November flew by but was it ever full! I had a trip to
Golden and while driving each way was awful, it was an excellent trip that gave me plenty of time to
write. The writing is going well and I've got 3 new plays started in addition to 3-4 possibilities for a few of my existing plays. I'm starting to wonder when I'll have time to do my job...
I spent a few hours with some very talented people through the WordShed program with
Alberta Playwrights' Network. They read through a draft of a script and gave me great feedback and asked some terrific questions so I can now move onto the next draft. APN also had a 30th anniversary party and fundraiser that was truly innovative.
Thank you for your kind feedback on my new
website (and for finding the typo). It's difficult to put ourselves out there and really tough trying to find the "look and feel" for something as personal as a website. I'm glad we found the sweet-spot.
A few weeks ago I attended a
dedication ceremony of my friend's beautiful baby twin girls and was privileged to be named as one of their god parents. It is a wonderful thing to see so many good and diverse people who
pledge to be present in these girls' lives. At a minimum, I will be the one to make sure they know about football and theatre.
I was recently gifted some wonderful items related to one of my football
heroes and I also got my
football-on-a-stick signed by the Eskimos Defensive Line (I know you all remember my football-on-a-stick!). All of this while the team was heading into the playoffs.
While in Winnipeg for Grey Cup, I was one of four people taken around by
Shaw (sponsor of the Grey Cup). They interviewed us and filmed plenty of B-roll footage around the Festival site. I ran an obstacle course -- footwork through rope ladders, levelling two tackling dummies, running up a ramp, and diving into a huge pit of
foam bricks (I forgot to catch the football). It was fun until I realized I did not have an
exit strategy for getting out of the pit. Mercifully my TV segment that ran on a loop all weekend did not include that most unflattering part, but I know there is a
blooper reel somewhere that could come back to haunt me!
Of course, I am giddy with joy at the
Edmonton Eskimos winning the
Grey Cup. Winnipeg put on a great festival and the Ottawa RedBlacks were exceptional opponents. Our post-game party was fun, even for fans of Ottawa. When we finally wound it down we learned that a young Saskatchewan fan had picked up the entire tab for about 25 of us (we also found out that he lost a bet and had to get a Brazilian wax!).
Winning is lovely, but the most special part is spending several days with
friends from all across the League and the land. It's always sad as one by one they head to the airport, the train station, the highways, etc. In fact, that is happening around me as I write this message. Those still in Winnipeg are camped out in a friend's room and people just keep dropping off their Grey Cup party leftovers. We're all pretty tired so I expect the housekeeping staff at our hotel will have a heck of a party once we're gone!
I feel great about that, too, because our hotel went far above and beyond to make our stay exceptional. From opening the restaurant/lounge in off hours to booking a bus to take us to the game and back, plus driving individuals to Festival venues and the airport -- it was amazing. If you're in Winnipeg, I can't recommend the
Norwood Hotel strongly enough.
By the time I get home it will be the last month of 2015 and I am already wonder what happened to it. I hope you can avoid being swept up in all the holiday "have-to's" and that you can take some time to notice what
2015 meant to you.
I wish you a
sane December and a wonderful holiday, however you celebrate it. It's not an easy time for many, so I know you'll remember to share a little kindness -- it's especially helpful right about now.
The future belongs to those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams.
~Eleanor Roosevelt