February 26, 2016 Spotlight on German Higher Education in American Media After recent coverage on major news outlet NBC, German higher education continues to make waves in American media. The Washington Post published an article this week that reinforces the favorable reputation enjoyed by German universities among American students. Not only the high quality and low cost of education motivate students to leave the United States, but also the great diversity of over a thousand academic programs offered in English. Such a large offering of classes in English, the Washington Post writes, is "supposed to help Germans improve their language skills by communicating with native speakers. It is an offer that attracts an increasing number of fans: The German Academic Exchange Service has also seen a rising number of applicants from other countries with a history of proud and excellent universities". Read the full story for free on The Washington Post's website.
Germany Today Deadline Approaching DAAD invites representatives from universities, research institutions, and funding agencies in the United States and Canada, as well as colleagues from the fields of education policy and politics to participate in the 2016 “Germany Today” Information Tour. With the theme German Higher Education Institutions and Their Training Strategies for a Changing Employment Market, this year’s tour will focus on initiatives to develop professional opportunities at a national and international level while providing an overview of Germany’s higher education landscape. Funding opportunities, internationalization strategies, and the potential for co-operation between German and North American institutions will also be discussed. Participants will visit institutions in Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Darmstadt and Bonn to engage in active discussion, gain new professional perspectives and share their own expertise. The information tour will take place June 12 18, and all program-related costs in Germany (accommodation, domestic travel, most meals) will be covered by DAAD. Applications must be received by March 14, 2016. For further information, please visit the program site here or contact Ms. Uta Gaedeke at DAAD’s New York Office at 212-758-3223 x209 or at gaedeke@daad.org.
Advertisement: PhD Program in Economics - call for applicants
The Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) offers a structured PhD program that combines demanding course work with early individual research. Students in the top 10% with a bachelors or masters degree in economics or related fields (e.g. mathematics) are encouraged to apply. Language of instruction is English. Grants are available. Visit www.bgse.uni-bonn.de for all details. Application deadline: March 31, 2016.
Max Weber Guest Lecture at NYU on March 11, 2016 New York University's Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, in cooperation with DAAD, will launch the first Max Weber Guest Lecture of the spring term on March 11. Christine Landfried, DAAD's Max Weber Professor for German and European Studies at NYU, will moderate as Reinhard Merkel discusses "Democratic Interventionism: Syria and the 'Refugee Crisis'". Reinhard Merkel is Professor of Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law at the University of Hamburg, member of the German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, and a member of the German National Ethics Council. Prof. Merkel regularly writes in major German newspapers on matters of national and international concern. The lecture will take place at NYU's Deutsches Haus (42 Washington Mews) from 6-8pm on March 11th. A reception will follow. In order to attend, please RSVP via email to deutscheshaus.rsvp@nyu.edu. For more information on this event, click here.
Advertisement: Virtual Information Fair for the Mannheim Master in Management on March 17
Join the virtual fair of the University of Mannheim, Business School for its Master program, the "Mannheim Master in Management" (M.Sc.). Log in on March 17 from 9 am - 5.30 pm (CET). Meet faculty, staff & students of the Business School & chat with them about the application process & specializations. View documents & videos about studying at a German business school. Register here - it's free.
Work with us! DAAD New York is looking for an IT Intern DAAD's New York office is offering a high-level internship in network administration for Information Technology majors who are nearing the end of their studies or IT-graduate students. The internship will take place in our New York City office in a Windows environment of under 50 users. The internship has a flexible starting date and would last six months. Applications for a one-year internship will also be considered. For more details, click here.