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W E E K L Y  U P D A T E  November 13, 2017
In This Issue

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Briefings Explore Regional Impact of
New Markets and Historic Tax Credits

The impact of the New Markets Tax Credit and Historic Tax Credit Programs on urban economic development was the subject of Northeast-Midwest Institute back-to-back policy briefings to Congressional staffers on November 7, providing examples of the regional impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act now being debated in Congress. Panelists warned that ending these tax credits would stifle investment and economic development, especially in distressed areas facing numerous barriers to revitalization.

A summary of the briefings, full recordings, and copies of the presentation slides can be found here.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the House tax reform bill, stipulates that the New Market Tax Credit and Historic Tax Credit Programs will expire on December 31st, 2017 and July 1st, 2018, respectively. Both programs attract significant private capital, typically to finance projects in neglected or underserved communities across the country. These programs have spurred creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs and generated billions in local, state, and federal tax revenues.

For more information, please contact Charlie Bartsch, Senior Fellow at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, or Dr. Michael Goff, President at the Northeast-Midwest Institute
Upcoming Briefing on 
Lead, PFCs and Other Threats
to Safe Drinking Water
Tuesday, December 5, 1:30 PM
122 Cannon House Office Building 

Safe drinking water is under threat across the U.S. from legacy contaminants, found both within the water system itself and in our surrounding environment. Older infrastructure and denser communities make the Northeast and the Midwest (the "region") especially vulnerable. For example, the Flint water crisis exposed a community to the toxic effects of lead in water, and other cities around the region are discovering the extent of the problem in their own communities too. The recent discovery of perflurochemicals (PFCs), leaching out of industrial sites and military bases, into the region's water supply highlights the need for constant protection against threats to public health.
The panelists in this briefing will elaborate on the various threats to safe drinking water in the region, the extent of the issue, response from the government and affected communities, and changes needed in our policy to prevent future occurrences. Panelists will also discuss the issue of affordability as it relates to mitigation of these contaminants.

Please join the Northeast-Midwest Institute, in coordination with the Office of Congressman Paul Tonko (NY-20), for a Congressional briefing on the threats posed by lead and PFCs to our region's drinking water, public health, and the economy.

The list of speakers includes:
  • Claire Barnett, Founder and Executive Director, Healthy Schools Network
  • Tom Neltner, Chemicals Policy Director, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Alan Roberson, Executive Director, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Moderating the panel will be Dr. Sridhar Vedachalam, Director of the Safe Drinking Water Research and Policy Program at NEMWI. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the panel.
For more information, please contact Sri Vedachalam, Director of the Safe Drinking Water Research and Policy Program, or  Matthew McKenna , Director of the Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
This Week on Capitol Hill

The House is expected to bring the GOP tax reform bill to a vote, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, this week.

The Senate's version of the tax reform bill will be marked up by the Senate Committee on Finance starting today.

A list of key Congressional committee activity that impacts the region can be viewed below:

Tuesday, November 14
  • The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, & Data Security will hold a hearing entitled "Technology in Agriculture: Data-Driven Farming" at 2:30 PM in 253 Russell Senate Office Building.
Wednesday, November 15
  • The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Natural Lands will hold a legislative hearing on four National Park and Fish and Wildlife bills at 10:30 AM in 1334 Longworth House Office Building.
Thursday, November 16
For more information, please email

NEMWI: Strengthening the Region that Sustains the Nation