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EPA Ports Initiative Newsletter

May 16, 2024

Newsletter Items: 

  • EPA Issues Build America, Buy America (BABA) General Applicability Public Interest Waiver for Clean Ports Program
  • Updated Questions and Answers Document Available Now 
  • Reminder: Incorporating Meaningful Community Engagement into Clean Ports Program Projects 
  • Reminder: Apply for the Clean Ports Program Notices of Funding Opportunities by 11:59 PM on May 28, 2024

EPA Issues Build America, Buy America (BABA) General Applicability Public Interest Waiver

After consideration of public comments and in consultation with federal agency partners, EPA is issuing a targeted, time-limited Public Interest General Applicability Waiver of Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) provisions for certain mobile source equipment purchased under the Clean Ports Program. EPA believes that the limited scope and duration of this proposed waiver incentivizes manufacturers to invest in increasing domestic production capacity, while helping to ensure a sufficient supply of mobile port equipment available for Clean Ports Program projects in the near-term.

The waiver applies to certain Clean Ports Program grantee expenditures for zero emission (ZE) mobile port equipment that meets each of the following criteria:

  • the contracted order date for the equipment is on or before December 31, 2027;
  • the contracted delivery date for the equipment is on or before December 31, 2028;
  • and the equipment is delivered no later than July 1, 2029.
  •  NOTE: yard trucks and ship-to-shore cranes have different timelines than other equipment covered by the domestic content waiver provision. See details in the 55 Percent Domestic Content Waiver Provision section of the waiver.


Applicants to the ZE Technology Deployment Competition should consider these waiver provisions, if applicable, when describing their domestic sourcing implementation plans in the Project Summary section of your workplan (Section 1.a.) and technology availability in the Risk Mitigation section of your workplan (Section 1.d.).

Project-level waivers remain an option for grant recipients should the provisions established by this waiver prove inadequate.

You can view the final waiver on EPA’s BABA Waivers webpage.

You can also view questions and answers about the final waiver on EPA’s Clean Ports Webpage. If you have additional questions about the waiver, please email BABA-OTAQ@epa.gov.  

Key elements of the finalized BABA waiver are as follows:

55% Domestic Content Waiver Provision

The waiver allows Clean Ports Program grantees to purchase certain types of zero-emissions mobile port equipment that does not meet the 55% domestic content BABA requirement.  This equipment must still be manufactured in the United States.

Equipment Covered by the 55% Content Waiver Provision

The following zero-emission mobile port equipment is covered by the 55% domestic content waiver provision described above:

  • Zero emission cranes:
  • Rubber tire gantry cranes
  • Mobile harbor cranes
  • Rail-mounted gantry cranes
  • Automatic stacking cranes
  • Ship-to-shore cranes (note that the domestic content waiver provision for this equipment is more limited than others; please see for more details 55 Percent Domestic Content Waiver Provision section of the waiver)
  • Other zero emission cargo handling equipment (with the exception of equipment types listed below that are excluded from this waiver provision):
  • Bulk cargo handling equipment
  • Containerized cargo handling equipment
  • Straddle Carriers
  • Mobile shore power cable management systems
  • Zero emission class 3-8 vehicles:
  • Drayage trucks
  • Yard trucks (also known as terminal tractors, yard tractors, or yard hostlers)
  • Zero emission locomotives:
  • Switch locomotives
  • Zero emission vessels:
  • Tugboats
  • Push boats
  • Pull boats
  • Ferries


Equipment Excluded from the 55% Content Waiver Provision

The zero-emission cargo handling equipment that are not covered by the waiver of 55% domestic content requirement are:

  • Battery electric (BE) heavy forklifts 36,000lbs 24” & 48” Load Center (L.C.)
  • BE heavy forklifts 55,000lbs 48” L.C.
  • BE heavy forklifts 65,000lbs 48” L.C.
  • BE heavy forklifts 92,500lbs 48” L.C.
  • BE heavy forklifts 100,000lbs 48” L.C.
  • BE loaded top-pick container handler (up to 6-high-stack and 90,000lbs)
  • BE empty side-pick container handler (up to 8-high stack and 20,000lbs)
  • BE reach stacker (up to 5-high stack and 99,000lbs)

Supplemental De Minimis Waiver Provision

EPA is also finalizing a supplemental de minimis waiver provision, which waives BABA compliance requirements for 15 percent (%) of the material costs associated with the purchase of mobile zero emissions port equipment. This provision does not apply to cranes.

EPA’s existing public interest De Minimis waiver allows up to 5% of total project costs to be used on items that are not required to demonstrate compliance with BABA requirements; this existing 5% waiver will remain applicable to the Clean Ports Program. EPA is now also waiving BABA requirements for an additional 15% of the total material costs associated with zero emission mobile port equipment (other than cranes) purchased under the Clean Ports Program that do not meet domestic manufacturing requirements (i.e., are not domestically manufactured and do not meet domestic content requirements for manufactured products).

The EPA encourages grant recipients to seek out domestic suppliers prior to using the supplemental de minimis to maximize the use of domestic equipment.

View the Final Waiver
View Questions and Answers About the Final Waiver

Updated Questions and Answers Document

Available Now

New frequently asked questions were added to the Questions and Answers document on the Clean Ports Program webpage on May 10th. Please review this document to answer any questions about the two Clean Ports Program funding opportunities. Note that many questions are variations of each other so your exact question may not be listed; please look for similar questions.   


The EPA Ports Initiative team will continue to update this document periodically while the NOFOs are open.

View the New Questions and Answers document

Reminder: Incorporating Meaningful Community Engagement into Clean Ports Program Projects

While community groups are not eligible to apply directly for funding, the Clean Ports Program has been designed to ensure that near-port community engagement and equity considerations are key elements of the program. Priority points will be awarded to projects that take place in disadvantaged communities experiencing poor air quality. Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage with local communities to inform their project, and EPA will evaluate applications on the extent and quality of meaningful engagement activities before applying, during the project, and after project completion to ensure that community concerns are considered in proposed projects and beyond.  

Additionally, the Clean Ports Program’s Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition is designed to fund stakeholder collaboration and communications work that is focused on one or more ports’ climate and air quality planning. Eligible expenses for the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition’s stakeholder collaboration and communications work include, but are not limited to: 

  • Creating and supporting a formal structure or process (e.g., advisory groups, committees, series of engagements) to get input from near-port communities and other stakeholders on climate and air quality planning activities. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to: 
  • Staff time 
  • Space rental and virtual platform licenses 
  • Creating and maintaining a website and other outreach and communications materials 
  • Support for community participation, such as stipend for community members to serve as long-term consultants, refreshments, childcare, and translation services 
  • Conflict prevention and resolution services, including consultation and coaching, situation assessment, convening, neutral third-party facilitation, mediation, and training services 
  • Providing trainings and other capacity-building resources to help stakeholders engage effectively in port decision-making, such as a port tour or trainings that provide an overview of port operations and emissions sources (e.g., training based on EPA’s Ports Primer for Communities
  • Conducting community needs and/or environmental justice assessments 
  • Developing a community benefits agreement/plan. Visit the EPA Community-Port Collaboration website for examples.


Meaningful engagement should involve two-way communication between ports and community stakeholders and should be recurring, rather than a one-off event.


EPA’s Ports Initiative developed a Community-Port Collaboration Toolkit targeted at informing both port operators and communities to encourage effective engagement. The toolkit includes an Environmental Justice Primer for Ports, a Ports Primer for Communities, and a Community Action Roadmap.

View the Community-Port Collaboration Toolkit

Apply for the Clean Ports Program Notices of Funding Opportunities by 11:59 PM on May 28, 2024

Applications for the Clean Ports Program’s two Notices of Funding opportunities are open until the application window closes on May 28 at 11:59 PM (ET)


The Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition (approximately $2.8 billion) will fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure to reduce mobile source emissions (criteria pollutants, air toxics, and greenhouse gases) at U.S. ports, delivering cleaner air for communities across the country.  

View the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment NOFO 

The Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition (approximately $150 million) will fund climate and air quality planning activities at U.S. ports; including emissions inventories, strategy analysis, community engagement, and resiliency measure identification, all of which will build the capacity of port stakeholders to continue to reduce pollution and transition to zero-emissions (ZE) operations over time.  

View the Climate and Air Quality Planning NOFO 

Applicants must submit all grant application materials to Grants.gov by: May 28 at 11:59 PM (ET).


For more information, including eligibility information, frequently asked questions, and resources for applicants, please visit the Clean Ports Program webpage

EPA Ports Initiative

For more information on resources and best practices to address diesel emissions at ports, please visit EPA's Ports Initiative website.

Previous newsletters can be found here: EPA Ports Initiative Newsletter | US EPA

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