September 4, 2024 View as Webpage

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Creating opportunities for faith in God

to be discovered, renewed and

put into action

Join the Parish Choir!

Are you interested in singing in the choir this year? Music is integral to our ministries of worship and formation. Rehearsals are offered on Sundays after church and/or Thursday evenings. Pitch matching and some prior musical experience is helpful, but you do not need to read music or have a professional voice.

Come together to learn, sing, laugh, and belong. If you’ve been thinking about sharing your musical gifts, please contact Director of Music, Alex Benestelli,, for more information. Rehearsals resume September 12th.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, Sept. 14, 8:00 am, Parish Hall

The Men's Breakfast returns on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 8:00 am.

Rev. Mark will lead a discussion on this month's topic "Images of God."


Celebrating the White Elephant Sale Luncheon

Saturday, Sept. 14, 11:30 am, Parish Hall

All 2024 WES Volunteers are invited to attend the “Celebrating the White Elephant Sale Luncheon. We want to “Thank You” for your hard work and many hours of dedication to the success of this year’s WES. Please come and celebrate your successes.

Please bring an item that you purchased at the WES to share, a story you recall from the WES and a written note stating what went well in your department along with recommendations for future sales.

We look forward to seeing all of you on September 14th and to sharing our individual stories from the WES.

Please RSVP to Lorraine Benton,

by Wednesday September 11.

WES Celebration 2023

SAVE THE DATE—Rally Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 15, after the 10:00 am service

Mark your calendars for this festive occasion, where we celebrate the return of a new full church season of ministry, outreach, formation, and programming. There’ll be the Vestry-led BBQ, activities for the kids, the return of the St. James Choir at the 10am service, and our annual Ministry Fair—all following the 10am


Children & Youth

Sunday, Sept. 8, 10:00 am

  • All children + youth meet at 10:00 am for worship.
  • Children's Chapel (4k-5th grades) leave after the Gospel reading for our last Summer Psalm study, craft, and feast in the Godly Play Room.
  • Nursery/Family room (0-3 years) open 9:45-11:45 for story, craft, and feast.
  • Youth Group (6th-12th grades) meet in the Courtyard after the service for Youth Group with soda and snacks. We will start on our "Transforming Questions" discussion picked out by the youth. 

Get Ready for a New Adult Formation Season

Sept. 22, Oct.13, Nov.10 & 17, 9:00 am, Parish Hall

How do I help a loved one who is grieving? Why do bad things happen to good people? How do we make sense of a chaotic and unpredictable world?

The Formation Hour returns with a four-week study of the biblical character of Job. The series will follow Richard Rohr’s book Job and the Mystery of Suffering.

Rohr will help us see how Job’s story is not only about suffering and pain, but also about restoration and joy.

The series will be led by Rev. Abby, Rev. Mark, and Teresa Hixson. All are welcome to join.

Celebrations of Giving (or Pimm's Parties)

September 21 & 27, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Rectory

Once again we are having our annual "Celebrations of Giving" or Pimm's Parties at the Rectory. All who have participated in the financial life of the church will be receiving an invitation in the mail. The festivities will all be taking place outdoors in the rectory's beautiful garden. Please RSVP to by selecting one of the dates above and saying how many will be in your party. THANK YOU!

Congregational Meetings

Sunday, Sept. 29, after the 8:00 and 10:00 services

There will be two congregational meetings on September 29th. One will be after the 8:00 am service, the other will follow the 10:00 am service. These are important meetings when the new Mission Action Plan, on which the Vestry have been working for several months, will be shared. Please do come if you can, it is important that everyone has the chance to not only hear about plans for the future, but also has the chance to comment and offer feedback. Mark

Youth Broomball!

Friday, Sept. 20, 11:45 pm - Sept. 21, 1:00 am

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to share an evening of fun and laughter with young people from around the diocese. 

Please rsvp to by filling out THIS FORM as soon as possible to secure your spot. Space is limited and is first come, first serve!

  • What: Broomball! (Think ice hockey with sneakers instead of skates and brooms instead of sticks.)
  • Where: UTC Ice Rink
  • When: September 20th @ 11:45 p.m.- September 21st @1:00 a.m.
  • Who: Youth in grades 6-12
  • Cost: $10 per person

Sunday Sermon

Sunday, Sept. 1

Following Jesus

Like the Pharisees, the Rev. Abby VanderBrug is a great one for to-do lists. She’s got them for everything, except for how to follow Jesus. For that, she looks to her favorite part of the liturgy, when we all turn and face the gospel. In so doing, we say yet again, “yes Lord, we will follow. Show us the way.”

Watch or read the sermon HERE.

Community Events

BIG TABLE Eats Around the World 2024

Monday, Sept. 9, Catamaran Resort Hotel

An annual favorite, this tasty evening benefits BIG TABLE, one of our long-time outreach partners, who serves the needs of San Diego Hospitality Industry employees in crisis. This chef-driven evening will transport your tastebuds to the exquisite cuisine from this year’s featured countries: ITALY and MOROCCO! Live music, fantastic raffle, silent and live auctions. Tickets and more

information available at

Bodhi Tree Concerts Returns to St. James with a Kurt Weill Cabaret

Saturday, Sept. 21, 7:00 pm. Parish Hall

Journey through the remarkable music of Kurt Weill in the Parish Hall transformed into the dark world of a Weimar cabaret. Experience well known songs, such as 'Mack the Knife' and 'Alabama Song', as well as not so well known - yet equally brilliant. All bound to surprise, delight, and take us back to a time in history, that we cannot repeat. Art imitates life imitates art. The concert features vocalists Tzytle Steinman, Danielle Perrault, Jonathan Nussman, and Walter DuMelle, with pianist Yewon Lee and accordionist Mark Danisovszky. For tickets and more information: Concert to benefit The Monarch School.

New Online Bible Course - For Smarties!

Begins Monday, Sept. 9, for 12 weeks

You’ve heard of The Bible for Dummies. Now, introducing The Bible … for Smarties! A chance to explore and learn about the Bible without dumbing it down. Going beyond your typical Bible Study, this seminar will be a university-level academic class focused on Nurturing Students towards a Nuanced, Critical Interpretation and Sophisticated Understanding of the Texts of the Bible. Dr. David Moseley will be the Instructor for this upcoming online course-offering which will be the first in a two-year cycle of classes covering the whole Bible in four semester classes. 

This fall, there will be a 12-week class on Christian Scriptures 1 (focused on the Historical Jesus and his World as portrayed in the Four Gospels ), starting on Monday 9th September.  For more information, click on this LINK [to the PDF Syllabus & Schedule] and email Dr. Moseley ( [Video Recordings of all the classes from Hebrew Scriptures 1 and 2, Christian Scriptures 2, and a preliminary short course on Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation), are also available.

Service Times


  • Noon Eucharist Service, 12:00 pm


  • Holy Eucharist, 8:00 am
  • Choral Eucharist, 10:00 am


  • Noon Eucharist Service, 12:00 pm

Links to St. James Online

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