Oregon Roof & Window Service Newsletter                                     Issue #2 / Feb. 2012
Safe & Sound Home: Roof Reminders
In this edition of our newsletter I've included information about moss control, a fairly common aspect of annual roof maintenance. In the Pacific Northwest there's just no way to get around it. If you are one of our valued customers, you may have already benefited from our help in this area. If this is news to you, I hope you find the info helpful.
Kill the Moss...Keep the Roof
Moss B&A
     There's a slogan you may see on the back of one of our shirts in the summer as we service roofs in the Willamette Valley: "Kill the Moss...Keep the Roof." We're geeky enough to think it's catchy, but more importantly, we think it's true. Unless you have a metal roof, moss is an almost unavoidable roof problem in the Pacific Northwest. First the bad news: moss can contribute to the early decomposition of your roof, it can serve as a safe harbor for mold, and it's just plain unsightly. Your insurance company may even object to it when it's time for your homeowners insurance to renew. Field underwriters have been known to delay or decline a renewal when moss is flourishing on a home's roof. Here's the good news: it's very manageable and relatively affordable to deal with. Many homeowners have experienced the sense of relief that comes with the realization that their roof may have years of life left once the moss is cleaned away. The anticipated expense of an immediate roof replacement can evaporate with a little knowledge and some old-fashioned elbow grease. If you're considering hiring a professional to get your roof moss under control, here are a few helpful suggestions:
1. Make sure the pro you hire is experienced and trained in roof moss removal. It's 
    a different scenario than moss on your lawn or driveway - you have a roof to protect.
2. Get some references. If the pro has the experience, it's reasonable to expect that he/she 
    also has satisfied customers.

3. Find out what method of removal is used. Pressure-washing an asphalt shingle roof could
     impact the validity of your roof's manufacturer's warranty. Better to have it done by hand.


4. Get a fixed quote. Moss is quantifiable. If this was a construction or repair project maybe

    a more flexible estimate could be expected, but it's not - it's a cleaning service.


5. Make sure the pro you choose is insured. Don't be uncomfortable asking to see their

    certificate - it's a request a commercial property manager won't skip.


6. Find out what method/treatment is used for preventive maintenance. Moss is like a weed,

    it will keep trying to come back.


Ultimately, this extra due diligence can really pay off. When you find the right pro, don't forget, treating the moss annually is very affordable and can keep it from re-establishing. Your home's "hat" helps keeps you safe and the house sound, so "kill the moss...keep the roof."

Greener Approach to Keeping the Green Off Your Roof
moss killer
     Occasionally a customer will ask something to the effect, "How safe for the environment is the moss treatment you use?" or "Do you have an environmentally friendly method of treating moss?" It's not always a simple question to answer. The method we use almost exclusively at Oregon Roof and Window Service is mechanical, that is, we remove moss physically by hand. This has the advantage of allowing us to specifically target the moss and minimize damage to the textured surface of common asphalt roof shingles. It's hard to think of a method with less environmental impact than that! The question is more appropriately addressed to treatment after the moss has been removed - killing the moss and subsequent preventive maintenance. One of the most common and (arguably) effective treatments is a powdered form of zinc sulfate monohydrate, commonly found in the garden section of most local hardware stores. It's fairly simple to apply and easily dissolves in water. When properly applied, it can be effective at preventing regrowth for up to 12 months. However, in a home setting where water is reclaimed from roof runoff and rain gutters for plants or pets, this would not be a safe treatment choice. Also runoff must be considered if natural bodies of water (streams, ponds, rivers) are nearby. In these cases, there are safer alternatives. The students and faculty of OSU have published an informative document about moss that discusses alternative methods of treatment. Click the following link to review the document: http://bryophytes.science.oregonstate.edu/mosses.htm. One alternative mentioned in this link is potassium salts of fatty acids, naturally-occuring biodegradable fatty acids. One such product is Safer Brands TM Moss and Algae Killer & Surface Cleaner. New innovative alternatives are constantly being developed. Consider the active ingredient in the moss treatment manufactured by St. Gabriel Laboratories TM. It's clove oil! If you would like more information on these products click the links below to read label and application instructions:
I hope you've found this newsletter to be informative and helpful. If you have a home remedy for moss control or a preferred method of treatment, I'd love to hear about it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions regarding content or any of our services. I want to help you keep your home beautiful, safe, and sound. Call me at (541) 409-3414 or via email at tom@roofandwindow.com.
Best regards,
Tom Smith
Oregon Roof & Window Service

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Free Zinc Treatment For Your Roof in February!
When you refer a friend and that friend purchases one of the services we offer in the month of February, 2012, Oregon Roof & Window Service will treat your roof moss free of charge. Zinc sulfate monohydrate, sufficient to treat up to 2,500 square feet of roof will be applied at no charge. While application labor is included, no cleaning labor is included - zinc treatment only. Offer is limited to one treatment per customer. The customer must be within the geographic scope of Oregon Roof and Window Service's current service area. Coupon must be mentioned or submitted in print to receive free offer. Coupon is transferable and expires soon so please feel free to share this offer with friends and family. For more information on the services offered by Oregon Roof & Window Service please visit our website at:
Offer Expires: 02/29/12