Issue # 83 - November 2021
Nov. 6 - Lake Oswego, OR. LIVE!
with Dr. Terri Daniel and
Joshua DeLorenzo

Nov. 7 - Dec. 19 - ONLINE
with Dr. Terri Daniel


Nov. 12-14 - ONLINE

Dec. 11-12 - ONLINE


Jan. 14 - 16 - ONLINE
with Olivia Bareham


Jan. 30- ONLINE
A Professional Symposium
(see related story, below)


Revamping an established annual conference and re-introducing it as something different is no small task. But it's a labor of love, and we are thrilled to announce that our 2022 conference page is published, and registration is open!


To celebrate the early opening of registration, as a special offer for our newsletter subscribers, we've set up an "exclusive earlybird" ticket that gives you a $75 discount on the live conference.

This is a very limited offer... it ends on December 15, and it's not published on our regular ticket page (because it's for your eyes only). The only way to find it is to go through the back door via THIS UNPUBLISHED LINK. Choose the ticket called "exclusive early bird," and remember, after Dec. 15, you will no longer be able to access it.

In answer toquestions we anticipate you asking,... yes, you can share this link with your friends and family. And yes, if Covid causes a cancellation next year, all live tickets will be refunded.

Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement and Trauma Support
Join the conversation in our
Death, Grief and Belief Facebook Group

Covid and Spirituality: Two Very Different Views
Since the emergence of COVID-19, the Dalai Lama, other senior monks and Buddhist organizations in Asia and worldwide have emphasized that this pandemic calls for meditation, compassion, generosity and gratitude. Such messages reinforce a common view in the West of Buddhism as more philosophy than religion – a spiritual, perhaps, but secular practice associated with mindfulness, happiness and stress reduction. READ MORE...
From the Black Death and AIDS to COVID-19, whenever societies have suffered outbreaks of disease, there have always been those who are quick to seek both religious explanations and solutions. A recent poll of religious Americans found that around two-thirds believe that COVID-19 has been sent by God, as a warning to mankind. The idea that God punishes the wicked with diseases to which the virtuous will be immune exists in many religions READ MORE...
Deathbed Visions: Not Just for the Religious
Image by Charles Santoso
"A deathbed vision (DBV) is a vision or experience that the individual has before dying. It may occur immediately before death or days or even weeks prior. Patients have reported visions of dead family members, religious figures, and/or beautiful scenery. In my own study of these experiences, I found that 57 percent of the visions were of deceased relatives. Those working with the dying report that these experiences have a calming and peaceful effect on the patients and those around them." READ MORE... 
The Weirdest Afterlife Ever
If you've been following us for a while, you may have heard this interview with The How-to-Heretics on our Ask Doctor Death podcast. The Heretics are tentatively scheduled to give a keynote presentation at our upcoming conference, and it inspired us to offer a replay of our extremely entertaining interview for exactly one year ago. LISTEN HERE
Support for Those Struggling with Grief
During the Holiday Season
If you are mourning the death of a loved one or a loss of any kind (including divorce, job loss, pet loss or any major life transition), this twice-monthly online support group offers the opportunity to talk about your loss experience and learn from others in a safe, supportive environment facilitated by a professional grief and trauma counselor.

The group meets online four times during the holiday season (Nov. 7, Nov. 21, Dec. 5 and Dec. 19), and each session will include, in addition to open discussion and sharing, an interactive therapeutic process, such as a guided meditation, mapping exercise or sacred ceremony. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.
Coming in January!
The Second Annual Symposium on
Death and Bereavement Studies

The theme for this year's symposium is Positive and Negative Religious Coping, and in this rare learning environment, you'll work interactively with some of today's most respected leaders in death and bereavement studies. Join us for a day of unique content, experiential processes and interactive group exercises covering critical issues not generally addressed in traditional counseling or support group settings.
The content offered in this program is designed for mental health, end-of-life and spiritual care professionals (there are six CE credit hours available), but it also suitable for bereaved individuals.
Part 2 of Our Tribute to Bishop Spong:
The Terrible Texts of The Bible
As we wrote in last month's newsletter, the late Bishop John Shelby Spong was a rare voice of reason in the Christian world, and his challenges to the church made him a target of hostility, fear, and death threats. His voice will be missed, but you can hear some of what he had say in this eye-opening lecture from 2008, in which he details the "The Terrible Texts of The Bible."
November 12 - 14
The Beautiful Dying Expo
We support The Beautiful Dying Expo, a FREE virtual event where you can take actionable steps and gain the knowledge to plan your final celebration. Learn from experts in diverse fields related to death, dying and bereavement via live and recorded workshops. Register here.
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