August, 2020
MATT GARCIA Career & College Academy Mural
The creation of this mural was not by my own doing, none of it was. I credit God for granting me the ability and opportunity AND the people who inspire me to do greater. When I’m not being a hermit, cooped up in my comfortable creative space, I’m with the Foundation, the board members and selfless volunteers and I thank them for nudging me outside of my comfort zone in the best possible way. And the volunteers really made a huge difference by assisting in the preparation of the surface, it was a pleasant surprise on a beautiful day. These two “sidewalk murals” were conceived when Brother Ray came to me with the opportunity.

He believed in a vision for a couple of murals that would complement Chad Glashoff’s sculpture, “The Bell of Peace and Purpose.” And when he mentioned the theme “reach for the stars,” I immediately thought of what it takes to actually reach the stars. It doesn’t mean waiting for the stars to come to you, neither does it mean that you’ll reach them on the first try or get everything you wish for if you do, but to me, reaching for the stars requires opening your heart, your mind and your spirit up to new possibility, acting and believing with conviction that an action alone will cause the universe to speak. The relationship is always mutual. Regardless of how much faith you have in yourself, have faith in the act of doing things for you and others’ well beings and things will start to make sense. Action is progress no matter the direction and when you put in the work (reach for the stars), the stars do their part to reach back, many times in unpredictable ways.

So that was the idea behind the left mural. The mural to the right of the Bell of Peace and Purpose is a portrait of Matt, followed by one of his influential statements, followed by an illustration of a character releasing all of the things that bind and distract the character from attaining freedom. I wanted the message for this one to be about letting go of all negative energies in order to make room for the positive energies we all so deserve. It’s only fair to ourselves that we stop answering to the negativity that pulls on our spirit strings so that we can start welcoming the positive energies to take its place. After painting, which took a few weeks, Brother Ray and I added a sealant to protect from the weather as well as the foot traffic. Luckily, we finished applying the sealant just in time before it rained!
The students loved the mural and I’m glad for the opportunity as it may be there for them during their growth at the school. Because sometimes, art speaks more than words as it allows for people to apply themselves (their interpretations and meanings) into the artwork to make a connection with it. My dad has also helped in the upkeep of these murals (cementing broken tiles, washing and sweeping the surface) and his contributions have been a blessing. We are also planning on touching up Chad’s sculpture, sanding down the surface grit, giving it the sheen it once had when it was born, and ultimately taking care of these artworks that visually express a representation of Matt’s dream and legacy.
Thank you to all who have selflessly contributed and also to those who continuously support The Foundation in KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE!

-Zachary Young
August Events Cancelled
No Community Clean-Up Service Days in August
Due to the COVID - 19 social distancing order we have cancelled all upcoming events for the month of August, following the guidance from public health officials. Please check the Foundation website once the order has been lifted for any changes in volunteer opportunities.

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FFINEST Cloth Mask Still Available!
The Matt Garcia Foundation is doing their part to help keep people safe. California Public Health is requiring Californians to wear face coverings in most settings outside the home. The Foundation is offering free cloth face masks for those who need them. Please visit the Foundation website @ for contact information. Stay safe and wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart while out in public.
Safety Tip
Remember to be careful with what you post on your social media. Especially if you are away from home and showing photos (common home burglaries happen when folks are away). Also, remember that employers regularly check your social media during background checks for jobs.
Some Inspiring Words...
“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.”
-Robert F. Kennedy

“If I cannot do great things, I can do SMALL things in a great way.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.
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Everyday we learn something new. Take life as a test and shoot for a better score each day… It doesn’t have to be an “A” the next day,
but let’s hope it improves.
-Matt Garcia
P.O. Box 3301
Fairfield, CA 94533

DIRECT: 707.372.4160
Keep the Dream Alive
Newsletter Production By: Upward Trend