Event Calendar Correction: December 6th is Jule Fest     


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City of Poulsbo E-newsletter                October 2014
 Daffodil Day 2014


Traffic Safety & Halloween Safety Tips

Hope you are enjoying the rainy dark weather.  It's a reminder that winter is on its way and soon we will be headed to work and school in the dark and headed home in the dark as well.


It's critical in these rainy dark conditions that we slow down, leave extra distance between your car and the car in front of you, and watch out for kids headed to and from school.  Also, parents, please make sure your kids have some reflective material visible.  A good place is on their backpack or jacket or something they take with them every day.  The little red flashing bike lights are a great option to clip on to their backpack as well, as long as they turn them on! trick-treat-bucket.jpg


Halloween is this week
tomorrow!  Here are some tips to keep in mind as you are planning
  • Children should trick-or-treat during daylight hours when possible.
  • Children should never be allowed to go out alone on Halloween.
  • Children should never eat any treats until they have been examined. (keep in mind with the new marijuana laws we are starting to see foods/candies that contain marijuana)
  • Advise children that they should never enter strangers' homes.
  • Never invite children into your home.
  • Children should never accept rides from strangers.
  • Children should never take shortcuts through backyards or alleys.
  • Set a specific time limit for your children to be out on Halloween night.
  • Give wrapped homemade treats only to children you know.
  • Instruct children not to stray from their group.
  • A responsible adult should escort children while trick-or-treating.
  • Adult escorts should carry flashlights.
  • Don't leave your home unattended on Halloween night.
  • Keep pets inside your home, or other safe place on Halloween night.  
  • Parents should know what route their children will be taking.
  • All costumes should be made of light-colored, fireproof material.
  • Children should wear proper fitting, comfortable costumes and shoes.
  • Realistic replica firearms should never be used.
  • Masks should not be worn if they impair vision.
  • Wigs should be fireproof and should not restrict vision.
  • Children should always use sidewalks, not the street, for walking.
  • Children should look in all directions before crossing the street

Have a safe and fun Halloween!


Police Chief Townsend

Poulsbo Police Department

Construction Projects Update
Residential Developer Projects:


Mountain Aire (Noll Road area) - Offsite sewer work continues. The sewer line is now across Noll Road and is working toward the Mountain Aire project. Onsite mass grading is complete and the stormwater pond is nearly complete.


Sommerset (Viking/Vetter area) - Onsite mass grading is complete, utilities and stormwater pond are under construction.


Vikings Landing (Viking area) - Approximately 80% of the sitework is complete and the contractor is spreading rock working on winterizing the site.


Olympic Crest (Pugh Road/Applewood area) - Onsite grading nearing completion and the contractor is working on utilities and stormwater pond. There will be limited minor traffic interruptions in the area associated with this project. 

Commercial Developer Projects:


Sonic (Viking/SR305 area) - Site work has slowed due to changes in the site plan that are being made, but not yet approved. Work in City Right of Way will begin within a week or so - there will be limited traffic interruptions associated with this work.


CVS Pharmacy (Hostmark/SR305 area) - Onsite site civil work is mostly complete and the contractor is concentrating mostly on building construction. Offsite stormwater system work at Hostmark/6th area is under construction and is expected to be completed in the next two to three weeks. There will be limited traffic interruptions associated with this work.


Eagle Harbor Light Industrial (Viking/Commerce area) - Most of the onsite site civil work is complete. There is still some limited Right of Way work to do that may generate some limited traffic interruptions (not scheduled at this point). They are concentrating mostly on building construction.


City Construction Projects:


Lincoln Road (from Laurie Vei Loop to the Roundabout)- Utility work is mostly complete. Curbing completed this week. The contractor is working on grading the road base and is hoping to have the first lift of asphalt paving completed by the end of the month (weather dependent). This project is currently approximately a month behind with the contractor making every effort to get back on schedule.

In This Issue
Daffodil Day
Halloween Safety Tips
Construction Projects Update

Events Calendar

(Click on links for more information)



31 -  Halloween


Old Police Station



Parks & Recreation Building



-  Daffodil Day 

City Hall Parking Garage


Salmon Viewing


Poulsbo's Fish Park


28 - Tree Lighting 

Viking Avenue &

Lindvig Way



6 Jule Fest

Viking Avenue Tree Lighting

Waterfront Park

Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy
The City of Poulsbo is accepting applications from citizens interested in volunteering for an opening on the Parks and Recreation CommissionFor more inforamtion visit,




Passports are now processed by Municipal Court on Thursdays from 9:00am - 11:45am and 1:30pm - 3:00pm.
For more information visit: travel.state.gov. 

Fishline Food Drive

City Hall and Parks and Recreation will be a drop-off location for Fishline's Annual Food  and Gift Drive, through December 11th. Perishable Thanksgiving food donations should be dropped off by noon on Tuesday, November 25th, at Fishline.
For more information you visit: www.nkfishline.org