February 2021 | Issue
News from The Rapides Foundation
CDW Offers Spring Training Schedule
Community Development Works, a program of
The Rapides Foundation, is offering free
skill-building trainings in the form of interactive webinars for Cenla residents and nonprofits. Trainings start March 9.
Applications for CLIP 2021 Cohort Being Accepted
Applications are being accepted for the Central Louisiana Instructional Partnership program
2021 cohort. CLIP is a teacher residency program focusing on developing middle school Math and Science teachers in high-needs schools in Cenla. The deadline to apply is March 30.

Click HERE to register for an information session to be held on Tuesday, March 2 from 6-7pm.
New Program Develops Math Skills in Young Children
The Orchard Foundation has launched a new math literacy program called Math to Build On, that has the goal of preparing kids for kindergarten by helping young children understand math concepts long before they enter a classroom.