San Mateo County Harbor District

news & updates



James B. Pruett

General Manager

San Mateo County Harbor District

(650) 583-4962

Summer 2022

Board Meeting Highlights

View the Latest Agenda

Final Budget

The Final 2022/23 Operating Budget and Five-Year CIP was approved on June 15, 2022.

Master Plan Cover Page.png

Master Plan

The 2022/2023 Master Plan dated March 2022 has been approved. It focuses on the priorities of the District and the community, and reflects ongoing and planned capital improvement projects. This Master Plan was considered in the 2022/2023 Budget development.

All San Mateo County Harbor District ‐ Slip and Account Holders

Please see the instructions included on how to register for our new Online Payment Website. You will need your new account number from your last bill (format example: 01‐1234567‐001) and your last payment amount. Please contact our offices if you need assistance with determining your last payment amount.  

You may access our online payment website at the following:

The Harbor District is Putting the Beach Back into

Surfer's "Beach"!

Since construction of the breakwater in 1961 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Surfer’s "Beach" has experienced a significant amount of beach and bluff erosion. The purpose of the project is to dredge the navigable areas of the outer harbor to improve navigational safety within Pillar Point Harbor. As a significant benefit of the project, the clean material dredged from the outer harbor will be placed on the northern end of Surfer's "Beach", by restoring sandy beach areas using dredged material from navigable areas of Pillar Point Harbor, including the boat launch ramp.  

Another benefit of the dredge project will be the establishment of eelgrass beds in Pillar Point Harbor as part of a Harbor Wide Eelgrass Management and Mitigation Plan.

What is Eelgrass?

Eelgrass provides essential fish habiitat and is an important part of the ecosystem, providing foraging areas and shelter to young fish and invertebrates, food for migratory waterfowl and sea turtles, and spawning surfaces for species such as the Pacific herring.

West Trail Project

We are proud to announce that major construction is completed. Planting will begin in October when the rainy season starts.Thank you for your patience during this construction. 


Recreational salmon fishing is open from June 23, 2022 - October 31, 2022. The daily bag possession limits 2 salmon of any species except coho, with a minimum size limit of 20 inches total length. For more information push this link or call the Ocean Salmon Regulations Hotline at (707) 576-3429

Launch Ramps are Open and Charter Boats are Running

Yearly launch ramp passes are also available and can be used at both locations.

Charter Boats Are Running

Want to go Fishing?

Check out our list of Businesses

Pillar Point Harbor and

Oyster Point Marina

Pacific Halibut Fishery Opened May 1

Recreational Pacific halibut fishery opened on May 1, 2022 and will remain open until November 15th, or until the quota is reached.

Changes to Sport Groundfish Regulations Coming in 2023

In response to recent scientific information suggesting some nearshore groundfish species are in decline, significant changes to California’s groundfish sport fishing regulations are expected next year, To reduce pressure on these stocks, fishing seasons will be shorter in nearshore waters, but new opportunities in deeper water are anticipated.

Read the whole story

Call the Fish Line

Rates Increased July 1, 2022

Rates increased on July 1, 2022. For slip holders, you will see the increase on your July Statement. Push here for new rates.


Pillar Point Harbor Retail Center ADA Restroom

Plans and permitting are completed and EVRA Construction Inc. was found to be the lowest qualified bidder at $749,800. You will see construction in the near future.

Pillar Point Harbor RV Park Restroom and Greenspace

Construction Invitation for Bids were solicited, bid opening has been extended until August 11, 2022. In addition to the $298k PCA grant already approved, the Coastal Conservancy approved a grant award for $212k.This project also includes 2 electric vehicle charging stations.

Did you ever wonder why

its called Johnson Pier?

Johnson Pier was named after Sigval Bernardt Johnson who was born in 1886 in Whitehall, Michigan. He enlisted in The Coast Guard in 1904 at the age of 18. His specialty was in life-saving stations. He joined as a surfman and worked his way up through the ranks. In 1937, Admiral Johnson was transferred to San Francisco and placed in charge of all Coast Guard actions along the coast from the Oregon border to Point Arguello, California.   He retired from active duty in 1946. He was active in forming the San Mateo County Board of Harbor Commissioners. He also served three terms on the Coastside Elementary School District board of trustees in Moss Beach, California. Admiral Johnson died on January 25, 1968 at the age of 81.

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