Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council

8195 Kenai Spur Hwy., Kenai, AK 99611
(907) 283-7222; 800-652-7222 (toll free); 907-283-6102 (fax)
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Board of Directors Meeting Edition: October 2013
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Merritt Mitchell

The council honored Merritt Mitchell for his extraordinary service. Thank you, Merritt.
Our Mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.

The Board of Directors met in Homer on September 13. This newsletter is a summary of the presentations and proceedings.
Subsea pipeline construction could begin as early as 2014
Executive Director Mike Munger informed the board that construction of a cross-inlet sub-sea pipeline may begin as early as 2014, based on a positive analysis by Tesoro Alaska as to its feasibility. Read more

Cook Inlet RCAC and partners study beluga whales and their prey 

Sue Saupe, Director of Science and Research, presented findings of a beluga whale winter habitat and prey project on behalf of the project team, including herself, Drs. Dana Wetzel and John Reynolds of Mote Marine Laboratories, and Mr. Mark Willette of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The study focused on assessing prey availability in suspected winter feeding areas and hydrocarbons in potential prey species. The study is also incorporating results of an earlier study that analyzed hydrocarbon contaminants in archived Cook Inlet beluga whale tissues and in known beluga summer habitats and prey. Read more

Buccaneer, Risk Assessment updates
Christina Anderson, Buccaneer's Director of Environmental and Stakeholder Relations, gave the board an update on current operations, including their six offshore and three onshore wells. She also said Buccaneer is about to mobilize the West Eagle unit. They have moved the Endeavour unit from Cosmopolitan, but have not decided where the rig will spend the winter. Click here to download the presentation. 


Leslie Pearson, NUKA Research, presented an update on the risk assessment work plan for the remainder of the project, including the creation of a harbor safety committee. She also said that Glosten and Northern Economics have been engaged to do a cost-benefit analysis of the cross-inlet pipeline. Other risk reduction measures being further analyzed include improved rescue towing capability;  enhanced situational awareness through an Automated Information System; improved ice monitoring capability and whether or not radar would help enhance or provide better imagery to complement the ice cameras; third party inspections or audits of workboats; and an assessment of potential unintended negative consequences of risk reduction options. Click here to download the presentation. 

McCammon appointed to NAS Gulf Program for Alaskans Advisory Group

The National Academy of Sciences Gulf Program is a new research program  focused on human health, environmental protection, and oil system safety in the Gulf of Mexico and similar outer continental shelf regions. During the program's 30-year time frame, the NAS will carry out activities in three broad areas: research and development, education and training, and environmental monitoring. Read more.

Lynda Giguere
Director of Public Outreach
Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Counci
(907) 398-6205
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Coming up

October 10, 2013 NAS Gulf Program Listen-In Meeting (see above article for details)
October 16, 2013 Cook Inlet RCAC will be presenting at the Kenai Chamber & Visitors Center Luncheon
December 6, 2013 Cook Inlet RCAC Board meets in Anchorage