Strategic Guidance. Stronger Nonprofits.
In This Issue
2016-2017 Project Leaders
Micro Project Volunteer Opportunity
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Nonprofit Scholarships and Job Openings
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2016-17 Clients 
Vol. 13, No. 4
December 2016

In a Place Not of Our Making
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn't cause, we don't like, and we didn't expect. My oldest son is not a political being, despite having grown up in Washington, DC. He won't argue politics with anyone, refusing to judge people by their political affiliation. He is a kind-hearted person, who sees the best in everyone. The irony isn't lost on me that he is the one of my three children at a college in the middle of a national political controversy.  You may have heard that Hampshire College has been embroiled in a situation about the U.S. flag. My son, who was away from campus when the situation started, seems to be doing fine, while I sit miles away reading emails from the college about campus security, the media, and protests.
The election that is just behind us has caused many unexpected consequences already. Compass is a non-religious, non-political organization. We don't take sides, but rather stay true to our mission to support nonprofits doing important work in our local communities. I couldn't help but notice in the weeks after the election that I hardly spoke to a nonprofit leader or read an email from a nonprofit, association or foundation that didn't refer to the election and the concerns about what could be ahead for the sector.
Uncertainty makes people worry, and change brings anxiety. A sector that is already overworked and under-resourced is now wondering about the next shoe to drop. Whether it actually happens or not isn't the point. The reality is that people feel anxious not knowing whether there will be more need for their services and fewer dollars to go around to make the work possible.
In my experience, when people are anxious, worried and concerned, it is not the time to stand aside or wait to see what happens. This is the time to step up. As an advocate for nonprofits, I'd like to encourage everyone to redouble their support for nonprofits. An extra donation, a call to check in, taking an Executive Director to lunch just to say thanks. This is the year to give more.
At Compass, we see the incredible work being done by the nonprofits in our community every day. We have sent more than 300 professionals into the nonprofit sector this year to provide pro bono consulting to local nonprofits in the Washington and Philadelphia areas. We are so thankful for these talented professionals who are willing to give their time to help their local nonprofits and the community overall. We are also so grateful for the support we receive from our donors, foundations, and corporate partners that allow us to fulfill our mission.
I hope this year you will consider contributing to our local nonprofit community in a way that is meaningful for you - to Compass directly or to other nonprofits (the recently published Catalogue for Philanthropy provides a list of vetted nonprofits). Together we can make a difference for people and nonprofits in need of assistance. 
At Compass' recent 15th Anniversary Celebration, I told the guests there will always be people who need the services of nonprofits, there will always be nonprofits ready to serve them, and there will always be nonprofits that need the services of Compass. Compass will continue to bring together the nonprofit world and the business world because we are part of both worlds, and both worlds need each other.
Every December, despite the happenings around me, the holiday season makes me feel hopeful. I continue to believe that people and businesses will step up, and that good things will happen.  The ability to effect positive change is in our capabilities. That's how we find ourselves in a place of our making.
I wish you a joyful holiday season and all the best for 2017!

We're thrilled to have the following talented business professionals leading our Greater Washington pro bono consulting teams:

Jennifer Blasko, Alliance Fran çaise  
Doug Kelly, Byte Back 
Abhinav Agrawal, City First Enterprises
Kelly Turner, City Year 
Tim Saunders, Cornerstone Montgomery
Paula Jacobs, DC Youth Orchestra Program
Adriel Pond, DC Youth Orchestra Program
Barr Snyderwine, Easter Seals Serving DC|MD|VA
Suzanne Cox, GALA Hispanic Theatre  
Lisa Wright, Girls On The Run of Northern Virginia 
Alethea Davis, Green Acres
Chris Sutton, Green Door
Char Beales, Homeless Children's Playtime Project 
Katherine St. Onge, Identity 
Sarah Martin, Jubilee JumpStart
Jeff Kass, KID Museum
Shashank Davanagere, Korean Community Service Center
Cathy Bernasek, Lab School of Washington  
Joan Barclay, Madison House Autism Foundation 
Shawn Thompson, Montgomery Community Television 
Roy Gamse, Next Step Public Charter School 
Patrice Feinstein, President Lincoln's Cottage 
Hasan Dossal, Seabury Resources for Aging
Amedee Prouvost, Stepping Stones Shelter
Emily Dorfman, Sunflower Bakery  
Lisa Sullivan, Volunteer Fairfax 
Harry Knight, Workhouse Arts 
Akousua Baah-Dwomoh, Work Place DC  


Compass offers pro bono consulting projects from January to June allowing volunteers to work with smaller nonprofits. These Micro Projects provide similar services to Compass' Classic Projects, but tend to be more narrowly focused and use smaller teams of volunteers. Compass will announce this year's Micro Project clients the week of December 9th. If you're interested in volunteering or to see the list of specific projects, please check the Compass website after December 12th at



Did you know that many Compass volunteers who donate their time to local nonprofits also provide a financial contribution to Compass? So far this year, 265 volunteers have made financial contributions to support Compass. We couldn't provide our unique pro bono consulting program without the infrastructure and staff to carefully select, train and support our clients and volunteers.


We appreciate our volunteers for ALL their support, but we can't do our work with their support alone. Please join this year's volunteers by making a tax-deductible donation to Compass. You can make a secure donation here: 


Donate Now  


Thank you for supporting Compass, which allows us to support the many nonprofits that we serve and the many people with whom they work. 



With holiday shopping on your mind, don't forget that you can send extra financial support to Compass using AmazonSmile. When you do your holiday shopping through AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Friends of Compass. Bookmark this link and support us every time you shop.


We couldn't put together our talented consulting teams without skilled volunteers. We couldn't recruit the amazing volunteers without the support of the local business school clubs. Thank you to the following clubs that help spread the word about Compass. We are grateful for their support:    
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business  
Columbia Business School 
Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell 
Fuqua School of Business at Duke 
Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley 
Harvard Business School   
Michigan Ross School of Business 
MIT Sloan School of Management 
Northwestern Kellogg School of Management  
NYU Stern School of Business 
Stanford Graduate School of Business  
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth   
University of Virginia Darden School of Business 
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School  
The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania 
Yale School of Management  

Thank you to our 15th Anniversary Sponsors: 
Booz Allen

   Capital One

Ea ch year the Harvard Business School Club of Washington, DC awards two scholarships to local nonprofit leaders to attend the Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management course at HBS.

Greater Washington nonprofit Executive Directors, CEOs and Presidents may apply. Each candidate should have at least one year of experience in the role. Each organization's efforts should focus on service within Greater Washington communities. (Other requirements are listed here.)

The program will be held July 16-22, 2017 on the HBS campus in Boston, MA. Each scholarship covers program fees ($6,000) and reimbursement for $500 in travel expenses.
Completed applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 6, 2017 at  

Scholarship winners will be notified by March 20, 2017.
For more information and the application, visit  and go to Programs, then Scholarship Program.


The Stone Soup Films Pro Bono Partnership program mobilizes a volunteer corps to produce and donate compelling documentary short films to help nonprofits communicate their stories more powerfully. After completing production, the SSF staff works with nonprofits to develop a comprehensive strategy for identifying success metrics, distributing the created content, and measuring its intended impact on the organization.

The deadline to submit applications for the Spring cohort is January 13. Decision notifications will be sent to Spring cohort applicants by March 15. Filming for the Spring cohort may occur between February and June. 2017. Visit for more information.

Compass posts nonprofit job openings on our website to support nonprofits seeking to find seasoned professionals. Current job opportunities include:

Miriam's Kitchen, Operations and Performance Manager 
Children's Law Center, Communications Director
Audubon Naturalist Society, Director of Marketing and

For more details on these jobs or to see new postings throughout the year, please go to Nonprofit Sector Jobs. 

If you know of other nonprofit job opportunities, we're happy to list them on our site as well. Please feel free to  contact us.