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April 2019
Small Business Challenges in Fostering Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is a complex, yet critical component to building a successful organization.  Who better to talk to than small business leaders about what they are doing in this area?  See what a recent survey turned up.    
Read the full article
To learn more, please visit my website at www.kodyne.com.

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The Drivers of Organizational Excellence 
The Malcolm Baldrige organization has spent the last 30 years developing the criteria for organizations to inspire and institute excellence.  In my opinion, it's the best integrated management system in the world. I have been honored to be an evaluator with the Baldrige program for the last 7 years and have been a member of 4 teams working with various companies on their journeys towards excellence.   
Baldrige defines the following 7 Criteria categories for managing and performing as an organization.
  • Leadership 
  • Strategic Planning
  • Customer Focus
  • Workforce Focus
  • Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management
  • Operations Focus
  • Results
The goal is on developing fact-based, systematic processes to improve and align organizational performance practices, capabilities and results, i ncrease value to customers and stakeholders, identify strengths and opportunities for improvement and learning and promote staff professional growth and development.

As you can see, the Baldrige Criteria fits organizations of all sizes and is in use in all business sectors, including for-profit and non-profit, government and education.   
If you would like to know more about the criteria and how it could benefit your organization, please give me a call at 763-551-4777 or email me at mark@kodyne.com .



In This Issue
Customer Engagement
Organizational Excellence
From My Clients
Upcoming Articles
Business Survey Data

"An acceptable level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job."


From My Clients  
"I was a member of [one of Mark's] TAB groups for 8 years. As a leader, I gained a better understanding how to define and drive our organizational culture. In addition to greatly increasing our bottom line, my time in TAB enabled me to gain the knowledge to confidently run my company."

S. Lindell, Twin City EDM and Manufacturing

Upcoming Articles

Organizational Architecture

The 7 Stage Business Model

CNBC Business Survey Data
53% of small business owners think a 2019 recession is "very" or "somewhat likely."
52% of small business owners say current business conditions are "good" although this is down from 55% in Q4 2018.
20% of small business owners say a government shut down would have a major impact on their businesses.  50% say it would have no effect.  
Source - CNBC/Survey Monkey Q1 2019 data, 2/11/19

Join Our Mailing List

Kodyne is now affiliated with 7 Stage Advisors

If you are looking to accelerate the growth of your business and are committed to transforming it, the 7 Stage Growth Cycle may be for you.  This is a comprehensive, step-by-step process supported by a dedicated team of 7 Stage Consultants to guide you towards becoming the organization you aspire to be.

Contact me at 763-551-4777 or email to
mark@kodyne.com to learn more.

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