CASA of Central Texas advocates for abused and neglected children in the court system by recruiting, training and supporting community volunteers.
Welcome to another edition of CASA Up Close Monthly. Please feel free to contact CASA for more information about anything you read. And, as always, thank you for your continued support.
Letter from the Executive Director
Academic Achievements
When youth remain in foster care through their teenage years, the CASA volunteer serves a unique and important role by helping prepare these young people to become self-sufficient members of the community.
Providing a stable voice of encouragement, giving guidance to prepare for the future, offering
emotional encouragement and connecting youth to skills-building resources that will increase the chances for a positive future. This is how our CASA Volunteers make a difference.
We are very proud of our 11 CASA youth who successfully completed their high school education this Spring. Earning a diploma is an achievement for all youth and we are delighted to celebrate with them. National statistics show that about half of youth in foster care do not earn their high school diploma. Please honor these amazing young people by taking a minute to see their pictures below and read about their future plans.
I sincerely thank our advocates who work with these older youth. I truly believe that as our volunteers are providing critically needed support, they are in turn bettering our community.
Thank you,
Norma Castilla-Blackwell Executive Director
Class of 2016
National statistics show that about half of youth in foster care do not earn their high school diploma. But when CASA is involved, youth do better in school...they are more likely to pass all courses, more likely to have better conduct, less likely to be expelled, and more likely to graduate.
Our CASA volunteers stood with 11 graduates this spring. Our sincerest congratulations to every one - Alana, Cara, Cheyenne, Dylan, Isaiah, Josh, Joshua, Kaleigh, Shadi, Tabitha and Taylor.
Meet a few of them!
Cheyenne graduated from Stony Point High School. She works at a restaurant and is enrolling in a 9-month program full of fun activities and work training skills.
Kathy Dial was Cheyenne's CASA from 2008 - 2014 when Cheyenne was adopted. Kathy still keeps in touch with Cheyenne and attended her graduation.
Dylan graduated from New Braunfels High School. He intends to work this summer and use the time to decide if he will enroll in Austin Community College in Fall 2016 or Spring 2017. Dylan is interested in either Social Work or being an attorney. Bruce Drobeck has been Dylan's CASA since 2015.
Isaiah graduated from New Braunfels High School and plans to be an emergency medical technician. Nicole Solis-Douglass has been his CASA since 2009. He is pictured with Casework Supervisor TimJudkins
Joshua graduated from Canyon High School in New Braunfels and hopes to get a job this summer before going to either Austin Community College or Blinn College. He may pursue a technical degree but his future is open! He has strong family support as he heads into it. Kern Huff has been Joshua's CASA since 2012.
Tabitha graduated from Comal Academy and now plans to join the Marines. After completing her military duty she wants to become a paramedic.
Kathleen Schindler was appointed in 2013 as Tabitha's advocate.
Taylor graduated from Marion High School in Cibolo. She is planning on going into the Air Force and becoming an officer. Her specific interests include working with a K-9 unit. Lorie Donley has been her CASA since 2012.
Welcome New CASA Volunteers
Welcome new CASA Volunteers sworn in on June 22nd.
Pictured l-r: Wendy Inman of Comal County, Pam Sadler of Comal County, Carl Rasmussen of Comal County, Chris Frels of Comal County, BettyAnn Chavez of Hays County, Judge Melissa McClenahan, Mike Rainbolt of Hays County, Susan Ryder of Guadalupe County, Martha Alexander of Hays County, Jane Vaninger of Hays County, Angela Varni of Comal County, Lynette Paris of Comal County, Laura Bredesen of Comal County, CASA Board President Joanne Germer and CASA Executive Director Norma Castilla-Blackwell.
Become a CASA Volunteer
CASA Volunteer Toni Urban sworn in March 2014
Sign up for a 2016 Training Session
For more information on training sessions contact Training Coordinator Debbie Haynes at 512-392-3578 or by
email, or click
to visit our website.
A New Volunteer Training Course is required for all new Court Appointed Special Advocate Volunteers.
The Volunteer Training Course is a 6-part training series and all 6 classes are required.
Upcoming Training Courses
Starting this Week!
June 29 thru August 3
1- 5 p.m.
San Marcos
June 30 thru August 4
4:30 to 8:30 p.m.
New Braunfels
Starting in August
August 17 thru September 21
4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
San Marcos
August 18 thru September 22
1 - 5 p.m.
New Braunfels
Saturday Course
Saturdays Accelerated Course
October 1 thru October 29
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
New Braunfels
San Marcos
Historic Hays County Courthouse Room 101 111 E. San Antonio Street
New Braunfels CASA office
1619 E. Common Street, Building C
Volunteer Spotlight
Ralph Townsend, CASA of Central Texas Volunteer since 2010 |
"I reviewed the CASA website and knew that, with my love of children, this was something I could do."
"One thing that has stood out to me is that no two cases are ever alike."
"I have enjoyed getting to know the parents and work with them to help them realize how important their children are!"
"There is no greater satisfaction in life than seeing a child smile. If you do are a success!"
Voices Tour Information Sessions
Want to learn more about the role of a CASA Volunteer?
Come to
one-hour information session and hear how our volunteers advocate for children who have been abused and neglected.
CASA staff and
volunteers will be on hand to share their stories and answer your questions.
Voices Tours
New Braunfels
Wednesday, July 6th, noon CASA office
San Marcos
Wednesday, July 20th, noon
Historic Hays County Courthouse, Room 101
Host: David Junkin, CASA Board Member
Please RSVP to Eloise Hudson by
or at 830-626-2272.
Would you like to host a CASA Voices Tour in your town? Please contact us and get more information
Lunch provided by Fox's Pizza Den in New Braunfels and Chick-fil-A in San Marcos.
CASA's Auxiliary Board, the Wing Society, hosted a patriotic-themed Summer Social on June 11 at the Rio Terra Club in New Braunfels.
 Advocates brought guests to help spread the word about CASA.
Thank you, Wing Society, for this opportunity to get together with each other and meet new people!
Current Drug Trends Among Our Youth
On June 27, advocates attended "Current Drug Trends and how it affects our youth and families" at the Hays Caldwell Council for Drug and Alcohol Abuse in San Marcos. Jeri Hudson, M.Ed, Certified Teacher, Certified School Counselor and Prevention Specialist, spoke about the most abused substances affecting our counties as well as emerging drug trends.
Prize winners were Fran Hargrove and Rita Morieras.
The next Continuing Education will be held in September.
Have a great summer!
CASA of Central Texas volunteers are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education annually.
J oAnne Germer
Board President
JoAnne joined the CASA board in 2011 and has served as president since 2013. Her term comes to an end this month. JoAnne was inspired to serve on CASA's board when she attended a fundraising event and learned that her home county - Caldwell - was underrepresented by volunteers.
"In everything that she does, she is laser-focused on the goal of training and supporting more volunteers so that more children are helped," Executive Director Norma Castilla-Blackwell said. "As the chair of our campaign to build a Training and Support Center in San Marcos, Mrs. Germer has spearheaded 100 percent support."
"As an Executive Director I depend on my Board to create policies and procedures that will allow advocates to provide the best service to the community as possible. Mrs. Germer has done this and more during her term as president."
Sara Hughes
Casework Supervisor
Sara joined CASA in October 2014 as a Casework Supervisor for Hays and Comal Counties. We will say goodbye to Sara on June 30th when she moves to Oklahoma City for her husband's Air Force reassignment.
Coming from a background that included being a CPS caseworker, I have really enjoyed the individual attention that CASA advocates are able to give to their children. Working with such amazing volunteers who are so dedicated to their children and seeing the huge impact that such focused intervention can have for kids has been an eye opening experience.
"I will miss all of my advocates but know they will continue to do wonderful work serving children."
Thank you Sara for your dedication to CASA. Good luck with your growing family!
Ready for Reading
Pictured are Phyllis Leesman, CASA Program Director Kimberly Key, and Carmen Hanshaw.
Thank you to the Catholic Daughters of America with St. Joseph's
Church in Spring Branch for their generous book donations. A Book Fair was held on June 9th where advocates came to select as many books as they wanted for the children on their cases.
CASA Volunteers Nancy Deckard (left) and Rosa Hernandez (right) fill their arms with books for their CASA children.
With John Qui
ñones, Keynote Speaker, award-winning broadcast journalist and anchor of "What Would You Do?"
More than 1,200 people
from the CASA/GAL networ
k across the
country converged in Washington D.C. for the 2016 National CASA Annual Conference earlier this month. Under the theme of One Network-Many Voices for children, the successes of our advocacy efforts were underscored through educational workshops, inspirational keynote speakers, and numerous networking opportunities.
We were proud to see and spend time with our very own JusticeLaRue who was a featured speaker. She shared her personal story of perseverance as a child who was
With Ashley Rhodes-Courter, Keynote Speaker, best-selling author and quintessential foster-adoption success story.
repeatedly abandoned and neglected and how CASA eventually had a life-changing influence. She was cheered on by a standing ovation.
CASA of Central Texas was represented at the conference and "on the hill" by Executive Director Norma Castilla-Blackwell, Development Director Tricia Schneider, Casework Supervisor Tim Judkins and Former Foster Youth Justice LaRue.
At the office of Representative John Culberson with Catherine Knowles, Deputy Chief of Staff (3rd from left) and Tara Perry, National CASA CEO (far right).
At the office of Representative Ted Poe with Kristina Thompson (2nd from right), Legislative Counsel for Victims' Rights.
At the office of Senator Ted Cruz with Zach West (center), Counsel on the Judiciary.
Exceptional Service Award
CASA of Central Texas was honored as the recipient of the Sertoma Club's annual Service To Mankind award at a luncheon held this month. In recognition of "exceptional efforts and contributions," the award was presented by Ralph Randow, San Marcos Chapter President.
Pictured l-r: Carol Grimm, Advocate Volunteer since 2001; Cathy Vrba, Finance Director; Daysy Silvestre, Administrative Coordinator; Laura Torres, Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator; and Tricia Schneider, Development Director.
Help Recruit CASA Volunteers
Do you love CASA and want to help recruit volunteers? Now you can get the word out by being a host for one of our CASA Voices Tours Information Sessions.
How? You pick a tour date and location that works best for you, commit to invite your friends and join us for the session. Let us do the rest. Our goal is for you to have five of your friends or colleagues attend as your guests and for them to hear why you support CASA. Then a CASA staff member will explain the history of the program, what's involved with being a CASA and how to get started. We believe your personal invitation will go far in encouraging people to learn more about CASA, and help us reach the goal of providing a CASA for every child in State care.
CASA will also invite people through social media and word-of-mouth so expect to see faces new to you, too!
Voices Tours are held from noon - 1 on the first Wednesday of each month in New Braunfels and the second Wednesday of each month in San Marcos. Additional dates and locations are scheduled upon request. Please contact
Eloise Hudson if you would like to host a Voices Tour.
Stay Connected Spread the Word
Click the icon to view our profile
Upcoming Events
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
1 - 5 p.m.
Historic Hays County Courthouse room 101
4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
New Braunfels CASA office
Noon - 1 p.m.
Voices Tour in New Braunfels
Noon -1 p.m.
CASA office
Voices Tour in San Marcos
Noon - 1 p.m.
Historic Courthouse room 101
Voices Tour in New Braunfels
Noon -1 p.m.
CASA office
Voices Tour in San Marcos
Noon - 1 p.m.
Historic Courthouse room 101
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Historic Hays County Courthouse room 101
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
1 - 5 p.m.
New Braunfels CASA office
Voices Tour in New Braunfels
Noon -1 p.m.
CASA office
CASA Superhero Run
7 a.m.
Dominion Central Park, Austin
Voices Tour in San Marcos
Noon - 1 p.m.
Historic Courthouse room 101
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
New Braunfels CASA office
Voices Tour in New Braunfels
Noon -1 p.m.
CASA office
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
1 - 5 p.m.
Historic Hays County Courthouse room 101
CASA Volunteer Training Begins
4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
New Braunfels CASA office
Voices Tour in San Marcos
Noon - 1 p.m.
Historic Courthouse
room 101