Nyashep Education Trust Welcomes KSHP
Gina and Bob have been instrumental in the development of our 'Sponsor a Student' scholarship program.
Surrounded by her students, Gina shares words from the heart. Gina and Bob Wulff's students study at 16 different national and provincial high schools - seen here by the colors of their school uniforms.
Holly Miller, Burlington, VT with her sponsored student Ivine Osindo and mother. Through KSHP's medical fund, Ivine's mother receives medication that has stopped her epileptic seizures and allowed her to return to work.
KSHP leaders also conducted life skills workshops with students home on term break. Sessions focused on self esteem and personal goal setting.
Here graduated student, Isaac Opar, gives a peer review of Hazel's SMART goal during the goal setting seminar.
Voice Of The Youth (VOTY) women's cooperative redesigned the sanitary napkins used in the Dignity Kits - and production is underway. Distributed through KSHP Girls' Clubs, packets of personal supplies are given to adolescent girls twice a year. Kits include underwear and sets of reusable sanitary pads. Mid-year evaluation shows an increase in girls' school attendance, with dropouts sharply declining. KSHP contracts with VOTY women's group to produce these reusable pads.
A school visit to Ongalo Primary found the new girls' latrine in spotless condition. Girls swell with pride over their swanky three-door latrine with attached bathing room. The design is now a model for the region.
Ongalo Primary had been served with closure notice by the Ministry of Public Health due to the poor condition of its toilets. The new latrine serving 150 girls has become the pride of the school's community.
Team meetings with Nyashep Education Trust - KSHP's onsite partners - renewed our commitment to shared goals and strategies. We see our efforts making a tangible difference in the lives of children, teachers and families.
One cannot visit Kendu Bay without feeling motivated and inspired by the local investment to build upon these changes and help them endure.
Sarah DeKoven, KSHP board chairman and Rodgers Ade, Kendu Bay project manager Peter Liech, founder & executive director, Nyashep Education Trust Holly Miller, visiting sponsor and Kathleen Dodge, KSHP founder & executive director Gladys Nkirote, chief administrator & finance officer, Nyashep Education Trust
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