Issue # 85 - January 2022
Jan. 15 - Lake Oswego, OR.
Full-Day Workshop
with Terri Daniel
Jan. 14 - 16 - ONLINE
with Olivia Bareham
Jan. 30- ONLINE
A Professional Symposium
(see related story, below)
Feb. 23 - 27 - ONLINE
(see related story, below)
Conference Update!
We're Looking for Volunteers!
Despite the latest Covid variant, we are still going forward with our plans for a live conference in July (though of course that could change, and we could end up virtual again this year). And we are looking for a few good volunteers!
There are several different tasks that volunteers can help with, from advance conference planning to administration and tech support at the live conference. If you're interested, please fill out THIS ONLINE APPLICATION.
And speaking of the conference, our regular earlybird ticket is now available, which saves $50 on general admission. This is the largest discount we'll be offering, so register soon to get this great deal. See related story, below...
Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement and Trauma Support
Join the conversation in our
Join us on January 30!
The Second Annual Symposium on
Death and Bereavement Studies
Six CE Credit Hours Available
The theme for this year's symposium is Positive and Negative Religious Coping, and in this rare learning environment, you'll work interactively with some of today's most respected leaders in death and bereavement studies. Join us for a day of unique content, experiential processes and interactive group exercises covering critical issues not generally addressed in traditional counseling or support group settings.
The content offered in this program is designed for mental health, end-of-life and spiritual care professionals (there are six CE credit hours available), but it also suitable for bereaved individuals.
Near-Death Experiencers Wanted in Virginia
The Virginia Beach chapter of The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is looking for people who've had near-death experiences to tell their stories in person at Saturday meetings throughout 2022. If yo'ure in Virginia Beach (or can travel there), plesae contact Dick Dinges by phone at (757) 575-5729 or via email:
What’s Your Religion?
In U.S., a Common Reply now is “None”
December 14, 2021
"According to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center, this group — commonly known as the “nones” — now constitutes 29% of American adults. That’s up from 23% in 2016 and 19% in 2011... Even in their personal philosophies, America’s nones vary widely, according to a recent poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. For example, 30% say they feel some connection to God or a higher power, and 19% say religion has some importance to them even though they have no religious affiliation.
"About 12% describe themselves as religious and spiritual and 28% as spiritual but not religious. More than half describe themselves as neither.
Nearly 60% of the nones say religion was at least somewhat important to their families when they were growing up, according to the AP-NORC poll. It found that 30% of nones meditate and 26% pray privately at least a few times a month, while smaller numbers consult periodically with a religious or spiritual leader." READ MORE...
Board Members Wanted for
The Child-Friendly Faith Project
The Child-Friendly Faith Project (CFFP) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to share knowledge and build community around the issue of religious child maltreatment, which is defined as any abuse or neglect a child suffers as a result of religious belief, doctrine, or practice.
Click HERE to learn about the organization.
CFFP was founded in 2012 by Janet Heimlich, author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment. CFFP is currently seeking new board members with experience in fundraising, law, accounting, management, human rights advocacy, or media relations. This is an unpaid position that requires about five hours a month of your time.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a board member, please EMAIL
CFFP with a brief description of your interests and qualifications.
Working Through Grief After Divorce
We often think about grief as something that only occurs after a death, but people grieve in many different situations. Grieving is a natural process that follows any loss. Some types of non-death losses would include the loss of identity after becoming an empty nester, loss of community after moving, and, of course, loss of a relationship.
When going through a divorce or ending a significant intimate relationship, grieving allows us to work through the thoughts and feelings that are brought on by the many different losses that come with it. Whether it's working through the physical loss of another person being absent from the home, a loss of security, loss of friendship or companionship, or even financial loss, each needs to be acknowledged and grieved. READ MORE...
Why Are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism?
Illustration by Seb Agresti from The New Yorker, October 22, 2018
"American antipathy for atheism is as old as America. Although many colonists came to this country seeking to practice their own faith freely, they brought with them a notion of religious liberty that extended only to other religions—often only to other denominations of Christianity. From John Locke they inherited the idea that atheists cannot be good citizens and should not be brought into the social contract; in “A Letter Concerning Toleration,” Locke had written, “Those are not at all to be tolerated who deny the being of a God.'" READ MORE...
The Art of Dying to Live
An Exploration of Life, Death, and the Afterlife
Hosted b the Dalai Lama's Cultural Center in the U.S.
ONLINE Feb. 23 - 27, 2022
Dr. Terri Daniel invites you to join her -- and a stellar list of esteemed teachers -- to explore ancient and modern understandings of dying and living through a variety of cultural and spiritual lenses, including Tibetan and Zen Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Judaic, and Shamanic traditions. In this extraordinary conference, you will explore the nature of death as part of life, and compare all visions of possible afterlife experiences from existential to theistic to shamanic. CLICK HERE for details and registration.
Earlybird Prices for the Conference End Feb. 15!
The exclusive discount for our subscribers has ended, but the regular earlybird ticket for The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief is now available, and it's a $50 discount on general admission. This is the only chance you'll have to save that much, so register before Feb. 15 to take advantage of this great offer!
Don't worry... if it turns out that Covid forces us to cancel the conference, all tickets will be fully refunded.