Evangelizing the South for Unitarian Universalism
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Mid July, 2014       

Kenn Hurto


A message from the Rev. Kenneth Gordon Hurto,
UUA Southern Region Congregational Life Staff



Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

The New Colossus, 1883;  Emma Lazarus (1849-87)


In her 2012 UUA GA Ware lecture in Phoenix, NPR journalist Maria Hinojosa spoke movingly of "two Americas," one which moved about freely and another always in fear of being detained, harassed, or arrested because of color or accent. A Mexican born American, she noted having a New York drivers license was not sufficient to prove her citizenship. She then asked the assembled whether we felt the need to bring our passports to travel to Arizona.


A line stayed with me: No human being is illegal.  

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Stewardship Blog
One Thousand Points of Light
or a Mighty Grid of Connections?

Reflections from UUA General Assembly 2014
By Bill Clontz, UUA Stewardship Consultant

This year's General Assembly is now in the history books, and a fine one it was. A record number of workshops (including one co-hosted by yours truly), a healthy turnout, and an air of transition, as many long time leaders at various levels of the UUA are retiring or ending elected service about now.

One of the best things about GA is that it encourages, almost forces, us all to get out of our shell and think about the broader meaning of being a UU beyond our campus, experiencing being in community with thousands of other UUs. It's a lesson we can apply in stewardship as well.

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Regional News
New Resource for Lay Leaders

The Presidents Convocations were held last weekend, and we're gearing up for our flagship leadership experiences, SUULE and DBLE, in August. The Southern Region staff is focused on curating resources and making connections for our lay leaders. We have a new website tailored for new congregation presidents and board members:

SWUUSI July 20-25

Join us for our annual all-ages summer camp on Fort Gibson Lake in Oklahoma. Fun on the lake, golf-course, and trails will complement spiritual growth with theme speaker, Rev. Meg Barnhouse, and artist in residence, Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley. We have only a few rooms left. Register today!

More info and registration details 
It's not too late! GIFT payments for 2013/14:

In the event, your congregation was running a bit behind on your UUA GIFT commitment, please note that Gifts for FY2014 received in the Annual Program Fund lockbox by 7/25/2014 will be credited to your congregation's FY2013/2014 GIFT pledge.  Any payment should include the congregation's 4 digit ID, and indicate that the payment is intended for FY2014. That mailing address is:

UUA/Annual Program Fund
PO BOX 843153
Boston, MA 02284-3153

With great appreciation for our congregation's support of the larger ministry, your Southern Region leadership says, "Thank you!"
Other News
Make the Call to Support the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The UU Service Committee and Equual Access are working together to rally support for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  This international treaty, modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act, would bring greater legal protections to persons living with disabilities, including children, people who lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and others whose rights are being denied.


Through July, the hotline set up by the UUSC will give people instant access to the office of one of their senators.  The link below will take you to their website which includes the phone number, a sample message that people can leave, a draft newsletter notice and draft order of service insert for use by congregations, and more.


The US Senate will vote on ratification of this treaty soon.  Let's speak up for the rights of people with disabilities.   

UU Outreach Endowment: Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church is ready to accept grant proposals for 2014 from its UU Outreach Endowment. Click here to learn more or apply. 
Service Learning trip to Haiti: UU Fellowship of Marion County (in collaboration with the UU College of Social Justice) is opening its November 1-8 Haitian service-learning trip to UUs in the Southern Region. Participants will work with members of the Papaye Peasant Movement (MPP) to build new homes and contribute to sustainability and agricultural initiatives. Click here for more information. 
Staff Openings and Ministers' News
Denton UU Fellowship (TX) seeks a full-time Director of Lifespan Religious Education. Click here to learn more or apply.

The UU Fellowship of Clemson (SC) will ordain Eve Morgan Stevens
on 21 September at 2:00 PM.
News from Districts, Clusters and Congregations
October 31 - November 1, Arkansas Cluster meeting, UU Village Church, Hot Springs Village

July 25-28,

Sistersong event: "Standing Our Ground: Raising Our Voices against Reproductive Oppression and Violence Against Women," Jacksonville. Click here for more information. 


July 25-27, OWL Facilitator training for age levels K-1/4-6, Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville.  Cost: $250.00.  Register here. For questions about the training, please call Sunnie Baber 904.392.8179  


October 11, Southeast Cluster, Treasure Coast UU Society, Stuart


October 18, Central Cluster, Mosaic UUs, Orange City


November 15, West Coast Cluster, Manatee UUF, Bradenton  

North Carolina
September 6, Boone UU Fellowship, cluster gathering with Kathy McGowan, details will be announced soon

October 11-12
, UCONCI annual meeting, Shelter Neck Camp, Burgaw

October 29-31, OWL training for middle and high school levels at Piedmont UU Church in Charlotte. Details here.
North and South Carolina
October 18, Western Carolinas Cluster, fall gathering, UUC Asheville.  See and post this save-the-date FLYER.
November 8-15, Dr. Mark Hicks is teaching a class that will explicitly explore how the theory and practice of faith formation can promote the ongoing development of multi-racial, multicultural and theologically diverse congregations and communities in Tulsa.  The class will be offered Sunday, November 8 to Friday, November 14 at All Souls Church, Unitarian and Church of the RestorationSee this FLYER.
Southwestern Conference


August 15-17, UU Multiracial Family Camp, UBarU retreat center, see this FLYER and REGISTRATION link.  November 7-9, Fall Harvest, GlenLake Conference Center, Glen Rose, TX


November 13-15, "Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation," Dallas 


October 19, Oak Ridge UU Church will dedicate its new building.


January 23-24, East Tennessee Cluster - "Beloved Conversations," Dr. Mark Hicks,Tennessee Valley UUC, Knoxville  


August 9, Red River UU Church in Denison will host "Wide Awake Worship," presented by Dr. Christine Tata. If your congregation is transforming worship in search of a fresher, deeper experience on Sunday morning, learn more or sign up here. 

Dates to Note
We have moved this section of the newsletter to our events page on the Southern Region website.
Serving Our Southern Region


Our Congregational Life Staff:

Our Administrators:

All team members are available to help congregational leaders in the Region. Please contact your congregation's First Contact, or any other staff person, when you need help.

Do you have an event, photo, or story you would like to share through this newsletter or on our website? Please send it to our IT Specialist, Christine Purcell (cpurcell@uua.org).
Southern Region of the UUA | 877-216-2986 | PO Box 560246 Orlando, FL 32856-0246
southernregion@uua.org | http://www.uuasouthernregion.org 
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