Member News
Welcome New Web Members
Bryson Young
Ambrus Csaszar
Robert hartigan
Kristen McIntyre
Mike Dowler
Eric Stuffmann
Richard Christie
Pop Quiz
A fun monthly
knowledge test.
Herb Patten
1) What do you do before and after flight?
Enter Hobbs and tach in key book
Call the office for assistance
2) Where are the key book contents?
Microchip attached to the keys
3) What changed with SCFC's currency?
a) All flights must be with a
b) Temporary 60-day
c) No changes were made
(answers are at the bottom)
SCFC Events and Safety Seminars
Jun 3 (Wed) 7:00 pm Destination: Columbia
Jun 6 (Sat) 12:00 pm How Good Instructors Become Great Instructors
Jun 10 (Wed) 7:00 pm Let a Geologist Take You on a Bay Tour
Jun 13 (Sat) 12:00 pm Seattle and the pacific Northwest
Jun 17 (Wed) 7:00 pm IFR Circle to Land Procedures
The Fleet
C182 - Glass Panel
N123TZ - $228/hr
N182EE - $234/hr
N9894E - $195/hr
N236SP - $165/hr
N21591 - $165/hr
N996RA - $154/hr
N2370F - $154/hr
N111RK - $125/hr
N530CA - $129/hr
N5369H - $121/hr
Piper Warrior
N91338 - $139/hr
Piper Saratoga
N349MA - $345/hr
Beechcraft Baron
N169SP - $395/hr
(member prices shown)
Contact Us
Front Desk
(650) 946-1700
Reddit Group
Newsletter Ideas?
newsletter@sancarlosflight. com
655 Skyway Rd
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070
Pop Quiz Answers
1. a 2. b
3. b
Stay Informed


SCFC is Open for Member Aircraft Rentals Again
The County of San Mateo has relaxed their guidelines in response to improving COVID-19 outlooks. San Carlos Flight Center opened to allow member rental of club aircraft on March 20th. The fleet has returned to the skies, and many of our members have already begun the process of re-acclimating to the demands of being Pilot in Command.
As of Thursday, June 4th, the Flight Center has opened the office to members. The current office hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Airplane keys will be at the front desk during office hours and night lockbox for after hours flights.
All members should view the "SCFC Member Meeting: Re-opening" video on the website in the Seminar Video Archive. In it you'll find the new procedures in place to protect members, staff, and aircraft during this interim period. For after-hours flight, continue to email with your name, the airplane ID, and images of the starting Hobbs and tach BEFORE your flight. Then again, at the end of your flight.
We hope dual instruction flights will receive blessing from the County and State soon, as we have many students eager to return to training.
With Crosswind Landings, It's All in the Fundamentals
It's great to hit all three landing goals: parallel, over the centerline, and touching down with the nose wheel protected. But throw in a medium to strong crosswind and some pilots get confused.
The goals for a pilot landing in a crosswind remain the same, regardless of the addition of a wind trying to drift you off the runway. First, ensure that the wheels and fuselage are parallel to the runway and direction of motion using rudders. Second, establish and hold a bank angle that holds the aircraft over the runway centerline. And third, flare until you are in nose-high landing attitude.
The challenge of a crosswind is that it may take positive, active control imputs to hold the plane stable. To improve your crosswind ability, try to focus on the airplane's attitude and position, and not on the position of the flight controls. This is something that can be made apparent in simulator training.
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SCFC's Cleaning Procedures
San Carlos Flight Center wants you to be safe during your flights, so we have taken the following steps to sanitize airplanes: We will provide disinfecting wipes for pilot use in the lockbox. These wipes are packaged for single use in liquid-tight plastic bags. Take a package and use it before or after your flight. We also have our staff regularly clean and disinfect airplanes throughout the week.
It is important that correct materials be used to avoid damaging airplane interiors and avionics. Please do not bring or use your own over-the-counter wipes containing disinfectants such as bleach (sodium hypochlorite) or dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride. These will damage airplane interiors, airplane windows, and avionics screens. We ask that you not use cleaning wipes, including those provided by SCFC, on avionics. The flight line is cleaning the plane and including the avionics. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the pilot in command to provide a safe environment for one's self and one's passengers, including
all health authority guidelines. Depending on the occupants,
this might include face masks and gloves. We have found that headset
boom microphones can be worn underneath face masks.
As our staff gains experience with safe and effective cleaning
materials and processes, SCFC will offer more or alternative cleaning
products in the lockbox, along with guidance about how to use them.
Thank you for helping us keep our members safe and our fleet in tip-
top shape.
Community |
Member Profile: Keith Goldberg
What did you do while you weren't flying?
I tried to stay fresh using the AOPA website and Pilot Tip of the Week. I also watched FAA safety seminars on the Flight Center website and read about flying.
: What was different about that first flight back?
I had the traffic pattern to myself for 45 minutes. It was great! I took it slow even though I wasn't that far out of currency. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it came back to me.
What inspired you to become a pilot?
I grew up wanting to fly the space shuttle, but with my need for glasses that was not going to happen. In turn that led me to start flying.
What was the last really memorable trip you went on?
Flying in Tahoe has always been memorable. Going through the mountains, making a left turn and seeing the lake, It's always breathtaking.
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San Carlos's Aviation Supply Shop Remains Open
San Carlos Aviation & Supply remains open as an essential business throughout the current situation. However, given that less people are flying, the store has seen a fall in sales. As one of the few remaining pilot shops in the Bay Area (and the only one on our airport!), it is important that San Carlos Aviation and Supply keeps their doors open.
If you are looking to get new sectional charts, a new headset, checklists, or more, check out the Aviation Supply shop in the terminal building. Likewise, the store also has FAA textbooks available, so if you're taking advantage of the stay-at-home order to get ahead on a new rating, feel free to pick up the textbooks at the shop. Finally, Aviation Supply can also order items that you may need that aren't in stock.
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Upwind thanks the SQL Aviation Community!
Thank you to all those that have supported the Upwind Foundation through your generous donations. We have had outstanding involvement from the aviation community and thank all those that donated items to the Upwind auction and for all of you that bid on those items. The Upwind Foundation is close to reaching our 2020 fundraising goal of $48,000. If you have not had a chance to donate this year, you can donate online here.
This year the Upwind Foundation awarded four scholarships to high school juniors. What's next for these four worthy students? They have already completed 8 weeks of online ground school. This last Sunday, May 31st, they attended the pre-summer "Launch" event where they were briefed on the schedule of training for this summer. Flight training is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 8th (health order dependent) and continue for nine-weeks. Their daily schedule begins at 9:00 am with an hour briefing, followed by a combination of flights, self-study, and a group ground school. They end their day at 5:00 pm. If you see them around the Flight Center, offer them words of encouragement!
Bay Area Airport Scavenger - June 12 - 15
With summer starting soon, on
June 12th to 15th we are encouraging
all pilots to take part in this Bay Area Airport Scavenger Hunt. This hunt will consist of landing and takeoffs from SQL, PAO, RHV, LVK, CCR, OAK and HWD. In order to become a valid pilot of this hunt you have to submit your tail number to us so we can confirm that you went to all seven airports on FlightAware. Also we will be giving extra points for pilots that land and taxi back at CCR; as a caution
beware of the new CCR airspace. If you are interested in joining us you can sign up
, good luck everyone!
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Sunset Over California - July 7
FOG is coming back and it is time to regain that night currency as we fly to Half Moon Bay and tailgate at a safe distance on the ramp with lawn chairs and BYO snacks to watch the sunset. If Half Moon Bay has
poor weather our alternate airport will be Nut Tree. Afterwards, as we head home you have the opportunity
to renew your night currency. If you are interested you can sign up here, hope to see you guys all out there.
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Operation Columbia - August 3
On August 3rd, Each airplane will fly to Columbia and take selfies next to the predetermined attractions as well as take an individually determined "selfie of the day at Columbia". The photos will be then posted on the web for voting by members of the trip for: The Best Columbia Attraction Selfie and The Best Colu
mbia Selfie of the Day. Winners will earn that special pride knowing they were "The Best at Something". If you are interested in join this competition you can sign up
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We keep our online calendar updated, so bookmark this page: