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W E E K L Y     U P D A T E   January 11, 2015
In This Issue

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The Hill This Week: House to Vote on WOTUS & the STREAM Act
The Senate returns from recess this week, in time to see the H ouse vote on the Senate-passed disapproval resolution ( S.J. Res. 22 of the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps' Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule  ,  which  would stop the administration from implementing the Rule. While the House will likely approve the Senate measure, the President is expected to veto it and Congress currently lacks the votes to override a presidential veto. Additionally, the House will consider the STREAM Act (H.R. 1644), which would block the Department of Interior's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement from moving forward with a proposed stream buffer zone rule for at least a year.  Other notable activities this week include several hearings, listed below:

  • Subcommittee on Nutrition hearing on "Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: Addressing Special Populations," 10:00AM in 1300 Longworth House Office Building.
  • Financial Services Committee hearing "Opportunities and Challenges Facing the National Flood Insurance Program," 10:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building.
  • Financial Services Committee hearing entitled "How to Create a More Robust and Private Flood Insurance Marketplace," 9:15 AM in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building. 
For more information, contact Matthew McKenna Director of the Great Lakes Washington Program,  or Colleen Cain, Senior Policy Analyst,  at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 
NEMWI Presents on Great Lakes River Mouth Restoration 
Allegra Cangelosi, Senior Policy Analyst and Director of the Great Ships Initiative at NEMWI, will present  in a Panel on "Sustainable Development: Where Rivers Meet Open Water," on January 12, 2016 at the 95th Annual Transportation Research Board Conference. Cangelosi's remarks will focus  on the interface of land-uses (especially marine transportation related) and the unique ecological and environmental service capacity of River Mouth areas of the NEMW region.  She will base  her remarks on the output from a Great Lakes Protection Fund-supported project prospectus by NEMWI entitled "Great Lakes River Mouths and the Region's Economic and Environmental Future," describing the range of potential Great Lakes River Mouth environmental and ecological services, the maritime transportation nexus with them, opportunities for "cohabitation"  of maritime transportation and environmental services in Great Lakes river mouth areas, and a "to-do" list.
For more information contact Allegra Cangelosi, Senior Policy Analyst and Director of the Great Ships Initiative at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.     
NEMWI Releases January Edition of Great Lakes Hill Happenings
NEWMI's Great Lakes Washington Program released its Great Lakes Capitol Hill update for the month of January, recapping several important events that took place in the fall of 2015 and highlighting current and upcoming legislative activities. This month's issue includes updates on the federal appropriations process, Great Lakes legislative updates, and news relevant to regional and federal stakeholders. A copy of the newsletter is available here.  
For more information, contact Matthew McKenna Director of the Great Lakes Washington Program  at the Northeast-Midwest Institute. 
Save the Date: Reception for the Northeast-Midwest Region, February 3
Mark your calendar for NEMWI's Annual Reception for the Northeast-Midwest Region on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 from 5:00 PM-7:30 PM in the Capitol Visitor Center Atrium.  The reception is an opportunity for a variety of regional stakeholders, Members of Congress, and Congressional staff to meet and discuss regional priorities. This year marks the 6th year of the event.

For more information, contact  Michael Goff, President & CEO of the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
NEMWI Seeks MS River Basin Policy Analyst 

NEMWI  is seeking a Senior Policy Analyst to coordinate its Mississippi River Basin Program. Launched in 1995, the Institute's Mississippi River Basin Program (MRBP) seeks to strengthen the policy foundation upon which effective water resource protection and restoration can occur by engaging key stakeholders in addressing Mississippi River Basin water resource issues. Current MRBP priorities include advancing water quality, protecting and restoring wetlands, and improving cross-boundary and inter-agency coordination. The MRBP works by interacting with federal and state agencies, members of the Congressional Mississippi River Task Forces and Caucuses and other members of Congress, and regional and local stakeholders and interest groups to identify and analyze issues, coordinate discussions, and develop policy options and initiatives. The MRBP has become a trusted source for information, policy research, and analysis in Washington, D.C. and within the region. The position reports to the President and CEO of the Institute. Learn more about hte position and how to apply here.
For more information, contact  Michael Goff, President & CEO of the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

NEMWI: Strengthening the Region that Sustains the Nation