Welcome to "The Dirt" where we share what you can expect from us in the coming weeks,  what's new at NatureWorks, and some garden buzz.
Referral Rewards - $500 for you!
Your referrals are our greatest compliment. To show our appreciation, we're offering a $500 NatureWorks gift card for every new maintenance client you refer that we welcome into our family by May 1, 2018. Apply it as a credit for your landscaping services, or pay it forward -- as a gift, a donation to a charity, or to benefit your local community.

Hungry Deer Alert
In arctic temps deer need more calories to survive. And by 'calories' we mean your plants! We're seeing heavier browsing than usual - if you've got a deer SOS, we can protect your plants with netting or add you to our repellent program. We're continually adjusting it so the darlings don't get used to the taste of our spray. 

Fall Clean-Ups in Winter?
The early December snow came before the leaves finished falling, bringing our leaf clean-up service to a screeching halt. If this latest reprieve of warm weather brings a full melt, we'll resume the service to get your yard tidied up. Be aware though, that the predicted flash freeze may preclude us from performing the service. Rest assured that if at any point during the winter we are able to deploy our crews, we will complete the service for you. 

Tree Reviews Are Coming
Nurturing your trees is a huge part of managing your landscape, and we're lucky to have a passionate and polite tree crew ready to serve you.  As we prepare for the upcoming season, our lead arborist, Brian, is beginning his review of your properties, so you may see him inspecting your trees. Feel free to stop him if you have any questions. 

Can you spot our THREE climbers in the first pic above?
Tick Management
We all know deer are vectors for ticks, bringing them onto your properties as they forage for food. With deer pressure higher this year, we're expecting higher tick populations too. That's problem #1. Problem #2 is Japanese barberry. Barberry is a thorny, invasive shrub that can colonize woodlands and provides an ideal setting for ticks to thrive and multiply. Research by entomologists is showing a link between the presence of barberry and an abundance of tick populations. Further, when the barberry is removed, the tick populations drop. Implications for you? If you have barberry anywhere on your property it should be removed. Even if it's in a highly cultivated area, such as along your foundation, because it's so invasive, birds can the spread the seeds which can then quietly start colonies nearby. To learn more, watch this brief video:  Tick Video  or read more here:  Tick Study. A nd as always, feel free to discuss control strategies with your account manager.

Deer tick, green barberry, purple barberry, a woodland barberry thicket.
"In seed-time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." 
~William Blake