Issue # 99 - March 2023


Navigating Pet Death

Soul Care Practices for

Animals and People

with Sarah Kerr, PhD


March 23-26 - ONLINE

The Art of Living and Dying Conference

(see related story below)


March 31 - April 2

Entering the Grave

Tools and Practices

for the Dying Journey

with Olivia Bareham



Professional Training in

Grief Counseling and Support

The Portland Institute

with Robert Neymeyer

and Carolyn Ng




May 11, May 25 and June 8

Managing Mothers Day

and Fathers Day

After the Death of a Child

(see related story below)

Hello friends!

We are very excited over here at the world headquarters of The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief because the web page for our 2023 conference has just been published! You can find it HERE.

Tickets are now on sale, and there is an earlybird discount of $50 available until April 15, so register soon!

We're also very happy to announce the upcoming Art of Living and Dying Conference, March 23 - 26, whch will also be online. You can watch it live or via recordings that will be available after the conference.

And speaking of recordings, if you missed our 2023 symposium on resilient grieving, those recordings are now available HERE.

Details on all these events can be found below.

Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP

End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy,

Bereavement and Trauma Support



Healing Crystals vs. Rosary Beads

For two marketing classes taught at North Catholic High School in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, a career and college counselor at the school invited three owners of a local store to talk about how they run their small business. As part of their visit in December, the store owners offered each student a small crystal.

But after some students complained to North Catholic administrators, according to reports, the counselor, who has not been identified publicly, was questioned, then, in early January, asked to resign. READ MORE... 

Meet Bart Ehrman, PhD

Those of you interested in historical/critical religious scholarship -- who haven't already been following him for years -- will be happy to learn about Bart's extraordinary work.

Find his groundbreaking books HERE, and learn about his remarkable blog and charitable work HERE.

C of E's Absurd Stance

on Gay Marriage

"...The Church of England’s stance that the sacrament of matrimony is restricted to unions between one man and one woman won't change. However, same-sex couples can have a church service with prayers, thanksgiving or for God’s blessing after they have a civil wedding or register a civil partnership.

Same-sex marriage has been legal in England since 2013, but the church did not change its teaching when the law changed. READ MORE...

A Rare Breath of Fresh Air from the Supreme Court

The Colorado baker who won a partial victory after refusing to make a gay couple’s wedding cake because of his Christian faith lost an appeal in his latest legal fight, involving his rejection of a request for a birthday cake celebrating a gender transition.

The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that that the cake requested from Masterpiece Cakeshop, which was to be pink with blue frosting, is not a form of free speech. READ MORE...

Podcast Episode: Dying in America

Listen in as our friend and colleague Karen Wyat MD interivews Ann Neuman, a journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian, Harper’s magazine, and more. In this episode, she talks about her research on “the good death” and what she learned through seven years of study. LISTEN HERE

Think You’re Certified as a Grief Guide

or Death Doula? Think Again!

A Confessional Editorial by Dr. Terri Daniel

Many of you who follow my work are familiar with my rants about the unscrupulous practice of “certifying” people as mental health or spiritual care professionals via cheap, quick online seminars. The internet abounds with individuals claiming to be death doulas and grief guides who have no supervised clinical experience and nothing more than a boilerplate “certificate” confirming that they’ve paid the price and watched some online presentations. READ MORE...


The Art of Living and Dying Conference

March 23 - 26

Learn from a dazzling roster of death and grief experts that includes Robert Thurman, Matthew Fox, Deepak Chopra, Joan Halifax, BJ Miller, Terri Daniel, Frank Ostaseski and Alberto Villodo at the Menla Art of Living and Dying conference, sponsored by Tibert House, the Dalai Lama's cultural center in the U.S.


This three-day ONLINE event offers teachings on death, dying and bereavement from a wide range of spiritual perspectives including Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Judaic, Shamanic, SBNR and more.

Regardless of where you're located on the spiritual spectrum, from Atheism to Zoroastrianism, you will find this content engaging and informative.


Recordings From our

Cultivating Radical Resilience Symposium

If you missed our Feb. 18 symposium on Cultivating Radical Resilence, recordings of the presentations can now be purchased for unlimited playback. 

NOTE: If you were a registered symposium attendee, the recordings are included with your registration, and were sent to you via email.


Managing Mothers Day and Fathers Day

After Child Loss

While the Spring season brings the promise of renwal and new life, for many grieving parents, it is impossible to imagine life continuing after such a tragic loss. This workshop will provide education, support and experiential processes for navigating holidays and milestone days with wisdom, vision and hope for healing.

If you need some help coping with Mothers Day and Fathers Day this year, please consider joining us in this rare learning environment, which provides unique healing tools not found in traditional counseling or support group settings.


Spiritual Care for Pets and Their People

A Comprehensive Sacred Deathcare Toolkit

Relationships with animals are emotionally and spiritually meaningful. Learn to meet their death in a way that honours their soul’s journey, and yours. The course modules cover the spiritual, emotional and logistical aspects of pet death, from the beginning of illness or decline, to the ceremonies after death and beyond.

. Our spiritual responsibility to our pets

. The journey of illness and decline

. The shock of a sudden death

. Supporting children through pet death

. Preparing your pet for their euthanasia

. Deepening your connection before and after death



Registration Now Open!

The 2023 Conference on

Death, Grief and Belief

Online July 8 and 9

Join us virtually for an extraordinary weekend of shared wisdom, fearless exploration, and social support for unpacking toxic religious beliefs that can be harmful when facing loss and grief.

Earlybird prices end April 15!


Be part of the conversation in our

Death, Grief and Belief Facebook Group

Are you a professional chaplain who does not identify with the conventional religious chaplaincy model? Visit our

Chaplains Outside the Box Facebook Group

Contact us:
