John Douglas dedicated 17 years of service to the Council, both as the Board's Kenai representative and Secretary/Treasurer. We were saddened to learn of his passing in January. We will miss him.
The Cook Inlet Risk Assessment Management Team has released the DRAFT Consequence Analysis Workshop report based on the input we received at the October 30-31 workshop and a first round of revisions by the subject matter experts, who provided their time and expertise both at the workshop and in commenting on our first draft. Email your comments to: by February 14, 2013.
Our Mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.
Update from the Executive Director
Mike Munger
Our board represents broad and diverse interests in the Cook Inlet region, spanning thousands of miles from Anchorage to Kodiak Island and surrounding areas. Sometimes significant incidents happen in this enormous area of concern that are not specific to our mandate. Such was the case with the grounding of the Kulluk drilling unit on Sitkalidak Island. Several board representatives (City of Kodiak, Kodiak Island Borough and commercial fishing, in particular) were extremely interested in this incident and its outcome. Cook Inlet RCAC staff recognized that we had resources and expertise to contribute. Read more.
Help us chart our course
We can't do the high quality work we do without the dedicated volunteers who serve on Cook Inlet RCAC's Board of Directors and committees. Our volunteers contribute to the
strength and effectiveness of our programs and initiatives. They help us fulfill our mandates under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), which charge us to protect Cook Inlet's waters and shores from the effects of oil pollution. In return, our volunteers are given opportunities to grow. We encourage their participation and support their attendance at symposiums, facilities and vessel tours, and educational events and demonstrations. Are you interested in making a difference in Cook Inlet's future? Read more.
Public Engagement
Director of Science and Research Susan Saupe explains her poster exhibit at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.
We are always looking for opportunities to tell people about the work we're doing to protect Cook Inlet. In January and early February, we exhibited an informational booth at the Meet Alaska Conference, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, and the Economic Outlook Forum (hosted by the City of Homer and Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District). In April, we will head to Kodiak to participate in ComFish. Read more.
Lynda Giguere Director of Public Outreach Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Counci (907) 398-6205 Email us Visit us online.