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Vol. 5, No. 7                                                                                      July 2014

In This Issue
Board of Directors
From the Chair
Bell Tree Orchestra
Alaska Events
Idaho Events
Montana Events
Oregon Events
Washington Events
Canada Events
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6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN  55423

Bell Buggy Express
 Thank you to everyone attending the Yakima Conference for your support of the Bell Buggy. It was nice to see so many old friends and make some new friends. 



Marlene Wes Anderson


For All Reasons -

For All Seasons -

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Marlene M. Anderson

 Consultant - Clinician- Conductor.

Cell 206-390-0931


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Cell 206-390-8789





22515 6th Ave. S. Unit 504

Des Moines, WA 98198


July 14-18
Sheraton - Atlanta 
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Board of Directors

Chair - Brian Tervo

   15504 NE 52nd St

   Redmond, WA  98052
Chair Elect - Diane Barnes
   479 Drager
   Ashland, OR 97520
Secretary - Cyndy Patterson
   4080 Carlton Ave
   Central Point, OR  97502
Treasurer - Cindy McAfee
  136 East Broadway, Ste 7
   Missoula, MT  59802
Past Chair - Dennis Dell
   3915 15th Ave S
   Great Falls, MT  59405
Alaska Chair - Ella Saltonstall
   PO Box 8818

   Kodiak, AK  99615


Idaho Chair - Barbara Mix
   1729 Dora Dr S
   Twin Falls, ID  83301
Montana Chair -Diane Hould
   142 3rd St S
   Shelby, MT  59474
Oregon Chair - Shosh Meyer
   10390 SW Canyon Rd
   Beaverton, OR 97005
Washington Chair -
   Jennifer Vangolen
   4820 40th Ave SW Apt. B
   Seattle, WA  98116
Education Coordinator -
   Wendy McPhetres
   6073 Sycamore Ln
   Bremerton, WA  98311
Youth Coordinator -
   Ron Mallory
   Maple Valley, WA
Membership Chair -
   Ann Pomazal
   7848 SE Cypress Ave
   Milwaukie, OR  97267
   503-534-1336 (home)
   503-539-4546 (cell)
Communications Chair -
   Phyllis Tincher
   3301 Seminole Dr
   Nampa, ID  83686
Webmaster - Rod Lloyd

   74430 Laurel Wood Rd

   Rainier, OR 97048


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 Phyllis Tincher
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Deadline for articles and events to be included in the August issue of the Campanologist is
July 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher, 
3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID  83686.
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
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The Northwest CampanologistArea 10 vert logo
      Wow! What a phenomenal conference we had in Yakima! There was excellence throughout the weekend with classes; division ringing; showcase concert with choirs, ensembles, and bell tree soloists; All-Star Choir; and Brian Tervo's arrangement of the Hallelujah Chorus for 6 different parts/sections of the massed ringing on Sunday. The antiphonal sound plus one part played entirely on chimes gave me goose bumps as I listened. If you weren't able to be there, please try to attend another event in the future. There is nothing like getting together with so many wonderful people passionate about our instrument and making gorgeous music. I will include more pictures in the August issue. If you were there and have some great pictures, please send them to me. I probably won't be able to get all of them in, but I'll get in what I can to give everyone a sampling of the conference. Captions would be helpful.
   Please remember to forward this to members of your choir and encourage them to join the list. You can update your information by clicking "Update Profile/Email Address" at the very bottom of the newsletter on the left. 
 Phyllis Tincher, Communications Chair 

From the Chair ...


Greetings Handbell Musicians.Brian Tervo


     I just returned home after this year's Area 10 Conference and a brief tour with my kids group after the conference. There were many highlights from the weekend in Yakima, and I will share three of them with you, working backwards chronologically.


     On Sunday, a personal highlight for me was the Massed choir's performance of the Hallelujah Chorus. I have compared what we typically do with massed ringing to having 30 pianists enter a room with 30 grand pianos and ask them to perform the exact same music simultaneously. I wanted to try something new with massed ringing, and arranged the Hallelujah Chorus for six bell choirs. The parts were assigned to groups based on their placement on the massed ringing floor to achieve some antiphonal effects. I was very pleased with the results, and as the arranger, thank all the groups for their willingness to prepare the music and try something new, even though this is a piece their choir likely will not be able to perform on their own.


    On Saturday, we featured the first ever Area 10 All-Star Choir, directed by David Harris. Acceptance into this group was through a videotaped audition. I was impressed with the time and dedication everyone in this group put into their performance. David and I had numerous email exchanges prior to the event to work out every detail to ensure things ran smoothly. The ringers also communicated with each other regularly on an online forum to answer questions for each other and to work out assignment challenges ahead of time. Before their first scheduled rehearsal, the group arranged to meet to work on some of the more challenging sections of their music before David Harris entered the room. Their first rehearsal extended until nearly 10pm, when we had to ask them to stop based on our contract with the convention center. The end result was one of the most impressive musical performances I have ever heard at an Area 10 event. Thank you to all of the All-Star participants for your work making this performance possible.

"Pit Bulls" Colin Walker, Trent Majors, Erik Tate, & Larry Sue

     On Friday, I had the honor of presenting an Area 10 Distinguished Service Award to Blanche Kangas. The award is given individuals who have devoted their time and expertise to advance handbell ringing in Area 10. Awards are given based on a nomination from the membership and formal approval from the Board. We do not give these rewards out often, and 8 years had passed since we last presented this award. Blanche started ringing in the late 1960s, has been in the Guild for more than 35 years, and has been an HIC member through the Bell Buggy Express for nearly 25 years. During this time, she has mentored many new directors, she has organized many handbell events, and she has served as a clinician for events locally, nationally, and even internationally. In addition, she has made a number of gifts to Luther College. I will share the words of Shosh Meyer, a Luther College alumni:

 "Blanche's handbell and chime legacy has gifted Luther College, in Decorah, Iowa, five octaves of Schulmerich Handbells and six octaves of Malmark Handchimes. The college has embraced the gift and is developing their handbell program into an integral part of their renowned music program. This special connection with the college came out of her devoted relationship with her mentor, choral patriarch Weston Noble. Along with her present gifts to the college and her future plans to bequeath all of her equipment and unprecedented collection of bell music, Blanche began a scholarship fund at Luther that benefits students who are taking part in the bell program."

Congratulations to Blanche on an award well deserved.


     Lastly, I thank everyone on the Area 10 Board for helping me organize this event. You have all been great to work with and allowed me to try some new concepts. There were a number of times when asked a question over the weekend; my response was something like, "I don't know, could you go figure it out?" In all cases, you came up with a good solution to the problem, enabling me to focus on another pressing issue. I also want to acknowledge Colin Walker, Merry Lloyd, and Nancy Johnson, who are not on the Board, but arrived a day early to assist with getting everything setup. We had a great event, and it was truly a team effort. 

Brian Tervo 
Montana Handchimes rang throughout the year!


     This year the Sun River Valley School District received the Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America handchime loan grant program! Sun River Valley Schools encompasses approximately 220 K-12 students at Fort Shaw Elementary and Simms High.   Our class C schools are located 35 miles west of Great Falls, Montana.


     As the music teacher I was extremely happy to introduce my students to hand chimes and at Fort Shaw Elementary we started right away! I introduced all students in the kindergarten-6th grades to the hand chimes by first playing them myself, then explaining the rudiments and parts of the chimes, followed by students playing the chimes. When students first heard the chimes their faces just lit up! None of my students had ever played or heard handchimes before.   Students most enjoyed their time of "free ringing", where they would have a timed interval to play their chime(s) randomly.

For our Veterans concert in November, the 3rd grade sang America the Beautiful accompanying themselves on the hand chimes with chords I had arranged. It was our closing number, or, as the students said, our "grand finale". It was indeed a grand finale which the audience talked much about! I had many parents comment to me about the chimes and the other students were somewhat jealous of not being able to play the chimes in the concert.


     For our holiday concert, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades performed on the chimes for their grades' pieces. For the spring concert each student in the 2nd and 3rd grades performed with 2 instruments-one chime and one Kids Play handbell which our school had in the inventory. For these musical selections students did melodic ringing rather than harmonic. We also incorporated some bell techniques. The vibrato on the chimes was their favorite.


     I would like to thank Handbell Musicians of America Area 10 for the opportunity to introduce my school and my community to the chimes. My community and administration were very impressed and I hope to gain enough support to eventually purchase chimes of our own!


Sara Enger


Alaska Events 


Your event or concert could be listed here! 
Idaho Events 


Sunday, December 14 - 4:00 pm, 9th annual Bells of Christmas "Kettle Koncert" with Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist. It will be in Jewett Auditorium at The College of Idaho, 2112 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell. An offering will be taken for the Nampa and Caldwell Salvation Army.
Montana Events 
Your event or concert could be listed here!
Oregon Events 

Sunday, August 3 - Saturday, August 9 - Come enjoy a week of "Ringing in Christian Fellowship" on the beautiful Oregon Coast. We welcome ringers of all ability levels offering technical workshops as well as plenty of time to participate in boating, swimming, beach walks, and group games. Your registration fee includes accommodations, wonderful meals, our clinician, and music that you get to keep. Prepare to make a joyful noise and spend the week with us at Camp Magruder. Registration details at  More info about camp (morning watch, auction items, etc) can be found or by contacting Dean Janelle Bolt at


Washington Events 


Saturday, March 21, 2015 - SAVE THE DATE! Emerald City Ringers announces the 2015 Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival. Join clinician Ron Mallory and youth handbell choirs from around the Northwest at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue  Watch the Campanologist for more information - we look forward to seeing you there! Contact Colin Walker,, for more information.


Canada Events 

Your event or concert could be listed here! 

     Please remember to send information for the August issue to me by July 22.
Happy Ringing,
Phyllis Tincher
Area 10, Handbell Musicians of America