who have dropped their membership in the past 5 years. These dropped/inactive members all were interested in joining the SAR at one time, and worked diligently to complete their applications. We believe that contacting them to renew their membership in SAR for next year could be a good way to increase our membership. The Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer all have access to the SAR Membership On-line Database which can be used to generate a report showing the Inactive members of your Chapter. After signing onto the SAR Membership On-line Database, go to Chapter Dashboard, Reports, Inactive Member List and input the date range 2018-2023 to see all the Inactive members in your Chapter for the past 5 years. Now that our Chapters are meeting in person again, these Inactive members may be interested in becoming Active again and will respond by renewing their membership. Please contact them and invite them to re-activate their membership.

As we look forward to December, there are a number of SAR events for everyone to get involved. Our California Society SAR always supports Wreaths Across America events during the holidays where we lay wreaths on Veterans graves to recognize their service. Also, this December 16th will be memorable, because we will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Please plan to attend these events and others during December.

Thank you for your service to SAR,

Jim Klingler, President

Welcome New Compatriots


Ernie McCollough's ancestor was at Jamestown in 1620. His Patriot Ancestor was at Valley Forge. Ernie was a Weatherman in WWII. He loved to fire the Firelocks. Ernie became our Color Guard Commander. He had amazing talents and devotion to our Chapter that will continue to resonate through the years.

(L-R) Rob Welch, Duncan Campbell, Michael Hirman, Skip Cox

Final Service for Earnest McCollough

The San Diego Chapters’ musket team fired a three-round volley at the final service for our late compatriot Earnest Paul McCollough. In addition, our 2005 Chapter President, Will Tisch, played “Amazing Grace” on a bagpipe. A short video from the service can be viewed at:

Gift a Very Special SAR Heirloom

SAR 250th Anniversary

Henry Rifle

Boston Tea Party Edition

In honor of the 250th Anniversary of the Revolution, a special commemorative rifle will be offered annually for the next 10 years, beginning in 2023. Each edition will be offered for approximately 1 year, depicting a different scene from the American Revolution. A portion of the proceeds from each rifle sold go to support the SAR Education Center and Museum in Louisville, Kentucky.

If you are interested in purchasing the 250th Anniversary Henry Rifle - Boston Tea Party Edition, visit your local Cabela's® or Bass Pro Shops® and provide the sales clerk the SKU number: 3815337.

Workshop: Starting A New SAR Application

Navigating SAR Application Challenges: Updates and Insights

Hosted by: David Morrow, CASSAR Genealogist

Description: Dive into a comprehensive Zoom presentation and Q&A session led by the State Genealogist of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Gain a deeper understanding of the prevailing application hurdles experienced throughout the state and stay up-to-date with the latest directives and guidance from the National Office.

This event is tailored for California Chapter Presidents, Chapter Registrars, and Chapter Genealogists, offering valuable knowledge to enhance your chapter's genealogical research and application procedures.

Join us for a dynamic discussion, providing a platform to connect, learn, and engage with fellow SAR leaders in California. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your chapter's effectiveness.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 968 1684

Passcode: kerkG9

California Central Valley

Yosemite Chapter

Central Valley Veterans Day Parade

Background: Fresno County Volunteer Search and Rescue horseback unit

Foreground: Scott Nichols and Jim Riley

(L-R) Jon Russell, Scott Nichols, Randy Dhindsa and Jim Riley

Northern California

Delta Chapter / Silicon Valley

San Jose Veterans Day Parade

(L-R) Jason Giaimo (left of flag - YAPs); Adam Capell (holding flag - Silicon Valley Chapter);

Terry Briggs (peeking from behind SAR flag - Silicon Valley Chapter);

Scott Elliott (with musket - Delta Chapter); John Mansperger (Silicon Valley Chapter)

Accompanied by the Young American Patriots Fife & Drum Corps!

Sacramento Chapter

Folsom Veterans Day Parade

(L-R) Scott Brooks & daughter, Ernie Garcia, Jim Faulkinbury

John Hess, Russ Kaiser, Steve Belden, Don Littlefield

Southern California

Orange County / South Coast

Covenant Christian School’s Veterans Day Celebration

(L-R) Kevin Forrest, John Ferris, Mike Miller, Matt Noell and Scott Whitman.

On November 9th, the Southern California Color Guard presented Colors

at Covenant Christian School’s Veterans Day Celebration.


Redlands Veterans Day Parade

(L-R) Chapter President, Don Boatright; Chapter Secretary, Charlie Frye:

and Chapter Color Guard Commander, John Flippin

San Diego

Balboa Park

(L-R) Rob Welch, Jim McAdory, and Duncan Campbell

San Diego SAR Color Guard presented the Colors

On Saturday, November 11th, Chapter members manned a booth in front of the House of USA and participated in the afternoon Lawn Stage program that honored our veterans. Members present were Michael Hirman, Rob Welch, Jim McAdory, Duncan and Carolyn Campbell. In addition, our Compatriot, Ted Parsons manned the booth next to us for the Military Order of World Wars that co-sponsored the program along with the House of USA. Ted also emceed the afternoon's program.

News from Around the California Society

Delta Chapter

Andrew Herrick McClure and Shane Jacob Beard were inducted as the newest members of the SAR Delta Chapter at the November meeting.

Delta Chapter President Scott Elliott awarded Mel Howell,

the SAR Distinguished Service Medal and Certificate

for his 16 years of faithful service to the Delta Chapter.

Gary Overby and David Beeskam were both awarded the SAR Meritorious Service Medal and Certificate for their contributions to the Delta Chapter.

Harbor Chapter

Thank You For Attending

CASSAR Board of Managers Meeting

Onboard the Queen Mary

The Harbor Chapter is grateful for all the compatriots and guests who helped make the 148th Fall Board of Managers a resounding success. Overwhelmingly, participants responded positively to the uniqueness of the venue onboard the Queen Mary and the professionalism of the program. Commodore Everett Howard was able to provide a rich detailed history of the Queen Mary's exploits to the ninety-two attendees at the Saturday night banquet.

We are also pleased to report that we had a total of seventy-seven BOM registrations and a significant national presence among our attendees. The Public Service luncheon had over 100 attendees as well. 

The BOM takes a great deal of planning to be successful and special thanks needs to be given to CASSAR President Jim Klinger, Brandon & Kelly Villardi, Jim Olds, Kevin Bidenkap, James Gill, Kyle Puro, and Jamie and Harry Bellows for their contributions to these events.



James C. Bunker, PhD

Harbor Chapter President

Redlands Chapter

SAR Flag Certificates Galore

Ben Hobbins, Redlands Chapter, exceeded expectations

in November presenting SAR Flag Certificates

Clockwise from top left: 

Edward Freebette E4 PN3 USN & James Lucchesi, Staff SGt E6

Joseph Mayer, 1st LT USN, Bronze Star w/ V for Valor with Sharon Mayer

(Center) Scott Miller, GS Mayflower Descendants

Al Clayes, Top Gun, USN Ret.

Angel Hererra, Fields of Honor; Cathedral City Police Department;

Redlands Sunshine Rotary

Uriel Velez, US Army Reserves

Riverside Chapter

(L-R) Mark Kramer, Gene Justin, Chapter President Michael Mann, Brian Stephens

Riverside Chapter was well represented at the CASSAR Board of Managers meeting recently held onboard the Queen Mary, Long Beach

Sacramento Chapter

1776 Book Challenge Begins Rollout

Deterding Elementary is first

Past CASSAR and Sacramento Chapter President Craig Anderson presented Gretchen with the first copy of her book selection: Sophia's War that she will use in her classroom.

Gretchen Johnson attended Sacramento's October business meeting and spoke to its members on how important SAR support was to their school.

Past CASSAR President Craig Anderson (far left) and Carl Ahlberg (center)

with Deterding Elementary School teachers

(L-R) Bethany Ellis, Amber Baily, Cory Bridges, and Gretchen Johnson

Deterding Elementary School

As part of the SAR America 250 campaign, September 1, 2023, the Sacramento Chapter “kicked off” its 1776 Book Challenge. The goal is to donate a total of 1776 books to local 5th grade classrooms by the 250th anniversary of the founding of our country. Sacramento is partnering with area teachers to provide classroom sets of books written for 5th grade students that will inspire patriotism and a love of our American Heritage.

A total of 54 teachers will receive classroom sets of 33 books. Each teacher can select the books that they want to use in their classroom. Over the life span of the books, it’s estimated that more than 10,000 students will have the opportunity to learn about their American Heritage.

Due to the generous support of chapter members and others, including local businesses, the Sacramento chapter is already halfway to funding the first 1776 books and is considering expanding its goal to deliver two or more sets of 1776 books to even more schools prior to July 4, 2026. 


Sacramento would be pleased to assist any chapter interested in starting their own 1776 Book Project. Contact: Craig Anderson

Dollar General Donates $1,000 to the 1776 Book Challenge

(L-R) Wyatt Boyer, Larry Brasher, Don Littlefield, Wanda Annis, Omar Elliot,

Craig Anderson, Vincente Ortega, Carl Ahlberg, Jonathan Schaeuffer, Jason Braget

I'm proud to be an American

SAR Door Hangers

As shared at the Board of Managers meeting


Sacramento Chapter has created door hangers to give to patriotic residents who proudly display the American Flag.

SAR members carry these with them and stop to acknowledge residences properly displaying the American Flag. If the resident answers the door, we personally thank them for proudly flying the American Flag, introduce them to the Sons of the American Revolution, and explore if they might be candidate for membership.

The door hangers can be hung throughout the year and ahead of all patriotic dates such as Presidents Day, Flag Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Constitution Day, Veterans Day and Wreaths Across America.

Over twelve hundred door hangers have been hung in the Sacramento area. The cost works out to less than $0.15/ea., including S&H, purchased in bulk.

For more information contact Don Littlefield.

Sacramento Chapter November Meeting

Compatriot John Mohamed Awarded the SAR Medal for Heroism

Sacramento Chapter's newly installed President Jon Wroten (right), presents the SAR Medal for Heroism and Certificate to Compatriot John Mohamed, a Ranger with the Fulton Fulton El Camino Park Police and Rangers. While on patrol last year, Mohamed saw a closed restaurant engulfed in flames on Madison Avenue. After noticing a break in the fencing he decided to check for life and found a man inside. After getting him to safety, Mohamed returned searching for others at great risk to to his own well-being but found none.

Sacramento Donates $500 to the Capitol Society CAR

Susan Broderick, Vice President General, NSDAR, attended the Sacramento Chapter November dinner meeting to thank the Chapter for its $500 donation to the Capitol Society, Children of the American Revolution (CAR).

San Diego Chapter

Honoring our Veterans

The San Diego Chapter held their last meeting of 2023 at the beautiful Coronado Yacht Club. The theme of the meeting was “honoring our veterans” and we had the largest turnout in years with 52 in the room. We were joined by Kathleen Winchester and Michelle Johnson, members of DAR, who presented certificates, pins and challenge coins to our Vietnam era veterans.

CDR John R. Pedrotty, USN (Ret.) delivered the Keynote Speech

(L-R) Gary Newton, Judy Newton, Skip Cox, Alan Winters. Presented by Duncan Campbell.

SAR America 250 Silver Award Recipients

(L-R) Rob Welch, Kathleen Winchester, James Helt and Duncan Campbell

SAR America 250 Bronze Awards were also presented

Chaplain and past President Michael Hirman (left) inducts Dr. Thomas Herrinton.

Gary Newton and Duncan Campbell are to Compatriot Herrington's right

New SAR Member Inducted into the Sand Diego Chapter

Yosemite Chapter

(L-R) Scott Nichols, Karen Walters and on Zoom, Compatriot Stephan Walters

New Member Inducted over Zoom

Stephan Walters was inducted into the SAR Yosemite Chapter via Zoom.

Stephan's mother, Karen Walters, received the new member rosette on behalf of her son, from President Scott Nichols at the November meeting.

Stephan, is currently living in Arizona

America 250 Medals Presented

Yosemite Chapter President Scott Nichols presented the silver SAR America 250 Medal and Certificate to Bill Lee (above) at the November chapter meeting. Also receiving medals (not pictured) were: Jim Riley, Robert Thompson, Jon Russell, and John Hendon.

America 250

Participate in the Boston Tea Party

Did you know there is a way for you to participate in the celebration in Boston on December 16, 2023?

There will be a reenactment of the original Boston Tea Party with tea being thrown overboard into the water.

You can donate loose leaf tea to the event, and in return, you will receive a certificate of participation.

How cool is that? 

Follow the link and not only relive history, but be a part of it.

PG Manning’s America 250 Daily Minute

If you want to find out how your chapter can be apart of this celebration, contact John Ferris, Chair, America 250 SAR, at .  

149th CASSAR Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Burlingame

April 26 & 27, 2024

Hyatt Regency Hotel - Group Room Reservations

$158 / night


SAR Education Center and Museum Video

SAR YouTube Channel

Revolutionary War Rarities | Facebook

Revolutionary War Rarities | YouTube

Upcoming Events

  • December 16, 2023 Wreaths Across America
  • December 16, 2023 250th Anniversary Boston Tea Party
  • February 18, 2024 Massing of the Colors
  • February 20, 2024 George Washington's Birthday
  • April 19, 2024 250th Anniversary Lexington and Concord
  • April 26-27, 2024 CASSAR Annual Meeting, Burlingame

Youth Protection Training

Every member who participates in SAR programs and interacts with youth under the age of 18, is required to successfully complete SAR Youth Protection Training. Training is online, takes about 20 minutes, and is valid for three years.

Send your certificate of completion to Dan McKelvie:

SAR Websites


SAR Foundation

SAR Western District

California Society SAR

SAR Dues and Transaction Fees

California Society Officers


James Klingler

Executive Vice President

Donald B. Littlefield


Vice President South

John Ferris

Vice President North

Randy Dhindsa

Vice President Membership

Scott Whitman


Christopher Cerillo


Kevin Bidenkap


Terry L. Briggs


Michael R. Hirman, Esq.


David Morrow


M. Scott Brooks


Rev. Scott Elliott


Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Investment Fund Trustee


John L. Dodd, Esq.

Investment Fund Trustee


Dr. M. Kent Gregory

Investment Fund Trustee


Stephen R. Renouf

Past President

D. Craig Anderson   

National Trustee

James Klingler

Alternate National Trustee

Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Cyber Scams

If you receive an email, text, or voice mail from a purported Officer or Compatriot seeking any kind of financial transaction, consider it a hoax. Phishing messages are very sophisticated and may include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo, a compatriot's name, or a pseudo SAR email address. Stop Think Verify !!!

From the Editor's Desk

2024 Newsletter Editor

Experienced newsletter editor for editing and writing content for a diverse audience of 1500. Experience with Constant Contact, HubSpot, or Mailchimp, et al., is a plus. In addition, you must be adept at editing photos and other imagery in Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing software. This would be best performed as a single focus, volunteer position.

Contact: Don Littlefield for more details.

CALL FOR ARTICLES — December 20, 2023 Deadline

Please send news of events and high resolution digital photos to

Don Littlefield at


All photos or or other materials that show or name any

minor under the age of 18

must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.

Click here to download the Release Form

The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.

Editor: Donald B Littlefield