
Life, the Universe, and Everything*

     Musings from Linda and LUE-42 Enterprises   

Upcoming Events   MARCH

1 -- Self Injury Awareness Day
3 -- I Want You to be Happy Day
5 -- N'l Cheese Doddle Day
8 -- Intern'l Women's Day (UN)
8 -- Daylight Savings Time
11 -- World Plumbing Day
12 -- Alfred Hitchcock Day
19 -- Adelaide Cup Day
20 -- Head Injury Awareness Day
20 -- World Storytelling Day
20 -- Intern'l Day of Happiness (UN)
21 -- World Poetry Day (UNESCO)
25 -- Intern'l Waffle Day
26 -- Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
28 -- Earth Hour

Shout Out!


A big thanks to some who made my life better in February 


The CREW Crew  

David, Judy, Laura, Alex

Theatre Alberta

Keri Mitchell & Aaron Talbot 

Tour Venue Cool Folks

Tom (Daysland), Nick, Robert, etc. (Camrose), Eugene, etc. (Fort McMurray), Doug (Edson), Don, Morris (Spruce Grove)


Mary Anne Tranh, Mary Ellen Perley, Doug Verdin 


Nancy Barden

Linda Cochrane

Brian Edwards  

Pam Thompson 

The West Family  

Community Services Advisory Board 




The One Question Interview (by Bob Baxley)

Click Here


Organize Your Home in One Hour (Chatelaine)

Click Here  


Patrick the Cuddly Wombat (Awwwwww!) 

Click Here  


Rolling Stone Ranks All 141 SNL Cast Members in 40 Years

Click Here    


Chinese Acrobats (awesome strength & grace)

Click Here   


LUE-42 Enterprises  

How to Cheer Up a Sick Person (1929)

Wish I'd said that...


Heard in the Board Room

Playlist for the Winter Blahs  

Reader Notes



Spread the Word!

Issue: #49                             

March 2015

With Lily the baby wallaby at the Edmonton Valley Zoo (2013). Lily now has a baby of her own (and I hope to hug a wallaby again soon)!



    February was a month of theatre and little time for anything else. In August of 2013 when my play was selected to tour Alberta I had no idea the timing would converge with so many other things. Life is funny that way, isn't it?
     Our Alberta tour of Never Let the Crew See You Cry was a wonderful experience in spite of it starting off poorly. We were run off the highway an hour out of town heading to our first show! Thanks to some deft driving by Alex who was taking the first shift, the car that ran us off the road did not hit us PLUS he also got us into the ditch without rolling and out of the ditch without external help. Although shook up, we made it to our first gig and put on a terrific show. Our visits to Daysland, Camrose, Fort McMurray, Edson, and Spruce Grove gave us a bunch of great memories and wonderful, warm audiences to enjoy my mom's story.
     What did I learn from touring and being in close quarters with other people for days and nights on end? Keep your sense of humour, manage your expectations, be nimble, play more cards, participate in goofy magic tricks, don't eat a big buffet before a show, Bawlf, and above all laugh laugh laugh!
     We continued our rehearsals for Spring Alibi in Australia and did as much promotion as we could from a distance. We leave soon and open on March 05. We are so excited to bring our particular brand of humour down under. Our thanks to so many who made it possible so far.
     As we were doing all of this, the amazing Sue Huff launched Book of Hope: Stories of love, courage, and recovery from families who have battled eating disorders. This is a warm and honest book and if you know someone who is familiar to this battle, you'll want to share it. You can get it at Amazon
or wait until Sue is back from the Adelaide Fringe and contact her directly.

     In preparation for my trip down under I dug out the little stuffed koala I was given when my half brother was flying for Qantas Airlines in the 1960s. Joe also sent me a huge story book about a naughty little koala named Blinky Bill by Dorothy Wall (a 1963 imprint of a 1939 book). I have fond memories of the book on my shelf, so I decided to read it before my trip.
     How best to put this? doesn't really stand the test of time. In fact, Blinky Bill is not just a naughty koala, he's a jerk! There are so many things wrong with this book! There's stuff about what's ok for boys to do versus (not) ok for girls. There are racial slurs and violence. Of course, nature is violent, but I didn't think it was fair that just when we were getting to know Mr. Mouse -- SNAP! -- and a meticulous illustration of a very flat, dead Mr. Mouse in a mouse trap. And when Blinky Bill's dad got shot three times while resting in the tree, I had nightmares. On and on these stories went until I was an emotional wreck.
     When I got to the part about the Mayor and Council of Pelicans having a meeting I thought I could glean something work related (they were talking about in camera meetings!). However, the up shot was that women weren't allowed, the community was starving, the Councillors were stealing all the good fish, and when the Widows stormed the meeting demanding a feeding ground, they got banished to the weeds.
     In hindsight, I don't think my mom ever read me these stories. The book just lived on my shelf. I know I looked at the illustrations, but I saw cute marsupials in outfits, not flat mice, dead birds, and snakes being torn apart by army ants. I've had quite enough of Blinky Bill for awhile and truly hope I meet some nice koalas on my adventures. Outfits are optional.



     I watched the Academy Awards, although my days of seeing every nominated film or person are long behind me. I still enjoy at least part of it. I also enjoyed the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary. I've hung in there for most of those years and always found something to laugh at even in the dry patches.

     I attended an inaugural meeting of advisors of not-for-profit organizations. It was mostly government (provincial and municipal) people with a few consultants scattered in (odd, right?). The speaker talked about how there is not much empirical data/academic research (especially Canadian) about our sector.  

     This is true and it is unfortunate, as I know non-profits would scramble at the chance to be involved in the research. What I didn't care for was the speaker's opinion that in the absence of academic research, the people who work in the sector (not counting government, I presume) lack integrity and expertise. This is patently untrue and I could name dozens of people in the sector who, like I, would take exception to this. Why should our vast experience be diminished just because an academic didn't put it into a scholarly paper? Suffice to say, I left feeling angry and disconnected but I will go back if they decide to meet again. Change comes from the inside, right?   


     Thank you for making me and my ezine All Stars again. This means you are engaged in this publication at a very high level (top 10% of electronic publications). This is my third year in a row for this recognition, and I am grateful for your interest.   

     I recently got my hands on a really cool chart from the Green Anglicans. Religion aside, I thought you'd enjoy the Carbon Fast they are recommending for Lent (40 days of sacrifice).
     It is an awesome 40 day calendar of small changes any person can make to reduce your carbon footprint (e.g., Meat-free Mondays, Tune Up Your Car, Recharge Your Batteries, Buy Local, Clean With Care, etc.). Go ahead and print this off for your office or family -- it is full of great ideas. 


     It also ties in nicely with World Plumbing Day on March 11. Clean water is not a luxury and plumbing plays an important role in the health and safety of modern society.

     So I am off now to another part of the world for a month to report on whether the water drains in the other direction. I look forward to telling you about my adventures and lessons soon. In the meantime, take good care.

"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards.  So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus,  

and keep aiming!"  -- Unknown



The Answer   




A: According to the Tecker Institute (, here's what's happening to boards. My personal comments are in parenthesis.


1. Boards are getting smaller (I've heard that 13-15 is the top end now, and more often they max out at 11)


2. Boards are moving toward competency/knowledge-based (Most boards I work with now use a matrix of board member skills, competencies, industries, and other attributes. The matrix is aligned with what is needed to fulfill the strategic plan -- they recruit to fill the gaps. Are the days of "a warm body to fill a board position" nearly over?)


3. Boards are transitioning from representative positions to at-large positions (Hallelujah! Finally a "win" for fiduciary responsibility! Whenever I hear someone on a board tell me they are the "rep" for a particular constituency/geographic location/etc. I cringe a little)


4. Nominating Committees are evolving into Leadership Development Committees (I've also experienced this lately -- the Nominating Committee weighs in on leadership of committees, chapters/branches, honorary members, etc.  -- Not just the Chair and Chair-Elect)


5. Boards are embracing the value of diverse opinions (This is great news. In the corporate sector more so, you hear about the difference women make at the table; in the NFP sector you hear more about cultural and age diversity around the board table. I've had the privilege of serving with some Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials on boards and I can say that they broaden and improve my decidedly Boomer perspective. That's good for everyone!) 


What trends are you seeing?  






Thank You!     

      Linda and the cast and crew of SPRING ALIBI thank all our sponsors and supporters for helping us get to the Adelaide Fringe in Australia:   

Kangaroo Sponsors 

Edmonton Arts Council, Terry Ruddy Sales, LUE-42 Enterprises 

Wallaby Sponsors

Pixel Blue College, Russ Hewitt Photography, Metro Cinema,  

Minuteman Press Leduc 

Wombat Sponsors

Jiffy Lube, InStep Physical Therapy, Melltech Consulting Ltd., Delta Appraisal Corporation, Many Odd Faces on Stage

  Koala Sponsors   

Kelly McClung, Sandra & Harry Fast, Helena Hill, Bob Kinasewich,
Paul Manuel, Jenny & Adesh Narine, Hector & Louisa Pothier,
Randal A. Shopik Professional Corporation, Judy & Leland Stelck, Wanda Stephens

Books by Moi   


Understanding Bylaws: A Guide for Directors of Not-For-Profit Organizations

ISBN 978-0-9866030-0-6


 Exceptional Board Members, Exception Boards 

ISBN 978-0-9866030-1-3


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