Central Rappahannock
Heritage Center Newsletter
A place that loses its history loses it soul
Volume 7, Issue 5
May 2017
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The Heritage Center gladly provides research services. Please contact the center for rates.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the first Saturday of each month, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or by appointment
900 Barton Street #111 Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 373-3704
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Message From The Chairman
May is Preservation Month. For 20 years, The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center's mission has been to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research. Our entire staff takes very seriously the Center's "tag line": A Place That Loses Its History Loses Its Soul.
My message this month is brief, but in next month's newsletter I hope to have some exciting news about the Center as it continues its mission of preservation in the next decade.
I'd like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to those of you who had the strength and determination to accept the challenges of motherhood. Mother's Day is a time to honor women, as well as to think about legacies, both personal and societal. Throughout history, mothers have had a huge role in building and maintaining family connections. So thanks to all the Moms out there for being the caretakers of family history and passing it along to the next generations.
Meredith Beckett
CRHC Chairman
CRHC memberships support the important work done by the Center. The Center fills a unique role in the region, the preservation of our people's history, which we make available for research. We are a 100% all volunteer, non-profit organization.
Please join us as part of the Heritage Center's preservation team! As a CRHC member, you will be helping to preserve our priceless local history. Click here to become a member today!
Thank you for your support,
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center
The History of Mother's Day
May is about many things - graduations, Memorial Day and Mother's Day. Mother's Day was started in the early twentieth century by West Virginian, Anna Jarvis, to honor her pacifist mother, who nursed soldiers of both sides during the Civil War, it has evolved. Miss Jarvis intended that family members hand write letters to their mothers expressing their love and appreciation. She trademarked "second Sunday in May" and "Mother's Day" in 1912. She had hoped it would become a national holiday, instead, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson issued a Mother's Day proclamation, as have most presidents since. By the 1920s, Miss Jarvis began boycotting Mother's Day, threatening to sue companies like Hallmark Cards that she felt had usurped and commercialized the celebration for financial gain. She was arrested for demonstrating at a candy makers' convention in Philadelphia in 1925. Miss Jarvis aside, the Heritage Center has examples of greeting cards, as well as lovingly handwritten letters for many occasions, including Mother's Day. Cards have changed over the years. Once, a sentimental card and perhaps flowers and candy were considered appropriate and adequate gifts for Mother's Day. Contrast that with today's when the card is only the beginning. If mother is health-conscious and watching her weight, she'd probably prefer a weekend at a spa, a gym membership or a massage. Other mothers, might prefer scrap-booking equipment, a gift certificate for skydiving, a hot air balloon ride, or a new kayak. If dad gets roped into the celebration, it might mean a weekend, or even a week, at the beach or the mountains; at the very least, an elegant brunch or dinner at a romantic (and expensive restaurant). Times have changed.
Courtesy of the Stearns Collection (click on images to enlarge)
To revisit a simpler time, come to the Center and see cards and letters from the past. Don't forget Father's Day, June 18.
Update to March Newsletter
People read our newsletter. Sam Perry, Jr. discovered an omission in the March edition. William F. Liebenow and Mary Virginia Eastburn had a fourth child, Edith, who married Charles Lewis. Thank you Sam. Upon further investigation, there was also a fifth child, Mary Virginia, who died in 1925 when she was six years old.
Beth Daly
CRHC Member
Newly Acquired Collections
Acquired collections for the month include:
- Additions to the Vestry Minutes of St. George's
- Roberson family genealogy
- News article from The Daily Star covering a speech by A. C. Wallace given to the United Daughters of the Confederacy
- Master Gardener photos, correspondence, newsletters, planning committee notes & programs
- Miscellaneous photographs and booklets
- Copies of Gaymon photographs
John Reifenberg
CRHC Collections Manager
Can you help identify this photo?
Please help identify these people on the
1956 Union High School May Day Float.
Courtesy of the Simmons Collection.
(click on photo to enlarge)
Please contact Sharon Null at snull@crhcarchives.org
The Circle Unbroken: Civil War Letters of the Knox Family of Fredericksburg
On sale now at the Heritage Center
$29.70 for members
$33.00 for non-members
You can also purchase the book online from the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation
(click on image to order online)