Member News
Welcome New Web Members
Richard Christie
Patrick Wilson
Bharti Solanki
Brandon Kuchta
Tim White
Gabor Nagy
Jaime Gonzalez
Ken Dove
Carin Luna-Ostaseski
Stephen Kirkish
Ernest Blake
Brian Stretch
Knute FIsher
Philip Massoud
Steve Isaacs
Adrian Vogt
Russell Whitney
Austin Mader-Clark
Joerg Liebelt
Pop Quiz
A fun monthly
knowledge test.
Herb Patten
1. An air mass is a large body of air with
a. Uniform temperature
b. Uniform Humidity
c. Consistent Clouds
d. Precipitation
2) Which of the following is a classification of an air mass
a. Continental Artic
b. Continental Tropical
c. Tropical Polar
d. Maritime Polar
e. Mid-latitude westerlies
3) True or False: The boundary between two different air masses is called a wave cyclone.
(answers are at the bottom)
Events & Trips
The Fleet
C182 - Glass Panel
N123TZ - $228/hr
N182EE - $234/hr
N9894E - $195/hr
N236SP - $165/hr
N21591 - $165/hr
N996RA - $154/hr
N2370F - $154/hr
N111RK - $125/hr
N530CA - $129/hr
N5369H - $121/hr
Piper Warrior
N91338 - $139/hr
Piper Saratoga
N349MA - $345/hr
Cessna Centurion 210
N210VV - $350/hr
Beechcraft Baron
N169SP - $395/hr
(member prices shown)
Contact Us
Front Desk
(650) 946-1700
Reddit Group
Newsletter Ideas?
newsletter@sancarlosflight. com
655 Skyway Rd
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070
Pop Quiz Answers
1. A and B 2. A, B, and D
3. False
Stay Informed
What Should You Expect When We Re-Open?
Soon we will re-open. Currently the State of California and the County of San Mateo both have restrictions on non-essential activities. Through the combination of increase in testing, the reduction in the number of new cases of COVID-19, and stabilization of the demand for hospital services we will see an easing of the restrictions to allow some non-essential flying club activities. Here are some things you can expect when the Flight Center re-opens and again becomes a part of your weekly adventures.
Social distancing will remain a precaution for some time, even after State and County orders are eased. SCFC will initially not hold group meetings or events, but 1-on-1 instruction and airplane rental will resume. While in the past, the Flight Center was the local hub of airport activity, often seeing as many 50 people or more involved in various activities in the office at one time, in the first stage of re-opening the Flight Center offices will be open only to SCFC members and staff and there will be a limit on the number of people allowed in at one time (based on the number of individual offices and training space available while social distancing). Anyone entering the office will be expected to attest to the absence of illness or symptoms, and may be subjected to some simple screening procedures.
We expect this to be happening soon, in weeks rather than months.
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SCFC's Cleaning Procedures
San Carlos Flight Center has always held that the pilot in command has ultimate responsibility for the safety of the flight. Although we set very high standards for members, we trust our pilots to exercise good judgment and make decisions to protect themselves, their passengers, and their fellow club members. SCFC will provide cleaning wipes in the airplanes and will make reasonable efforts to reduce the use of shared equipment, but it will be the pilot's responsibility to ensure that the aircraft is safe for each flight and returned as clean as it was found. Use of PPE and decisions about who may come along as passengers will be at the discretion of the SCFC member pilot.
Shared equipment like our loaner headsets, view-limiting devices, and seat cushions will no longer be available on a flight-by-flight basis. That equipment can be checked out to a single pilot for a two-month period. Pilots who rely on loaner equipment can acquire equipment from the San Carlos Aviation Supply, located in the airport terminal building. Discounts are offered to SCFC members.
You can expect a change to the airplane dispatch procedure and modification to the airplane keybooks to minimize the shared contact. The keys and the airplane itself will be the only items of shared equipment, The Flight Center will clean both on a regular basis. Content previously found in the keybooks will be available on our website. Members will email photos of the starting and ending Hobbs and Tach times to the front desk, instead of writing in a physical log sheet.
SCFC takes the threat to our public health seriously, and when the State and County begin to allow non-essential activity, we will be ready.
Worried About Losing Flight Coordination? Try Chair Flying
While you may not be able to take to the skies at this time, you are able to keep your skills sharp by chair flying. Chair flying is the process of mentally simulating maneuvers, procedures, and emergencies at home. This technique is used by airline pilots in order to keep their skills intact despite not flying every day. It also allows you to develop flows and normalize the operations in the cockpit.
Chair flying is best done in a quiet area at home. Pull out all the gear you'd normally go flying with, sans the aircraft, and run through various cockpit procedures. Run through procedures using both the checklist (which can be found in the members-only section of our website) and without, and see how many items you can do from memory. Involve your family by having them surprise you with cockpit failures and emergencies. Doing this will allow you to be ready to step into the cockpit again after the pandemic is over.
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ADS-B Flight IDs Standardized
It is well past January 2020 and ADS-B Out is now required. The SCFC fleet was well ahead of the deadline. We are now taking advantage of the benefits of ADS-B, but we also need to be aware of a new requirement associated with ADS-B.
ADS-B Out broadcasts several things including location, altitude, and flight ID. It is the Flight ID that you should be aware of. Typically, the Flight ID is that airplane's tail number. In the case of the SCFC fleet, the flight ID has been configured to be the Bay Flight call sign. For example, N6198N is Bay Flight 30. That means N6198N actually broadcasts BYF30 and not N6198N. Single digit Bay Flight callsigns have no leading zero, so Bay Flight 6 is BYF6. If you are flying under a flight plan, e.g. IFR, the filed flight plan aircraft identification must match the ADS-B Flight ID. If it doesn't, a Call Sign Mis-Match (CSMM) is generated and ATC automation may not associate the airplane with the filed flight plan. So remember to use the appropriate BYFnn identification in your flight plans. The correct information for completed flight plan fields can be found in the ICAO Flight Plan Info section for the airplane under the Meet the Fleet section of the website.
If you are flying under a flight plan, e.g. IFR, the filed flight plan aircraft identification must match the ADS-B Flight ID. If it doesn't, a Call Sign Mis-Match (CSMM) is generated and ATC automation may not associate the airplane with the filed flight plan. So remember to use the appropriate BYFnn identification in your flight plans. The correct information for completed flight plan fields can be found in the ICAO Flight Plan Info section for the airplane under the Meet the Fleet section of the website.
Community |
Member Profile: Andres Kohn
hen did you start flying
I got my private pilot's license in 1995 just before moving to the bay area, flying a 152 with no GPS (gasp!). I could no longer afford flying on a grad student budget, and ended up taking a 16 year hiatus - and have logged over 500 hours since 2012, mostly on N21591 first as a renter and then as an owner.
SCFC: What inspired you to own your own airplane?
The biggest driver was the flexibility to go where I wanted, on my schedule - Overnight trips to visit mom, week long trips through Oregon and Washington, spur of the moment lunch runs to SBP.
What was the last really memorable trip you went on in your plane?
In 2018 I moved up to a Cessna 206, giving me more flexibility in my mission. A great recent trip was flying to Utah to go camping, with a route over Yosemite on the way back, while taking advantage of on-board Oxygen.
SCFC: How does it feel to have your airplane as part of a flying club?
It is great to have N21591 helping teach the next generation of pilots. I feel like a proud father when I hear a confident voice (or shaky one) say "Bay Flight 21" on a KSQL frequency.
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Ground Instructor Office Hours - Mx Logbooks
Got a tough question for a ground instructor? Ground Instructor Office Hours are every Saturday 9am-11am, and feature open Q&A chat session via Zoom with one of the SCFC Ground Instructors. This is your chance to get some help with any topic from private pilot training. No cost to participate. Bring a question or just watch the answers to other students' questions. This Saturday's topic area is Maintenance Logbooks. Email for the Zoom meeting password and join the session by clicking here.
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Thank You San Carlos Community! Upwind Auction Success!
The Upwind Foundation awards scholarships to high school juniors that provides ground and flight training toward their private pilot airplane certificate during the summer. This year, there are four scholarship recipients. These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of the San Carlos aviation community.
One source of funding comes from the silent auction that is conducted during the annual Wine & Cheese event. The Wine & Cheese event draws a large group of supporters that in the excitement of the moment become very generous when bidding on aviation auction items. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that silent auction had to be conducted entirely online. It was a big unknown how an entirely online auction would work. Well, we can proudly report it was a great success! The online auction concluded the evening of April 30th with a frenzy of last-minute bidding. The auction raised over $17,000 toward our goal of $48,000. Thank you to all those that supported the auction!
Colorado Mountain Flying - July 1st - 5th
Each year an armada of FlyOutGroup airplanes departs the Bay Area bound for a fun and amazing mountain flying adventure!
This year we head back to Colorado for some awesome Rocky Mountain flying. We will take the northern route through Utah, landing at the Class B KSLC for an overnight stay in Salt Lake City. Day two and three will be flying in the Rockies and landing at challenging high elevation airports like Canyonlands (KCNY home of Arches National Park), Glenwood Springs (KGWS), Aspen (KASE), Leadville (KLXV) and Telluride (KTEX). Day Four we will travel west near Four Corners then across Monument Valley and then overfly the Grand Canyon en route to Las Vegas.
The trip is a great opportunity to complete your G1000 avionics or airplane-specific checkout and earn your high performance endorsement. Each plane will have 1 CFI and 2 pilots on board. Your registration fee is a $200 deposit and event fee is your CFI daily rate and aircraft flight hours. With two pilots per CFI and aircraft, the daily rate is halved between you and whomever you fly with to get mountain flying experience.
It promises to be an unforgettable flying adventure with plenty of room for ground-based fun as well. Visit the SCFC website for hotel information or to register for the event.
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We keep our online calendar updated, so bookmark this page: