The Rhode Island Library Association
is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout
Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
The hot days of summer are here...it's good thing we have so many nice, cool libraries to visit! And thanks to a strong, wide-reaching effort, an increase in Grant-in-Aid funding was approved for libraries across the state, hopefully bringing bigger and better things in our futures!
Summer is the time for fun---are you looking for something different to do? Check out our article below on Placing Literatures, a program linking book settings to their real-world places. Or if you have kids or teens in your life, we have a sampling below of creative programs librarians around the state are offering.
Even though summer at the library can be busy, be sure to take some time to enjoy the summer! Fall will be here before you know it!
Andria Tieman Michney & Brandi Fong RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
President's Corner
We did it! One of RILA's big goals for this year was to focus on the reinstatement of full funding of the Grant-in-Aid (GIA) formula for public libraries with the Fiscal Year 2017 State Budget. By rallying library advocates, RILA pushed hard for this, and the General Assembly passed a budget that was signed by Governor Gina Raimondo that provides an additional $900,000 for the GIA program. While this was not the full amount needed to allow the program to provide amounts reflecting 25% of the municipal expenditure in each community from two fiscal years previous as required under
RIGL 29-6, these additional monies result in the program being funded at 23.65% of local appropriations and expenditures, as opposed to the original proposal of level funding, which would have resulted in 21.17%.
I would like to personally thank Eileen Dyer of Providence Community Libraries and Eileen Socha of the East Providence Public Library for all of their hard work on this issue as co-chairs of the Legislative Action Committee. They along with committee member Ed Garcia of the Cranston Public Library and Library Board of Rhode Island Chairman Tom Vial, we had a strong team dedicated to coordinating RILA's efforts in providing testimony at State House hearings, an op-ed piece in the Providence Journal that was co-signed by 44 Boards of Library Trustees in 36 communities and an effort to have city and town councils pass resolutions in support of the funding. This latter effort resulted in resolutions being passed in 23 of Rhode Island's 39 communities. This can be seen in
map of council resolutions, which can be found on our website. Thanks must also be given to previous RILA presidents Laura Marlane and Jenifer Bond who also pushed hard for this measure during their leadership. As Karen Mellor stated in her announcement of the GIA funding increase to the library community, this "is proof once again that when the library community bands together, people listen."
On a sad note, I must announce that Eileen Dyer and Eileen Socha are stepping down as chairs of the co-chairs of the Legislative Action Committee. Each have dedicated a number of years to evaluating important legislation at the State House to see how it would affect the library community in RI and helped mold RILA responses. Don't worry! Eileen Dyer will be staying on with the committee to assist Ed Garcia, who will be taking on one of the now-open co-chair positions. Please feel free to contact
Ed or
myself if you are interested in joining the committee or being the other co-chair to further this important work.
Similarly, RILA is looking for a new liaison to represent us at the regular meeting of the Coalition of Library Advocates. This important partner organization meets monthly, and our liaison helps keep RILA informed of the happenings of COLA while also helping us with coordinating activities and programs that are presented jointly. Feel free to contact
me for more information or if you would like to take on this very important role!
I would also like to thank the Conference Committee for presenting a conference that seemed to go over very well with the membership. We are recruiting more members to fill out the ranks to help in preparing for the next conference. Co-Chair
Melissa Chiavaroli of Cumberland is looking for both regular members as well as a new co-chair to help lead the planning process. Please feel to reach out to her or
myself if you are interested in becoming part of the team.
Finally, RILA is investigating the possibility of beginning a Digital Literacy Round Table that will help us present programs and explore the topic much in the same way that we have started to do so with Information Literacy and Financial Literacy. Three RILA members have stepped forward to help steer this Round Table as we explore the possibility and see if there is enough interest. They included Catherine Damiani of the East Providence Public Library and Corrie MacDonald and Katherine Boden, both of the Cranston Public Library. They are currently working on a possible charge for the roundtable as well as some goals. In order for the roundtable to come into existence, we will need 20 members to lend their support toward its creation and express some interest in bringing it into existence.
Drop me an email if you would like to do so.
Placing Literature
By Megan Black
Research and Education Librarian, Providence College
I read
Time Traveler's Wife my senior year of college. I was living in Chicago at the time where parts of the book takes place. I have a distinct memory of reading a passage that takes place in a bar on Belmont Ave and freaking out, "OH MY GOD, I know that place!!!" Subsequent passages took place on the street where I worked or other stomping grounds, and I was equally excited. There are other books where I had similar reactions due shared experience in a story's setting. Those feelings of excitement and connectedness stay with me, long after I've forgotten plot details and characters.
Several years later I met Andrew Williams at his book reading in New Haven, CT. I loved that his book,
Learning to Haight , took place in real-life San Francisco, and we shared our love reading novels that transport the reader to real settings because it add that extra layer of connectedness. He told me about a project he and two friends were working on to map scenes from novels that take place in the real world.
The idea had come to him after mapping scenes from his own book using Google maps, "I had more than 1,000 views in 24 hours." To get the project going, Andrew and his sister-in-law, Kathleen Colin Williams who is a PhD candidate in in the Department of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, applied for and received the Reintegrate Grant through the Arts Council of Greater New Haven in 2012. The funds are intended to encourage scientists and artists to collaborate on research projects. Andrew and Kathleen spent the next six months researching the role of place in novels that were set in New Haven, CT; San Francisco, CA; and Duluth, MN. Andrew's friend Steven Young joined the group to create an online platform to map the books. They realized that they had created a unique project that was perfect for crowd-sourcing, and
Placing Literature was formally launched at New Haven, CT's International Arts and Ideas Festival in 2013. Since then, more than 3,000 places have been mapped by readers, authors, and librarians.
The site has featured authors and allows users to explore the map by author, title, or place. It's a great way to find literature that is set in a place you love or about to visit, or to map out travel destinations based on where your favorite author has set characters. Anyone with a Google login is able to add to the map.
There was only one place in Rhode Island mapped when I set out to write this article, which was the McFagan & McFagan Funeral Home from
Waking the Merrow by Heather Rigney. There is a fair amount of literature that takes place in our beloved state, so I set out to add some additional places. I found two lists of books that take place in Rhode Island: Warwick Public Library's "
Fiction Set in RI" list, and
list of books.
I read
The Amazing Adventures of John Smith, Jr. aka Houdini by retired Providence College professor Peter Johnson (a delightful YA book if you're interested). It takes place on the East Side, and while generic areas of Hope Street are mentioned, the zoo is the only specific place named that could be mapped.
Source: placingliterature.com |
It's much easier to map locations after doing a location search from the "Explore" box at the top of the landing page. This way, you're able to zoom in and move the pin if Google doesn't originally place it in the right spot. Once you're on the map page, click "Add Scene." A pin will appear on the map, which you can drag to the exact location, and you're prompted to fill out information about the scene: title; author; what happens in the scene; where the scene takes place; etc. Click submit, and your scene is added. If you make a mistake (like not moving the pin to the appropriate location, like I did...) you can send an email, and they respond fairly quickly.
Source: placingliterature.com |
Andrew, Kathleen, and Steven continue working to improve and promote Placing Literature. When I spoke to Andrew most recently, I asked him if he'd be interested in presenting on the project at libraries in Rhode Island. The short answer is yes, but the longer answer is much more interesting that a regular presentation. "I started an author speaking series at the New Haven Free Public Library called Get Lit in New Haven. A group of literary cartographers gets together to read and map a book set in New Haven. The author comes to do a reading and answer questions about setting a novel in the city. We had two events last year, and we are now going to do one per quarter," and he said he'd love to work with RI librarians to help create similar programs here.
Placing Literature is an easy way to bring out the literary cartographer in all of us.
Better Know a Librarian: Ingvi Thor Kormaksson at the Reykjavik City Library
By Elliott Stevens
Research and Education Librarian, Providence College
As soon as I arrived in Reykjavik, the first thing I did was eat blueberry pancakes with skyr (a kind of Icelandic yogurt) on top of them.
Feeling fortified, I next went to the big City Library on Tryggvagata, hoping to meet and interview a librarian.
The Reykjavik City Library is five-stories tall and covered with windows that bring in plenty of natural light. (And that's a lot of light because, during the summer months, Iceland gets twenty-four hours of sun.)
As I wandered around inside the library, aside from the usual books, newspapers, magazines, and computers, I spied an impressive collection of vinyl records. There were also captivating pieces of art, like an obelisk made out of bolted-together books.
Wandering further and walking up some winding stairs, I soon found myself in the Museum of Photography, which is housed in the library's top floor. The museum has archived millions of photographs (by both amateurs and professionals) and features an exhibition space that has shown the work of artists like Henri Cartier-Bresson and Viggo Mortensen. During my visit, the exhibition was of mesmerizing photographs depicting Iceland's remote western fjords and the people who inhabit them.
After I checked out the photography museum and made my way down again to one of the library's lower floors, I noticed someone who I assumed was a librarian sitting behind a reference desk.
I introduced myself to this person, and he responded by giving me his name: Ingvi. As it turned out, Ingvi is the most experienced librarian at the Reykjavik city branch, and he was happy to speak with me about his work and interests.
Ingvi said that he has both a bachelor's and master's degree in library science. While he was in library school, he first started working at smaller branch libraries, but he always knew he wanted to be someplace bigger.
"I knew I wanted to work only at the city library," he told me. "I didn't want to be the director of a small library."
In terms of what drew him to the profession, Ingvi said that he's always loved the challenge of research and that he also came to enjoy the intricacies of collection development. At the Reykjavik City Library, aside from his reference duties, Ingvi is in charge of collections, and after having rambled around the library, poking around in its stacks and record bins, I could see that in that role he's conscientious, creative, and responsive.
Next, I asked Ingvi about programming at the Reykjavik City Library.
"I run two book clubs," he told me. He said that in one of them, they read crime novels and discuss them.
Speaking about crime fiction, Ingvi became animated. He suddenly pushed his glasses, which had been closer to the tip of his nose, up to his eyes.
He told me that, in fact, he had written a crime novel.
"But it's not a simple police-procedural," he said. "Its about an ordinary person, someone who is a carpenter and a musician. He's pulled into strange situations and murder."
In addition to his novel, Ingvi shared that he's written a collection of short stories and has translated Whiskey's Children, which is an American's memoir about family alcoholism, into Icelandic.
Joking around, I asked Ingvi if he has any other talents, and he next revealed that he's a musician, too. He plays multiple instruments in jazz bands and has recorded many albums. Thinking back to all the music I noticed in the Reykjavik library, I figured that Ingvi must draw on his own personal musical experiences to develop and enrich the collection for patrons.
Finally, I asked Ingvi about how librarianship is changing or if there are any developments in the field that he's tracking.
"The public libraries in Denmark are wonderful," he said, "particularly the Aarhus Library." He told me that he had gone to a conference about the success of public libraries in that country and how well funded they are from their government.
"They'll have seven hundred people in their library by the morning," Ingvi said. "There's always something going on everywhere and for everyone."
I thanked Ingvi for his time, but before I left, he asked me to wait for a second. He went to an office and came back with an album that he'd recorded, one of jazz that has lyrics sung in English, Portuguese, and Icelandic on it. I didn't listen to the album until I got back to Providence and put it on in my car. Now, as I drive around Rhode Island, I can't help but remember Iceland and its most talented librarian.
Summer Reading:
Kids and Teen Events Around the State
By Brandi Fong
Youth and Teen Services, South Kingstown Public Library
Summer reading is in full swing this year, and there are a lot of libraries doing great things! Here are just a few highlights shared by librarians from around the state.
Chris Goldstein, Woonsockett Public Library:
I would say one of the highlights is something that has both already happened and will also happen soon.
On Tuesday, July 5th we had Big Nazo come to our library and do a great program that promoting the Kids Reading Across Rhode Island Book, Roller Girl.
They did a craft making foam helmets that the kids could assemble and decorate. Kids that attended the program were given free copies of Roller Girl (Provided by OLIS and RI Center for the Book) and bookmarks and flyers advertising our upcoming Roller Girl Book Discussion on Tuesday July 19th 2-3 p.m.
Lisa Sheley, Jamestown Public Library:
"I'm really excited to be hosting an accomplished juggler on Tuesday, August 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Henry the Juggler is known to cause spontaneous outbursts of laughter. He speaks little, but says a great deal through his expression and body language (and road signs!). He has in his possession balls, clubs, rings, torches and other apparatus of his trade. He is capable of changing his height through the use of stilts, and walking on a thin wire high above the ground. This program is intended for children ages 5 and up and should be a real crowd-pleaser!"
Monica Brennan, Narragansett Public Library:
The true highlight of the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library Summer Reading Program was our visit from Wally... the green monster mascot for the Boston Red Sox. Wally spent nearly two hours signing autographs and taking selfies with patrons! The visit from Wally kicked off our Summer Reading and we all had a blast. Most important, Wally signed up for our Summer Reading Program, but I suspect he might be too busy to attend our other Summer Reading events!
Colleen Lecomte, Newport Public Library:
We are so excited to offer the teens Real Life: Pac Man for our teens this summer! It has been a hit across the country, and the amount of time and effort to coordinate and plan will be worth the excitement of playing. One of our themes this summer has been based around larger than life gaming, so bringing such a classic from the small video screen to larger-than-life will be memorable!
Tanya Paglia, Barrington Public Library:
I am excited for our live reading of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on August 1st, the day after its release! Grades 6 through 12 are invited to read on the stage (which is perfect since the book is in play format). The first ten teens to sign up will be given a free copy of the book, thanks to the Friends of the Barrington Library.
I can't wait to see how it all unfolds since we know so little about the content of the play!
Bob Aspri, HELIN Executive Director, Retires
By Ruth E. Souto
Systems and Services Manager
HELIN Library Consortium
HELIN. It is an acronym, an entity, a group of libraries and, most importantly, it is people. Of all the librarians and staff of which HELIN is comprised, no one is more deserving of retirement recognition than Bob Aspri.
A native Rhode Islander, Bob has worked in libraries since 1973 and earned his MLIS from URI in 1977. Throughout his career, he was employed in every aspect of libraries: Head of Cataloging; Head of Circulation; Head of Acquisitions and Technical Services; Head of Reference and Bibliographic Instruction; and database and collection development. With the exception of a short stint at the Naval Underwater Systems Center's library in Newport, Bob has either worked in or for a HELIN library throughout his nearly 40 year career as a librarian.
HELIN was formed in 1984 by URI, RIC and CCRI as a partnership of collaboration and resource sharing. Bob was poised to become an active participant, having just transitioned from Head of Circulation at URI to Head of Circulation at CCRI. As the new consortium began to develop and a search for an automated system was underway, Bob served as an integral part of this process.
In 1994, Bob became the first Systems Librarian for the HELIN Consortium and, in 2000, became its first and only Executive Director. In this capacity, he wrote and received numerous grants benefiting the Consortium including a $236,000 grant to create a consortium-wide shared digital repository. Working with OLIS and the Ocean State Libraries, he was instrumental in bringing the AskRI statewide databases to Rhode Island. Bob was also the underlying influence for the Rhode Island statewide catalog, which began with discussions in 2005 and came to fruition in 2015.
Throughout his expansive career, Bob has received many accolades for his outstanding service to the library community. A few of his most recent achievements include:
- 2011 - Honored by the leadership of Johnson and Wales University for his "dedication, leadership and commitment" to the Johnson and Wales University libraries as the HELIN Executive Director;
- 2012 - Honored as the Distinguished Alumni of the Year by the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Studies;
- 2015 - Recipient of the Rhode Island Coalition of Library Advocates (COLA) Sweetheart of the Year Award.
On June 30, 2016, Bob Aspri retired. His invaluable knowledge and experience are but two of his many influences that allowed HELIN to thrive as the solid representation of a dedicated consortium. Throughout Rhode Island's library community he was a resource, an inspiration, a leader and a friend. We gratefully thank Bob for his exceptional dedication and wish him a fulfilling retirement.
News From the Field
Providence Community Library
Providence Community Library (PCL) has appointed Jeffrey Cannell, MLS, as its new Library Director. He will bring strategic vision to PCL, act as chief spokesperson and advocate of the Library at city, state and national levels and lead the organization's 65 staff.
Cannell was most recently Deputy Commissioner of Cultural Education at New York State Education Department, supervising the statewide distribution of $150 million in local assistance to libraries, library systems and archival organizations, as well as the coordination of cultural and educational programming initiatives across New York State. Prior to that, he served as Director of Albany Public Library, where he applied creativity and new ideas to the management of a main library, five branches, and a bookmobile. Cannell has held management positions also at the Wayne County Public Library in Goldsboro, N.C., the Cumberland County Public Library in Fayetteville, N.C. and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Cannell has been deeply involved in library associations in the past and he plans to continue the habit in the ocean state. "It's critical that library associations such as RILA develop strong messages to advocate the importance of libraries" said Cannell. "I'm a passionate believer that libraries change lives and I am here to help PCL succeed."
Cranston Public Library
On Friday, June 3, representatives from Library Journal and LibraryAware presented Cranston Public Library and the City of Cranston with the LibraryAware Community Award. Guest speakers included Senator Jack Reed, Congressman Jim Langevin, and Mayor Allan Fung.
This national award, given by Library Journal and underwritten by LibraryAware™ (a product of the NoveList division of EBSCO Information Services), recognizes model communities that engage with their libraries to improve the lives of their citizens and create life-long learners and library users.
The award comes with a $5,000 prize, which the library has dedicated to future outreach, marketing, and public relations projects. Other winners include the Louisville Free Public Library in Kentucky, who received first place; and the Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library and the Queens Public Library, who entered jointly and took second place.
Cranston Public Library to Extend William Hall Library Hours
Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce the addition of morning hours at the William Hall Library beginning June 20, 2016. The library location will now open two hours earlier, two days a week. The William Hall Library is the third Cranston Public Library location to see additional service hours within the past year.
Providence Public Library
The Providence Public Library has launched a new FREE 'Learn to Code' initiative called "Rhode Coders Club". This is a weekly gathering of adultswho interested in what this "Coding Thing" is all about.
This is geared toward
adults (18+) that have NO coding experience
. The club is framed as an exploratory experience, more than a structured in-depth coding course.
The club meets every Wednesday night from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and started on Wednesday (6/15/16) at the Providence Public Library (5th floor classroom). The club is designed as an open group, so members can jump in at any point and won't be lost. Each week has a brief lesson on a coding topic, followed by individualized and group coding activities.
Members will be working on coding projects individually and in groups. Members are not required to attend every week, but we would like to see them attend most Wednesday nights.
Please spread the word about the opportunity for your patrons to become a RHODE CODER! We also would be willing to work with with any library that would like to setup their own CODING CLUB.
Any library staff member is welcome to stop in any Wednesday night to observe a session of the "Rhode Coders Club".
University of Rhode Island Library
URI Libraries Professors Amanda Izenstark and Mary MacDonald received awards for their contributions to their libraries, communities, and the State of Rhode Island at the Rhode Island Library Association Annual Conference on May 26, 2016.
Amanda Izenstark received RILA's Outstanding Librarian Award, which "honors the career accomplishments of a librarian who has demonstrated an outstanding record of service to both his/her library and to the library profession." (
http://www.rilibraries.org/RILA-Awards) Nominated by Professor Cheryl Foster of URI's Philosophy Department along with members of the History, Computer Science, and University Libraries' Public Services Departments, she was cited for her accessibility to students, support of faculty research, role in educating future librarians, and community impact.
Mary MacDonald was recognized for her substantial impact on libraries and librarians across Rhode Island with the Distinguished Service Award. Jenifer Bond, Associate Director and Research & Instruction Librarian at Bryant University, noted that "[Mary] builds bridges and encourages collaboration across library types, all with an eye toward preparing Rhode Islanders of all ages to successfully navigate and participate in the 21st century information environment."
VA Hospital Library
Congratulations to the RI VA Hospital library, along with the other VISN 1 libraries in their network for winning the FEDLINK Small Library of the Year Award for 2016!
NETSL Looking to Fill New Board Position
The NETSL board is pleased to announce a new executive board position:
NETSL Student Member-At-Large.
Any library student enrolled in a library or information science degree program is eligible for nomination. The prospective representative will serve for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years, and receive valuable experience behind the scenes in organizing a professional conference, and help our organization keep a more diverse range of experiences in mind when planning programming for an ever-changing profession. We do not expect the person to be a library school student for the duration of the term.
The NETSL Student Member-At-Large position description is as follows:
- Appointed position, serves one year.
- Suggest, volunteer, and take point on new projects and initiatives as they occur.
- Provide support to board members in order to evenly distribute workload.
- With the rest of the board, participates in planning the NETSL Spring Conference and the NETSL programs for the NELA Annual Conference and soliciting nominees for NETSL offices and for receipt of the NETSL Award for Excellence in Technical Services.
We'd like your help to reach out to the promising librarians-in-training that you work with in your institutions or in classrooms.
The new deadline for nominations is August 15, 2016.
Please email your nominee's name, school affiliation, and email address, and we'll be in touch to gauge their interest in this opportunity. Contact: William Shakalis at
Cornucopia of Rhode Island: A Library Community of Color
Community College of Rhode Island, Warwick Campus, Room 1130 - Conference Room A
400 East Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886
Join CORI for an engaging anniversary and network celebration featuring Karen Mellor, Chief of Library Services, State of Rhode Island and ending with a sweet conclusion.
Questions, contact Ida D. McGhee at
IMLS Seeks Nation's Top Museums and Libraries for 2017 National Medal. Each year, the Institute of Museum and Library Services presents select museums and libraries with the
nation's highest honor, the National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The award recognizes libraries and museums that make significant and exceptional contributions in service to their communities. Winning the medal elevates an institution's profile and can positively impact fundraising, programming, and outreach activities. Your library could be next!
IMLS is now accepting nominations for the 2017 awards. Anyone-- an employee, a board member, a member of the public, or an elected official-- can nominate an institution. To be considered, the institution must complete and return a nomination form by October 3, 2016.
All types of nonprofit libraries and library organizations, associations and consortia are eligible, including academic, school, digital, and special libraries or archives.
The ten winning institutions are honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., are spotlighted in the news media and on social media, and are invited to host a two-day visit from StoryCorps to record community
member stories. As part of the selection process, approximately thirty finalists are chosen and are featured by IMLS during a six-week social media and press campaign.
Rhode Tour Offers a Bilingual Option for Cultural Tourism
Offer Spanish-speaking patrons the unique opportunity to read, see and hear about storied places, economic tales, and religious communities that have helped Latinos make Providence and Rhode Island their home using the new Latinos in Rhode Island Bilingual Rhode Tour. The project was funded as a product of the Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant from the American Library Association and National Endowment for the Humanities.
Rhode Tour is an app and website that puts Rhode Island stories on the map. Linked to particular locations, Rhode Tour uses stories, oral histories, images, and movies to reveal history behind the place.
Rhode Tour is a joint initiative of the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, Brown University's John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, and the Rhode Island Historical Society. Latinos in Rhode Island Bilingual Rhode Tour was made in partnership with Rhode Island Latino Arts.
Patrons can download the free Rhode Tour app from the App Store or Google Play or visit RhodeTour.org and click on the Latinos in Rhode Island tour.
July 13 the Senate approved the nomination of Dr. Carla Hayden to serve as the nation's 14th Librarian of Congress. Hayden, American Library Association (ALA) past president and director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland, is the first female and the first African American to lead the Library of Congress. She also is the first professional librarian to be confirmed in more than 60 years.
Hayden's appointment comes in the wake of the retirement of Dr. James H. Billington and on the heels of a rigorous ALA grassroots and social media campaign (#Hayden4LOC) that encouraged thousands of library advocates to contact their Senators to support her confirmation.
"The library community is elated that Dr. Hayden is our nation's new Librarian of Congress," stated ALA President Julie B. Todaro. "She holds all of the professional competencies needed to successfully lead the nation's library."
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee. The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.
Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: rilabulletin@gmail.com
Andria Tieman Michney & Brandi Fong Rhode Island Library Association |