Discovery to Cure
at Yale School of Medicine
Thomas Rutherford, PhD, MD Recognized by People's Republic of China

Thomas Rutherford, PhD, MD, Chief of the Yale Gynecolgic Oncology Division and co-Director of Discovery to Cure, was awarded the Sanqin Friendship Award by the People's Republic of China for "outstanding contributions to the economic construction and society development of Shaanxi Province." The award recognizes Rutherford for the partnerships developed between the Yale Gynecologic Oncology team and major teaching hospitals at each of three Chinese universities: Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi University of Traditional Medicine, and Peking University, and the impact of these partnerships on local healthcare. The Yale team, led by Rutherford, visits main land China for a week each spring, bringing expertise in clinical management, diagnostic pathology and translational investigations of gynecological cancers to China's regional medical centers.  

The Yale Gynecologic Oncology team's work in China is complemented by the Discovery to Cure International Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology which has allowed many international doctors working in Gynecologic Oncology to spend months, at Yale, observing and participating in the activities of the division. 

Discovery to Cure Researcher Yang Yang, PHD 
Receives 2014 Ann Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award

The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund awarded Yang Yang, PhD of Discovery to Cure, a prestigious Ann Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award. The aim of Yang's research is to understand how an inactive, abnormal form of p53 protein causes chemoresistance and tumor progression in ovarian cancer.  p53 is a major regulator of cell death. The inactivation of p53 causes cancer and is also responsible for the chemoresistance of tumor cells.  Once we understand how the inactivation process works, the next step will be to develop new drugs that target the abnormal p53 protein and eliminate chemoresistant tumors. Read more about Yang's research here.

Second Annual Yale Campus Stroll set for 
Sunday, September 28, 2014 
Committee Now Forming!

Please save Sunday, September 28, 2014 for our second annual signature event, the Discovery to Cure Yale Campus Stroll! Last fall, more than 700 walkers joined presenting sponsor, Levy Dental Group, in strolling the Yale Campus, raising nearly $150,000 to support these important initiatives:

  • Detecting ovarian cancer earlier including evaluating each patient's genetics and predisposition to cancer and screening patients for early indications of cancer.
  • Developing ovarian cancer chemotherapy drugs, reversing the resistance that cancers develop to standard chemotherapies and regulating doses to minimize side effects.
  • Enhancing quality of life for women with reproductive cancers, through programs that address menopause and sexuality.
  • Providing mentors to women newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer through the Woman-to-Woman mentoring program which pairs them with women who have gone through same experiences. Individual and group support is provided to the mentors as well. 

To find out more about these programs or to make an appointment with the Yale Gynecologic Oncology Group please call 203-785-7385.


Our Yale Campus Stroll planning committee is forming now!

  If you would like to join please contact Lisa Stuart at 

203-785-6920 or  

You will make friends, have fun and support lifesaving research!


Save the Date
Thursday, February 27, 2014
The Angelina Jolie Effect: 
What Every Woman Should Know About Her Genes
Presented by a panel of Yale Medical Experts
Free and Open to the Public-Registration Required
7:00 p.m.-8:30p.m.
Temple Beth Tikvah

Monday, May 19, 2014
Hedge Against Cancer Golf Invitational
Join the Financial Services and Hedge Fund Communities 
in the fight against Women's Reproductive Cancers.
We have reserved the best spring date on Connecticut's finest Golf Course! 
Country Club of Fairfield
Fairfield, CT

For more information about these events please contact Lisa Stuart at 
203-785-6920 or 

About Discovery to Cure

Discovery to Cure provides women with new methods for the prevention, early detection and treatment of women's reproductive cancers.  The direct connection between the research laboratories and clinical patient care makes Discovery to Cure truly unique and spurs the development of new treatments.  Learn more at

Want to get involved in the lifesaving work of Discovery to Cure?
We welcome volunteers to help us with special events and community outreach.  Please e-mail for more information. 
To make a donation please click here.

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Discovery to Cure Intern Named Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalist

 Frankie at work in the lab


Discovery to Cure intern, Francesca (Frankie) Garafalo was selected by Intel as a semifinalist in the company's annual science talent search.


The Norwalk resident and Greens Farms Academy High
School senior began her research last summer when she was one of 35 high school students chosen from more than 300 applicants to participate in the Discovery to Cure High School Internship Program.


While working in the lab, Frankie noticed a different result than

expected from one of her experiments.  Her mentor, researcher Yang Yang, PhD, encouraged her to search the literature to see if her result had been previously documented.  It had not and Frankie's research entitled "Chemosensitization of High-grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma via Calcium Signaling" began.  

Frankie continued

her research throughout the fall and even now continues to spend much of her free time in the Discovery to Cure lab. What motivates her?

 "It's not 

knowing what's going to happen" she said.  "You know the procedure that you're going to follow, but you don't know what the outcome will be. That's why I keep coming back."   


Frankie plans to spend her spring break entering science fair competitions across the state.  Next fall she will attend Columbia University as a biochemistry major with the ultimate goal of becoming a researcher and a physician. 


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The Prevention, Early Detection & Treatment   of Women's Reproductive Cancers