Texas Primary Care Consortium Updates

May 16, 2023

11th Annual TPCC Summit

Save the date for November 2-3, 2023, to join us in Houston, TX, at the 11th Annual Texas Primary Care Consortium Summit: Creating Stronger Primary Care Together for a Healthier Texas! The convening will continue in a shared pursuit of improving the health of Texans through accessible, equitable, and coordinated person-centered primary care. Registration will open June 1, 2023.

If you are interested in being a summit sponsor or exhibitor, please visit our website.

Learn more

Primary Care during the 88th Texas Legislative Session

TPCC is continuing to monitor the state of primary care policies in the ongoing 88th legislative session. Follow TPCC on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on relevant legislation and explore our website to learn about our policy priorities for primary care.

Check out the Policy Briefs
Priorities for the 88th Legislative Session

2023 Policy Priorities Webinar Recording

TPCC 2023 Policy Priorities: Advancing Primary Care During the 88th Texas Legislative Session

The value of primary care in Texas has long been overlooked. To ensure Texans can lead their healthiest lives, we identified 2023 policy priorities for the ongoing 88th legislative session. Learn about bills that could affect primary care in Texas, why improving the state’s primary care system is urgent and critical, and how policy changes can improve health across the state in our webinar recording.

Watch recording!

Primary Care Resources

Article | Defining and Enhancing Collaboration Between Community Pharmacists and Primary Care Providers to Improve Medication Safety

A recent study from the University of North Texas exploring the role of collaboration between community pharmacists and primary care physicians.

Blog | How Primary Care Investments Can Advance Equity

A post highlighting how we can rebuild the foundation of our health care system in an equitable way.

Infographic | The Climb to Value-Based Care

An infographic mapping health care industry stakeholders' influence on VBC’s future.

Press Release | HHS To Award $9 Million in Grants to Clinics Designed to Help People with Long COVID

Awards will support multidisciplinary Long COVID clinics to expand access to care, improve the quality of care, and strengthen primary care education and support.

Toolkit | Burnout in Primary Care: Assessing and Addressing it in Your Practice

A resource from AHRQ with helpful information, tools, and strategies to address burnout in your practice.

The Texas Primary Care Consortium is a statewide collaborative initiative with a mission to advance accessible, continuous, and coordinated person-centered care for all Texans led by Texas Medical Home Initiative in partnership with Texas Health Institute.​​
To receive the new weekly public health news brief, updates from Texas Health Institute, TransFORWARD newsletter, or to update which emails you receive from Texas Primary Care Consortium, please click the Update Profile button in the footer of this email.

To learn more about becoming a partner and supporting our work to address the systemic issues of health care inequities, high costs, and lack of access, please click here.

TPCC resources are intended to provide an unfiltered look at the news and resources that affect the stakeholders that are part of the TPCC network. External content does not reflect the official position or views of TPCC or imply its endorsement, promotion of, or agreement with a particular article or viewpoint.
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