May 9, 2024

Thought for the Week

Every mighty move of the Spirit of God has had its source in the prayer chamber.

~E.M. Bounds~


     Greetings. We had a great service last Sunday. I could powerfully sense the Spirit of God during our worship time and then the extended time of worship at the end of the service was so intimate and refreshing. It was good to see so many people stay for that additional hour of soaking. As I shared on Sunday, we need to keep our eyes upon what God is doing on the earth today and not at what the devil is doing. Revival is happening in places and we are experiencing the beginning of a revival and I want to see that continue and build. The Life Groups have been a big help in connecting us together more and building that spirit of camaraderie. We have seen people touched by the Spirit of God. The worship is much more alive than it has been for years. There is just a hunger being increased in our hearts for more of God. So, let’s keep building on that. Pentecost Sunday is just a week away. Last year on Pentecost Sunday I believe we crossed a line that served as a new beginning for us as a church. And I believe that this Pentecost Sunday will be another acceleration point. In Acts 1, Jesus told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He had been with them for 40 days so that meant that they were in the Upper Room for 10 before Pentecost came. They didn’t just wait with inactivity. They prayed together and worshipped together and fellowshipped together. Today is the 40th day since Easter Sunday so tomorrow begins that 10 day period of waiting. I have encouraged us to do our own kind of waiting during these 10 days. I am calling a fast. I encouraged you to fast meals or a meal if you are able. But you can also fast things that vie for our attention; such as, TV or the internet or the like. Spend extra time in prayer during these ten days. Increase your expectancy for what God wants to do in this season. I believe that there will be a powerful outpouring on Pentecost Sunday for those of us that are anticipating and expecting. Let’s all press in and then watch what God does in us and through us.

       We love being your pastors and experiencing God’s fullness with you. Let’s work together to transform our world.

       Pastor Mike 


Children's ministry is held during the sermon portion of our Sunday Morning service. Children are dismissed to go to Kid's church following worship.

Attention Youth & Young Adults!

Our next meeting will be May 15th.

See Kyle Bonney for more info.

We are to be salt & light in this world. One way to do that is to get involved in what is going on in our communities. As Christians, we must take a stand for righteousness.

To view the information directly from the Maryland Public School website click HERE.

The next School Board Meetings will be held at 5:00pm at the HCPS A.A. Roberty Building:

  • May 20th

If you wish to appear before the board to comment (3 minute time limit), please arrive at 5:30 to complete a public comment form located at the entrance of the Board room.

For information on how to participate in the meeting virtually click HERE.

There are several ways to submit your tithes and offerings even while we are unable to meet in person.

  1. Give through our Mobile App
  2. Give through our online giving platform by clicking this link: GIVE
  3. Mail a check to:
Victorious Faith Fellowship
PO Box 627
Forest Hill, MD 21050

Thank you for continuing to partner with the ministry we do at and through VFF. We are believing that seeds planted in this difficult time will reap an amazing harvest. (Philippians 4:19, Malachi 3:10)
Victorious Faith Fellowship has an account with RightNow Media which means that you can have free access! RightNow Media is the "Netflix" of Christian programming and Bible studies.This is especially great if you have children as they have lots of great kids programming. If you don't already have an account and would like one, please contact Melissa at She will be happy to send you an email invitation.

From tank tops to hoodies, we've got you covered! Designs are available in a variety of colors as well as kids sizes! To order your VFF shirt today click this link.

* Designs will be updated periodically. *


Join us for pre-service prayer in our Roar Room located in the upper left of the sanctuary. 

9:30-9:45 am

This is a time where we are led by the Spirit to focus our affections and attention on the Father's heart for our service. There is freedom in this room and joy is released as we spend time in the Father's presence!

Experience God's Fullness
Transform Your World


To train and equip our generation to demonstrate God's love and power to the world.

Victorious Faith Fellowship

106 Rock Spring Church Road

Forest Hill, MD 21050




You can now watch or listen to our Sunday Sermons on our website, through our app, Rumble or YouTube.

Visit our website
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