News from ADS!
Have a Dahlia Holiday - December 2020
The dahlias are either buried or, dug, divided and stored. My friends in Cleveland enjoyed Hollyhill Kris Kringle (pictured right) this past season. The blooms were very robust and prolific.

In parts of the country were there is no frost, watering should now stop so the plants can dry out. At least that’s what the experts in the Southwest say. There is some dispute whether the tubers need a resting period. I knew a grower near San Diego, who dug, cut, and replanted on the same day.

I will enjoy the hiatus, as long as I clean the work areas in our very small greenhouse. It is not a complete vacation from dahlias though because the commercial sellers have begun to post their 2021 lists on the Internet. The mad rush to order the New Introductions is not for everyone. The premium prices generally hold for only one season, and the quality of the product will vary with geography. Nevertheless, they sell out fast. See the winners from the 2021 new intros here.

If you are interested in a particular type, color or variety, has a database that links more than 2,800 varieties with their sellers. It is a wonderful contribution to the dahlia world.

My copy of The Joy of Dahlias (available from Amazon) arrived. The photography dominates the book and reading it is fun. It is a coffee table book that visitors will enjoy. 
Kristine Albrecht’s new book, Dahlia Breeding for the Farmer-Florist and the Home Gardener A Step by Step Guide to Hybridizing New Dahlia Varieties From Seed, (available on Amazon), is for the gardener who has grown dahlias and wants to learn more. 

Don’t be put off by the length of the title. Few will read it over a weekend. It is better to delve into it by parts that are of interest. A week or two later you will go back and read another section. It is a book to be nibbled rather than swallowed whole.
Just for a little holiday fun we have enclosed some links that look at dahlias from a different perspective (see below).

Peace, Joy, and Health for 2021,

Cute link to see dahlia cupcakes
See a holiday wreath decorated with felt dahlias and dried dahlias.
Learn how to make a dahlia ornament.
Have you heard about Bloemencorso Zundert?