1414 W Garland Ave,
Ste 109
Spokane, WA 99205
Support your local music dealer
Hug a musician -
they never get to dance!
For All Reasons - For All Seasons - Call Us! Marlene M. Anderson Consultant - Clinician- Conductor. Cell 206-390-0931 Wes Anderson - Maintenance Guru - Sales Representative Cell 206-390-8789 Serving ALASKA - IDAHO- MONTANA - WASHINGTON hookedonhandbells.com grandy-a@comcast.net 22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504 Des Moines, WA 98198 |
The Raleigh Ringers
8516 Sleepy Creek Dr
Raleigh, NC 27613
A full service handbell store with music and accessories: gloves, gifts, maintenance items, binders, mallets, bell tree items, Malmark products Visit us at www.heitzhandbells.com 612-208-1741 1-877-426-3235 heitzhandbells@yahoo.com 6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S Richfield, MN 55423 |
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is 150 pixels x 450 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. It will be enlarged to fill the space. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
Phyllis Tincher
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.
Deadline for articles and events to be included in the October issue of the Campanologist is
September 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher,
3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID 83686.
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
The Northwest Campanologist
School is back in session and choirs are beginning their rehearsals. What a great time to start talking about ringing opportunities this fall, winter, and spring. In October, there is Coppers Classic as well as the first annual Central Oregon Handbell Festival. The Snake River Handbell Conference is in February, Inland Northwest Handbell Conference is in March, and Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference is in May. Information for these with repertoire for some is in the articles below. Talk with your choirs and begin making plans to attend an event.
Please forward this newsletter to your choir members and to anyone else who would be interested in all the concerts and events. Encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter. Click "Join our mailing list" at the bottom of the left column or click the newsletter link on our website,
. With permission, I can also add names and addresses.
Phyllis Tincher, Communications Chair
Notes from the Chair ...
Last month I reported on a class I took at National Seminar on a new program from Malmark called ChimeWorks. In fairness to our other HIC members, I thought this month I would talk about the HIC in general and all they have to offer.
I must admit that for a long time I didn't really know what the HIC was. HIC stands for Handbell Industry Council and
represents those organizations with a business interest in the handbell art form. HIC members include publishers, retailers, manufacturers, performers, and many other companies that provide services and supplies to the world of handbells and handchimes.
The membership of HIC falls into several categories of products and services:
- Handbell/Handchime manufacturers, retailers, service, and repairs
- Handbell support hardware - tables, ringing accessories
- Handbell Music - publishers, retailers
- Handbell related accessories - cases, awards, apparel, gifts, specialty items
- Educational Services
- Professional Groups
- Tour & Travel Services
- Artwork & Graphics
HIC vendors are in the booths you see at events with music, bells, gifts, etc. I love the chance they provide to hands-on shop! HIC members provide a wealth of information and materials to further our execution and enjoyment of ringing.
We have a few members of HIC right here in Area 10. Bells of the Sound is a community group in Seattle, WA. Blanche Kangas runs Bell Buggy Express, a music supply house in Spokane WA. A new find for me was MyMusicFolders, a company in Missoula, MT who makes music folders and choir robes. All of the HIC members can be found at:
Do your best to support all the HIC members you see at events or online. We couldn't do what we do without them!
Diane Hould
Back to Bells Workshops
Handbell Musicians of America is offering FREE workshops across the country to help you get your handbells out of the closet and restart your handbell program - or start a brand new program.
Coppers Classic 2017
Love to ring? Love a ringing challenge? Need a place to ring with other handbell musicians as passionate as you are about our wonderful instrument? Then Coppers Classic is for you!
Coppers Classic is an all-ringing event designed for intermediate, coppers level handbell musicians whose goal is to inspire these musicians to challenge themselves to higher levels of accomplishment technically and musically. We provide a safe, supportive and enthusiastic environment for you to spread your wings and discover your inner amazing handbell musician with repertoire designed to teach towards that goal, to refine skills and develop a finer sense of overall musicianship.
When: Friday-Sunday, October 13-15
Where: University Place Hotel and Conference Center, Portland, Oregon
Who: Registration still open for adults and full-time students
When the Coppers Classic event started three years ago, I jumped at the chance to play. The reasons why - the variety in the music, the difficulty in the rhythms, the camaraderie
with the other ringers, the musicality of each piece, and understanding the story behind the piece. I love playing at the Coppers Classic." Linda Massey, Coppers Classic alum
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Snake River Handbell Conference
Save the date!!!
Friday & Saturday, February 2 & 3
Central Elementary Gym
1415 6th Street South, Nampa, Idaho
Clinician: Michael J. Glasgow
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
May 4-5, 2018
Ashland Middle School, Ashland, Oregon
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Conductor/Clinician for 2018 is Barb Walsh, the Artistic Director and Conductor of Tintabulations-a premier community handbell choir out of Reno Nevada. Barb brings an energy and passion to her conducting which inspires those who ring under her baton to give there all to the music. The 2018 repertoire is a nice mix of original compositions and arrangements, many incorporating added instrumentation.
Ellie Hodder is once again on the podium for the Bronze Conference Choir-this choir is by application for those ringers who what a challenge and a chance to ring more.
The conference opens with a Massed Ringing Rehearsal on Friday, May 4th at 7pm with the BCC rehearsals beginning at 4pm.
Because of the ever increasing costs to put on an event like this the registration has been raised to $70/person. Early Bird registration of $70 is good until March 1st, after March 1st registration will be $80/person. Registration, BCC application and lodging information will be available beginning January 1st on the Area 10 Website. If you wish to receive your registration materials electronically please contact Diane Barnes at dkbarnes@jeffnet.org with your e-mail information.
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Pacific NW Handbell Directors' & Musicians' Forum
One of our best workshops to-date, this Saturday event will get all directors and handbell musicians off to a great start on their ringing season.
How about a review of what's new, ergonomic and correct in handbell technique? Weaving without worry and marts without messes. Or, is sight reading a challenge for you or your ensemble? There are ways to make this all fall in place and become easier. AND, spend the afternoon checking out some of the newest handbell compositions with great directors. A fabulous annual event.
When: Saturday, September 9, 8:30-3:30
Where: St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 SW Canyon Rd, Beaverton, OR
Cost: $20 ($25 day of)
First Annual Central Oregon Handbell Festival
The Bells of Praise from Bend Church
the Bells of Sunriver
from Sunriver Christian Fellowship
invite you to the
first annual
Central Oregon Handbell Festival
When: Saturday, October 28 - 9:00-3:00 (rehearsal)
3:00-3:30 (concert)
Where: Bend Church United Methodist
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR 97703
Partial choirs and individual ringers are welcome!
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
Renew membership by October 1 and save
Handbell Musicians of America has scheduled a routine $5 increase on our dues on October 1, 2017. If you renew before 10/1 you can pay the current rate. Pre-paying your membership is always acceptable.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this scheduled increase of our membership fee.
Kim Braswell
West Regional Membership Coordinator
Handbell Musicians of America
Bayview Week of Handbells - 2017
Carl Wiltse passes the baton to Fred Gramann. Area 10 musicians (back row) Natan Sanders, Terrie Rychlinsaki, Hollace Vaughn. (fron row) Micki Mennet-Martin and Cyndy Patterson rang in this event which concluded with the August 17 concert at John Hall Auditorium, Bay View, Michigan. A broken wrist prevented Liz Scarshaug from ringing.
Area 10 Facebook Page
Did you know Area 10 has a Facebook page? Please search for "Handbell Musicians of America - Area 10" and like the page. If you want an event added, please send the information to Phyllis Tincher at campanologist.area10@handbellmusicians.org. A picture for the event can also be added.
National Office contact information
The national office is a virtual operation!
To contact by phone: 937-438-0085. Please note the 1-800 number is no longer in service.
All check payments for membership renewal and other services should be sent to:
PO BOX 221047
All other correspondence should be sent to:
Handbell Musicians of America
201 E. 5th Street, Suite 1900-1025,
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Alaska Events
Your event or concert could be listed here!
Idaho Events
Friday, November 3 - 7:00 pm, Ring Praise Music Ministry concert with Phyllis Tincher, handbells, and Sean Rogers, piano. Southminster Presbyterian Church, 6500 W Overland, Boise. This concert is sponsored by the Presbytery of Boise.
Sunday, December 17 - 4:00 pm, Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist, present the 12th annual "Bells of Christmas" Kettle Koncert at Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 Cleveland Ave, Caldwell. An offering will be taken for the Nampa and Caldwell Salvation Army.
Friday & Saturday, February 2-3 - 4th Annual Snake River Handbell Conference with clinician Michael J. Glasgow, Central Elementary Gym, Nampa. See article above for details.
Montana Events
Your event or concert could be listed here! |
Oregon Events
Saturday, September 9 - 8:30 - 3:30 pm, Pacific NW Handbell Directors' and Musicians' Forum, St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 SW Canyon Road, Beaverton.
Flyer and registration form. See article above for details.
Ring Praise Music Ministry, Phyllis Tincher, handbells, and Sean Rogers, piano, will be giving concerts in Eastern Oregon. These concerts are sponsored by the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon:
*Friday, October 6 - 6:30 pm, Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution, Pendleton.
Saturday, October 7 - 1:00 pm, Elizabethan Manor, 44882 Mission Road, Pendleton.
Saturday, October 7 - 6;30 pm, Ukiah Community Presbyterian Church, Main and Alba Street, Ukiah.
Sunday, October 8 - 3:00 or 4:00 pm, Umatilla Community Presbyterian Church, 14 Martin Drive, Umatilla.
*Monday, October 9 - 9:30 am and 1"00 pm, Two Rivers Correctional Institution, Umatilla.
*Visitors are not allowed, but prayers for touching the hearts of those who come would be appreciated.
Saturday, October 28 - First Annual Central Oregon Handbell Festival, Bend. See article above for details.
The Bells of Sunriver announces their Christmas concert schedule!
Sunday, December 3 - 4:00 pm, Bells and Bellows with Mark Oglesby, organist; St. Francis Catholic Church, Bend.
Saturday, December 16 - 3:00 pm, Bells and Bellows with Mark Oglesby, organist; Bells of Sunriver ensemble; Zion Lutheran Church, Redmond.
Sunday, December 17 - 3:00 pm, A Celebration of Christmas with Bells and Voices, Sunriver Christian Fellowship, Sunriver.
Friday & Saturday, May 4 - 5 - Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Ashland. See article above for details.
Washington Events
Your concert or event could be listed here!
Canada Events
Your concert or event could be listed here!
Please remember to send information for the October issue to me by September 22.