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Monarch Automation is a high technology distributor serving the factory and process automation industries. 

Festo Electric Linear Actuators and Slides j
Innovative and effective solutions for industrial motion control
Whether ball screw or belt driven electric linear actuators or slides , Festo can provide your motion control needs. Monarch Automation’s extensive experience in motion control can make your application a success.
Precision Move Pallet System Conveyors
Simplifying product flow and control
Dorner’s Pallet System conveyors simplify product flow and control with features such as a unique pin tracking system, industry compatible pallet sizes and innovative modules.

These innovative, modular dual belt conveyor pallet systems are ideal for assembly automation. Featuring a variety of innovative pallet handling and transferring modules and industry best lead times.

Available in lengths up to 25 feet with 5 different widths, handling accumulated load up to 250 lbs., traveling at speeds up to 114 feet per minute.

GRS Solenoid Gripper
Small, affordable, easy to operate!
The GRS is a 24V solenoid powered gripper . Fitting in the palm of your hand, it is compact and lightweight, perfect for end-of-arm applications. These low cost grippers are priced as low as an air chuck. It’s motorization also contributes to energy savings.
Opening and closing the fingers are operated simply by ON/OFF Signals. Continuous retention is possible while still in the gripping or release state.
  • Small size
  • Low price
  • ON/OFF control with a single wire
  • Gripping force of 10-20N
  • 24V solenoid – 2 fingers
  • Stroke of 4mm
HPS Series Satellite Cylinders
Delivering up to 200 tons!
The "HPS" Series satellite cylinder is a totally self-contained, cost-effective power source ideally suited for a wide variety of assembly and forming applications. Available in sizes from 1 to 200 tons, up to 8.00" stroke, and 1.00" power stroke, the HPS Series cylinder design provides a very compact package where space is limited. 
The HPS Series cylinders permit the working cylinder to be located up to 10 ft. from the booster/reservoir section. Both components may be mounted in any position or attitude. Multiple working cylinders can also be operated with a single booster/reservoir unit.

Automated Drilling and Tapping
Saving time and labor during machining operations
Selfeeder™ component drill units set the industry standard for accurate and reliable drilling and tapping. They are automated to save time and labor during machining operations and lead to more precisely completed parts. Drill units deliver reliability and consistent performance.

The Synchro Tapper electrically operated automatic tapping system quickly completes work cycles through its fast-action approach and reverse strokes. Acting independently, it complements any system using automatic drilling equipment.

Contact Us 513-874-6566