News from STRIDE
Spring 2018
In This Issue
STRIDE Partners

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University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI)
512 Weil Hall 
PO Box 116580 
Gainesville, FL 32611-6580 

Ph: 352.294-7803
Fax: 352.846-1699


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Active Research Projects
The STRIDE Center is a 2016 USDOT Region 4 (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) grantee focusing on congestion. During its first year of operation, the STRIDE Center set its sights on 10 research projects that address several aspects of mitigating congestion. These projects focus on one or more of the following research thrusts: 1) Technology Effects and Opportunities; 2) Operations and Management; 3) Design; 4) Data; and 5) Users. To view a list of these projects,  click here.
Congratulations to Les Brown, Student of the Year for 2018!
Les Brown is the STRIDE Center's Student of the Year for 2018. The award was presented to him during the 27th Annual Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) Awards Banquet held in January during the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C. Les was a master's student in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Florida working with Dr. Ruth Steiner. His research focused on the Influence of Transit Accessibility on the Use of Transportation Network Company Services in New York City. Les is now a Senior Associate at ICF in Washington, D.C.
Spotlight on STRIDE Students
Read about three students affiliated with the STRIDE Center from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Lindsay Braun); Georgia Institute of Technology (Calvin Clark); and North Carolina State University (Shaoib Samadar). [Read more]
Technology Transfer 
3rd Transportation Engineering Education Workshop. Register Now. Space is Limited!
The 3rd Transportation Engineering Education Workshop  will be held May 22-23, 2018, at the Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center in Auburn, Ala. This workshop will bring together transportation faculty to learn best practices in engineering education and to develop activities for their classes. The workshop is also a great networking opportunity to meet others in the field. The STRIDE Center is one of the sponsors of this event. Register at: For more information, contact Dr. Rod Turochy at . Space is limited!
STRIDE Hosted UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region
The 2017 UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region was hosted at the University of Florida on November 16-17, 2017.  More than 200 students, faculty and other transportation professionals attended the event which showcased podium presentations and posters in the areas of Infrastructure, Operations, Safety, Aviation, Multimodal,Traveler Issues, Transit, Planning, Design, Freight, and Energy Issues.The conference featured a student competition for posters and podium presentations, an autonomous and connected vehicles demonstration, and a state DOT panel. View the conference website for images from the event and more. [conference website]
Distinguished Seminar Speakers Hosted at UFTI/STRIDE
Greg Winfree and Elise Miller-Hooks
Mr. Greg Winfree, Director of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and Dr. Elise Miller-Hooks of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at George Mason University were invited to speak at the University of Florida Transportation Institute's (UFTI) STRIDE Center in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. Both seminars were live webcast. 

To view a recording of Mr. Winfree's live webcast seminar titled "Recalculating...Connected Autonomous Vehicles? It's Time for an Intellectual Reset", click here

To view a recording of Dr. Elise Miller-Hooks' live webcast seminar titled "Multi-Hazard Resilience Quantification in Transportation Systems and the Societal Functions They Support", click here.
GaTech's Transportation Camp South
An "unconference"  was held at the Georgia Institute of Technology campus on February 24, 2018, to generate discussions on topics of interest related to transportation. An unconference is an event that is programmed and led by attendees, and the agenda is set the day of the conference; participants propose the sessions. The conference was organized by Dr. Kari Watkins with funding from the STRIDE Center.  [Read more]
K-12/Workforce Development
STRIDE Partners Engage in K-12 Events across the Southeast
There's been plenty of activity in the STRIDE consortium related to introducing young children, girls and high school students to transportation engineering as a career. Learn about how Jackson State University, The Citadel and the University of Alabama at Birmingham are reaching out K-12 students and teaching them about transportation engineering. [ Read more]
STEM Education Resources on Traffic Safety Available from IIHS in the Classroom
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has released  a free STEM education/traffic safety website that provides access to videos, demonstrations, and teacher-developed, classroom-tested activities aligned to the latest national standards to bring crash safety STEM applications to grade 5-12 classrooms. Developed by the IIHS, along with Dr. Griff Jones and a team of web page designers/educators from the University of Florida, this is a resource worth exploring. For more information, visit
Other News 
Events, Honors, Awards & More!

From a student driven ITE Student Leadership Summit to a WTS hosted Symposium on Smart Cities to accolades received by faculty and students across the STRIDE consortium, there's plenty to report on. Read more about the many accomplishments related to the STRIDE Center's partners. [Read more]
Southeastern Transportation, Research, Innovation, Development & Education Center
(University of Florida Transportation Institute)
512 Weil Hall 
P.O. Box 116580 
Gainesville, FL 32611-6580 
Phone:  352.294.7803