A Bit Better
News From First 5 Santa Cruz County
Building & Strengthening Network Connections Coming Up on May 6
Join us for the fifth session of the Santa Cruz County (SCC) ACEs Network of Care Learning Series, Building & Strengthening Network Connections, co-hosted by First 5 Santa Cruz County and CORE Investments Santa Cruz County. Attend this virtual, bilingual session to:
- Understand the vision and goals of California’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Aware initiative and the roles and activities of local partners;
- Hear from a panel of health care, early childhood, and community leaders about their perspectives on ACEs, toxic stress, screening for ACEs, Positive Childhood Experiences, centering racial equity, and centering the voices of community leaders;
- Help define what a trauma-informed, resilience-building “network of care” should look like in Santa Cruz County.
This session will be presented in English and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation.
Our local ACEs Aware grant activities were highlighted in the March ACEs Aware Blog. Read more about our local work as well as efforts in action across the state of California here!
Please join us for a special Día de los Libros story time event on Facebook live on Friday, April 30, at 10 a.m. PT!
This online event will feature a live story time, activities for kids, and special guests, including First Partner of California Jennifer Siebel Newsom, California Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris, and
celebrity guests Hudson Yang (ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat) and his father, journalist Jeff Yang. This special story time event is in celebration of Día de los Libros, a nationally recognized initiative that
emphasizes the importance of literacy for children from all backgrounds. Please help spread the word using these flyers in English and Spanish.
Children's Book Week is May 3rd-9th
Established in 1919, Children's Book Week is a time to celebrate children, reading and community connections. Children's Book Week 2021 is right around the corner! To learn more about local activities visit the Santa Cruz Public Library Page and to access information and resources visit Every Child a Reader's website.
Help Working Families Put Money
Back in their Pockets
We need your help to let working families know about the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) and Young Child Tax Credit. These credits put thousands of dollars in the pockets of families, helping them move out of poverty and up the economic ladder.
Who qualifies for the CalEITC?
- Any worker with an income of $30,000 or less.
- Any worker who files taxes with an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number (SSN).
- Self-employed (form 1099) and cash earners.
- Workers with children under age six who qualify for the CalEITC may also file for the Young Child Tax Credit—and receive up to an additional $1,000.
The CalEITC and Young Child Tax Credits exist in addition to the federal EITC. The average combined tax refund is $3,000, but some families could receive up to $8,053. Workers can file online for free, or schedule an appointment for help with filing, at http://www.myfreetaxes.org/
The new tax deadline is May 17, 2021. This is the first year ITIN filers can access the credit, so we are especially trying to spread the word to immigrant families. For more materials to help get the word out, please visit www.first5association.org/CalEITC
Thank you for your help!
Child Care Providers Share Why They are Getting Vaccinated in New Video Series
“I’m getting vaccinated so I can invite families back into the classroom,” says preschool provider Desiray Taylor. Over the past year, child care providers have put their lives on the line for the children and families they serve. Now, all individuals ages 16 and older in California are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, including essential workers like early care and education providers. It’s normal to be nervous about a new vaccine, but all of the vaccinations available are safe and effective at preventing serious illness —and getting vaccinated can help you and your community return to normal life. Child care providers from around the state, like Desiray, share why they got vaccinated in a new series of videos from First 5 Association and First 5 California. They share reasons like protecting their community, keeping their students and families safe, and helping to end the pandemic.
Local Pediatric Dental Appointments Available
There are pediatric dental appointment openings at local clinics for children 0 to 3. Please check out this flyer for more information about the importance of bringing young children in to have regular dental checkups.
Local Assistance Available to Help with Health Insurance and CalFresh Applications
Having access to health insurance and food for our families is of vital importance. If you, a family member, friend or neighbor need help completing or renewing an application to county or state health insurance programs, Certified Application Assistors can answer your questions and offer free application assistance. Call an Application Assistor directly at any of the agencies listed on this flyer for more information.
Parenting and Caregiver Resources
From the National Institute of Mental Health - Flyers on Stress and Anxiety in English and Spanish
If you are in need of child care,
please call the Child Development Resource Center
COVID-19 Related Community Resources
Abriendo Puertas Shares Multi-Lingual COVID-19 Resources for Families: Website
This newsletter is a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Cruz County staff.
PO Box 1457 Capitola, CA 95010
Tel: 831-465-2217 Fax: 831-479-5477