Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council

8195 Kenai Spur Hwy., Kenai, AK 99611
(907) 283-7222; 800-652-7222 (toll free); 907-283-6102 (fax)
Cook Inlet Navigator
December 2014
In This Issue
Board of Directors Update
Message from the Executive Director
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Our Mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.
Board of Directors Update

The Cook Inlet RCAC Board of Directors wrapped up the year with two-days of meetings in Anchorage on December 4 and 5. We devoted the first day and part of the second to reviewing and updating our Strategic Plan
. This is an important exercise, because it reflects the work we have completed to date and refocuses our efforts going forward. The second day's sessions revolved around a final report from Tim Robertson, Nuka Research, on the Cook Inlet Navigational Risk Assessment; an update from USCG Captain of the Port Paul Mehler III, and Mark Tourneau with Hilcorp Alaska, who reported on the company's findings on the Baker platform fire. Read more.

Message from the Executive Director
Mike Munger The Cook Inlet Navigational Risk Assessment final draft report has been posted. The final report report represents a significant achievement and one of Cook Inlet RCAC's most important milestones for 2014. This long sought-after assessment has been at the forefront of priorities for Cook Inlet RCAC since our first Safety of Navigation Forum held in Homer in 1999. Read more.

 Best Wishes
for a
Joyous and Peaceful Holiday Season
Happy New Year 

Lynda Giguere
Director of Public Outreach
Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council
(907) 398-6205
Email us giguere@circac.org
Visit us online
Coming up
January 7 & 8 - Kenai Industry Outlook Forum, Old Carr's Mall, Kenai
January 9 - Alaska Support Industry Alliance "Meet Alaska" Conference & Trade Show
January 19-23 - Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage