Company of Experts, Inc.
Company of Newsletter
Words Create Worlds
March 2009
This is a great year for the Company of Experts - we are celebrating 20 years serving organizations and people - just like you.  It has been a great experience for us and the Experts on Call.  Special thanks to Nancy Stetson who started this company in her home.
We feel so fortunate to hear from so many of you. We appreciate you sharing the terrific things that you are doing both personally and professionally. You tell us that you are working and living appreciatively, focusing on your strengths. But, it is tough sometimes when the airwaves are filled primarily with negative news. We have wondered what we can do - we have started a group on Linkedin for our AIFT graduates.  We invite you to join us and share your stories of life, connections, compassion and creativity.
In This Issue
AIFT Training
Online Workshops
Where Does Change Begin?
New Workshop
New Partnership
Join the AIFT Group on Linkedin
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
 We have two terrific locations for the AIFT this fall:
Hilo, Hawaii - October 13, 14, 15 & 16, 2009
Vancouver, British Columbia - November 18, 19, 20 & 21, 2009
Online Workshops 
Can your business thrive in today's economy? Absolutely! With planning, focus and motivated employees your business can meet the challenges for tomorrow. We can help!

Company of Online offers the same quality programs, training, workshops and seminars as our face 2 face programs.
Communication and Social Networking
Conflict Resolution - in the Age of Instant Messaging
Customer Service - Doing More with Less
Dealing with Difficult People
Managing Relationships in the Workplace
Social Media and Opportunities
Time Management and E-Mail Madness
Grant Management
Motivating Employees
Team Building
Supporting Change
Labor Relations
Strength Based Leadership
Appreciative Inquiry
More workshops added regularly
To see what workshops are open
Where Does Change Begin?

We received this note from a new manager with whom Ray Wells, Expert on Call and I had the pleasure of working with: "This time last week, I was sitting here with a workshop session to organize in 4 days but no budget in hand.  I was almost hopelessly helpless until the two of you turned up. One has worked even in the weekend in search of an experienced speaker with exceptional strength to engage people even over conference calls. One has put together a presentation within a couple of days, travelled the distance and got a group in four locations as engaged as possible via only a video conference. This might be the dedicated and professional way you've always worked, but it meant so much to me, who has just started a new assignment in a foreign land for two weeks.  Without either of you, I don't how how I could have tackled the task."
This manager is works at a large multi-national company. They are beginning a year of planning in this new economy with employee engagement as the new vision. The inquiry was to see if the Company of Experts could send an experienced AI facilitator to their HR managers meeting that was scheduled four days later for an introductory training? And, by the way, they had no funding so they would like a sample training, free of charge. What I have learned over the years, is that the AI community is so giving. But,, I sheepishly called the nearest AI facilitator and Expert on Call, Ray Wells. Ray arranged to provide a first rate AI intro and more. The company determined for now, with their limited time and budget, they will task their managers to read about strengths based employee engagement, conduct online assessements and begin to engage their employees in this manner.  
We are so appreciative that we made a difference for this manager. The resilience and flexibility of our Experts on Call is a signature strength of the Company of Experts.
New Workshop - Positive, Appreciative, Strengths Based Leadership
This workshop series has been deigned for intact groups including current and future leaders and managers - whether a business, corporation, nonprofit, education institution or governmental organization.  This is an intensive workshop series that focuses on Positive, Appreciative, Strengths Based Leadership. Please email if your would like to schedule this workshop series for your organization. 

Article Headline
The Company of Experts, Inc.  and the Teams Group, Inc. have formed an alliance to better serve our organizational clients. This is in response to client requests for additional services. The Teams Group evaluates facility managment including engergy performance, software solutions, project managment, construction management and technology services as well as benchmarking, performance analytics, data mining and business dashboards.
We look forward to hearing from you,

Kathy Becker
Company of
Join the AIFT Group on Linkedin
We have started a group on Linkedin - a social networking site as a place to share how we are making a difference in our personal lives, in our volunteering and at work. This started as a way for those who have attended the four-day AIFT to have a place to share and encourage others in this time of challenge. We invite those who are new to AI or who have no experience or knowledge to join us as well.  If you would like to join this group please email Kathy and she will send you the connection. 
American Association of Community Colleges
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