Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council

8195 Kenai Spur Hwy., Kenai, AK 99611
(907) 283-7222; 800-652-7222 (toll free); 907-283-6102 (fax)

Cook Inlet Navigator
May 2013
In This Issue
2012 Annual Report
Board appointments
New Crucial Skimmer
PROPS Update
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Take a Closer Look at what we accomplished in 2012.
Download our 2012 Annual Report here.

Our Mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.
New Alaska skimmer light years ahead
Current Buster
New skimmer proves its mettle with Current Buster.
For decades, oil spill responders have largely had to rely on enormous weir skimmers called Transrecs to recover spilled oil. That's about to change. Read more.




PROPS Committee meeting productive
Captain Jack Jensen
Deric Marcorelle looks on as Capt. Jack Jensen explains operations aboard the T/V Overseas Martinez 
Following the March 20th Committee Meeting, which included an update from Hilcorp Alaska on their operations, Captain Jack Jensen gave the PROPS Committee members and staff a tour of the T/V Overseas Martinez at the KPL Dock.  Read more.

Lynda Giguere
Director of Public Outreach
Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Counci
(907) 398-6205
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In June
Bob Franco scheduled to arrive to relieve Millennium Star