Adventure Bible Camp!

Join us Sunday, July 28, August 4 & 11 from

12 PM - 2 PM for Adventure Bible Camp at United Methodist Church!

This camp is for rising 1st-6th graders and is a collaboration between UMCGF, St. Luke and St. David's Episcopal Church. United Methodist Church is at 10 Chapman Lane, in Gales Ferry.

 Register online here.

Contact with any questions or concerns.

Norma Taylor Funeral Services

Funeral Services for Norma Taylor will be on 7/27 at 11am. Lunch will follow in the fellowship hall, all are welcome.

PrideFest Sign Up!

PrideFest signup sheet is available on the Fellowship Bulletin Board for this Sunday for Pride Fest. This is happening on August 10th from 9 am setup, festival starts at 11 am and goes until 5 pm breakdown time. We will have 2 hour shifts for people to be at our site.

July 28th Fundraiser!

The Congregation Council has approved a Fundraiser led by Carson Aberle for the Eagle Scout Project that will be constructed with the Community Garden! Carson will be constructing a walkway to go from the road behind the church up to the Community Garden. 


On July 28th there will be a fundraiser where Carson will collect $ 1.00 in donations and will provide a non-perishable food item to the Ledyard Food Bank for each dollar collected!

Free Produce on August 25

August 25 will be a big day here at St. Luke. We'll wear our bright yellow God's Work Our Hands shirts. The Outreach Team will give away vegetables and fruits donated by our members and friends and harvested from the St. Luke Community Garden. We will ask for donations for ELCA World Hunger. Please plan to make an extra financial gift on August 25 or at any time during August. Please pray for ELCA World Hunger and those they partner with to end hunger in the world.

Care and Share Baskets

We encourage members to share the bounty of their gardens with the community. Care and Share baskets can be found at the base of the alter on Sunday and also on the kitchen island. Deliveries to Gemma Moran are on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Thank you for sharing.  

Looking for Council Member for

Evangelism Ministry

We are looking for a new congregation council member to complete the current year for the Evangelism ministry. For more details please see Fawn or email her at

Handbell Refurbishment

Help us refurbish our handbells!

Women's Group!

The Women’s group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month in Classroom 2.

Drop-ins are always welcome!

An open invitation to female identifying people of all ages, to share their joys and concerns in a supportive environment where they find comfort and strength in Jesus and in one another.

Picnic in the Park every Wednesday!

Join St. Luke members for Picnic in the Park every Wednesday at 11:00 AM at Erickson Park, Gales Ferry. Dig out your chairs and bring them to the park. Pack a snack of your own liking. Directions: from church, 1.5 miles south on Route 12. Right at 1st traffic light onto Military Highway. 1.0 miles to Erickson Park.

Ours is an expandable circle; so, come and join us and get to know your church friends better! Email Bob Erickson at for more information and to confirm location.

RaiseRight Gift Cards

Place your order today to get RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) cards! You pay face value for the cards, but St. Luke receives a percentage of the amount of the card. It’s a win-win! Find Crystal Dame or Pat Robbins, or email for more information.
Donate to St. Luke Online!

Did you know you can donate to St. Luke from the convenience of your own home?

Donating online allows you to choose where your funding goes - handbell refurbishment, the current budget, altar flowers, the building fund, the Sanctuary renovations fund, the memorial fund, and more!

Click here to make a secure donation!
Communion Bread!

Tired of communion wafers? Sign up on the bulletin board to bring bread for communion!

Worship with us!

In-Person and Online!


July 28th, 2024

9:30 AM


Worship will be In-Person AND Live Streamed on our YouTube Channel.

If you are unable to make it, all recordings of the services are kept on the YouTube page for reference.

You can also find the link for live stream posted every Sunday on our

Facebook Page.

St. Luke on YouTube

Upcoming Events

Wed., July 24th

11:00am Picnic in the Park

Thu., June 25th

Fri., June 26th

Sat., June 27th

10:30am Women's Group

11:00am Norma Taylor Funeral Services

Sun., June 28th

9:30am In-person Worship

9:30am Livestream worship

Mon., July 29th

Tue., July 30th

Wed., July 31st

9:00am EmBellish

11:00am Picnic in the Park

Church Office


If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact:

1830 Route 12

Gales Ferry, CT 06335

Phone: 860-464-7897

Fax: 860-464-7742



Pastor Heidi:

Emergency Phone Number:


Summer Office Hours:

T-W 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Th: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Church Calendar

Summer Scroll

In Our Prayers

For healing:

Lisa Burgess

Julie Perkins

Joy Elizabeth (daughter of Patricia Carroll-French)

Werner Staudt

Tammy Nordquist

Brent Weimer (father of Kathleen Bartkowski)

Chip & Sabina Moran

Joan Lambert

Donna (friend of Leigh Sammons)

David Greenstein (Owsley’s son-in-law)

Kathy West

The Boggan Family

Roseanne Going

Mike Wuesthoff

Jim West

Julia Side

Geoff (brother-in-law of Patricia Carroll-French)

Linda Wilkinson

Cori Mackey


Jonathan (Son of Patricia Carroll-French)


Stephanie Lucas

For those who are grieving:

The Family & Friends of

Father Chuck Baker

The Holler Family

For active military:

Joshua Robeson

Daniel Walker

Christian Conrad

Adrian Estrella

Owen Lessing

Martin Wuesthoff

Andy Sammons

Derek Raymond

Patrick Wimmermark

For the homebound and their caregivers:

Bill Kracke

Fred Launer

Pauline Wanner

Bob Chernansky

Jenny Waller

Glenn Rupert

Lynn Minichino

Lynn Tarozzi

For those with other concerns:


Sandy (friend of Patricia Carroll-French)

Paul Roman

Chikumbuso Project

(If you have changes to this list, additions or deletions, call or email the church office at 860-464-7897 or New additions are underlined and at the top of list in each category.)

Upcoming Scripture Readings

Sunday, July 28th

2 Kings 4:42-44

Psalm 145:10-18

Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21

Adult Christian Ed Opportunities

Working Preacher Sermon Brainwave Podcast:
D365 Daily online devotional 
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St Luke Lutheran Church |
1830 Route 12
Gales Ferry, CT 06335-1123