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Alaska * Alberta * British Columbia * Idaho * Montana * Oregon * Saskatchewan * Washington

Vol. 3, No. 1                                                                             January 2012

In This Issue
2012 Area 10 Conference
Winter Directors' Forum
Youth Handbell Festival
Techniques Workshop
Siskiyou Summit Conference
Alaska Events
Idaho Events
Montana Events
Oregon Events
Washington Events
Thank you to
 our advertisers!
You may simply click a picture or an underlined link to go directly to their websites or email.
Bell Buggy Express

Wishing you all the blessings of the holiday season.


Thank you for your customer support in 2011.


Look forward to serving you in 2012.




(note website address has changed)

Bell Trees and More 




on a regular basis
to see and hear
our entire list of
published pieces.


The latest releases and other website information will be featured on the HOME page. Please register on the website. 

Louise Frier

Norm Heitz & Carol Scheel



Heitz logo


A full service handbell store:

music, equipment and

maintenance items, bell tree,

solo, ensemble music,

Malmark bells, Choirchimes� 

and products.



1 (877 or 866) 426-3235


6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S

Richfield, MN  55423

BOC Cruise

A 7-night Southern Caribbean voyage with guest clinician Fred Gramann.


Ports include Aruba, Antilles

& Bahamas.


Prices starting at $999.70 include all BOC activities, hosted cocktail party, meals and entertainment onboard, and all taxes and port charges.



BOC logo

Bells of the Cascades, an auditioned community handbell choir in the Portland, Oregon metro area, is seeking an experienced music director.


  This is a paid, contract position. Music directing experience required. Weekly rehearsals (Tuesday evenings) and two to four concert weekends or other activities per year.

Please contact Nancy Patton at 503-913-8082 or email  nancyp@

for additional information or to request application materials.

2012 International Symposium
Board of Directors

Chair - Dennis Dell
   3915 15th Ave S
   Great Falls, MT  59405

Chair Elect
- Brian Tervo
   15504 NE 52nd St
   Redmond, WA  98052

Secretary - Angie Barbosa
   1715 S Linda Vista Ave
   Boise, ID  83709

Treasurer - Cindy McAfee
   2350 Larch Camp Rd
   Missoula, MT  59803
Past Chair - Scott Barker
   2514 166th Ave SE
   Bellevue, WA  98008

Alaska Chair - Paula Johnson
   20246 McKinley View Ave
   Chugiak, AK  99567
   (907) 688-9716

Idaho Chair - Barbara Mix
   1729 Dora Dr S
   Twin Falls, ID  83301

Montana Chair -Diane Hould
   142 3rd St S
   Shelby, MT  59474

Oregon Chair - Diane Barnes
   479 Drager
   Ashland, OR  97520

Washington Chair -
   Jennifer Vangolen
   4820 40th Ave SW Apt. B
   Seattle, WA  98116
Education Coordinator -
   Wendy McPhetres
   6073 Sycamore Ln
   Bremerton, WA  98311

Youth Coordinator -
Membership Chair -
   Shosh Meyer
   10390 SW Canyon Rd
   Beaverton, OR  97005

Campanologist Editor -
   Phyllis Tincher
   3301 Seminole Dr
   Nampa, ID  83686

Web Master - Jim Dahlgran
   1440 Qattara
   Idaho Falls, ID  83404

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Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue 
There are two options:

1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels x 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.

2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
 Phyllis Tincher
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you.

Deadline for articles and events to be included in the February issue of the Campanologist is
January 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher, or

3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID  83686.
Please update your profile following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time.
Join Our Mailing List

H A P P Y     N E W     Y E A R ! ! !


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 New Area 10 Web Address!

     As part of the changeover to Handbell Musicians of America, our Area 10 web address is changing to make it easier for everyone to remember. It is now If you want to check out any other area's website, just change the area number in the above address and you'll have it! Now pleae take a moment and connect through our new address,


     When your email address changes, you can follow the link at the bottom of this newsletter to update your profile or send me an email and I will be happy to do it for you. Please keep our list up-to-date so you don't miss an issue.    

 Phyllis Tincher

Campanologist Editor

2012 Area 10 Handbell Conference 
June 22-24, 2012
Tacoma Convention Center
Tacoma Convention Center
Tacoma Convention Center
Tacoma, Washington
Guest clinician:
William Payn
Concert by Vivace from Puerto Rico
Cost: $180 (before April 1)
Lodging on your own
Pre-conference Directors' Seminar
with William Payn
Friday, June 22, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
$60 (before April 1)
Registration information and forms are just about ready to be released and will be sent as a special edition newsletter as soon as possible. Watch your inbox! 
Winter Directors' Forum and Read & Ring


    Join the Emerald City Ringers on Saturday, January 28 at Grace Lutheran Church in Des Moines, WA for a Directors' Forum and a Read & Ring. Handbell directors from the region are invited to attend the morning session from 9am-noon. Ellie Hodder will discuss ringing with less than a full choir, and Marlene Anderson will share her experience with fundraising and touring. We will also have plenty of time for networking, Q&A, and information sharing.

     The afternoon Read & Ring will feature music from this June's Area 10 conference. All directors and ringers are invited and encouraged to attend. Get a head-start on music preparation for the festival. Limited quantities of music will be available for purchase at the end of the Read & Ring session.


     Registration for the Directors' Forum, which includes lunch, is $10, and the fee for the Read & Ring is $5. To register, email, or call 425-269-8182. Please register before time runs out - we must have a final count by January 9 so we can order music.


music scoreby Blanche Kangas




Hallelujah Chorus, arr Wagner, L 3, Lorenz 20/1316L.

2-5 Octaves

Hallelujah Chorus, arr. Lorenz, L3, AGEHR 25001 Print on Demand.

3 Octaves

And the Glory of the Lord, arr. Herbek, L2, Presser 494-42109.

COLLECTION: Good Tidings, arr. Edward,  L 2/3, Lorenz 20/1139L. Contains: For Unto Us a Child is Born and O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion. Also includes Who is He in Yonder Stall, Once in Royal David's City, Bring a Torch, Praise Ye the Lord of Hosts (Works well with choir to teach/that reads 8th notes).

3-4 Octave

Hallelujah Chorus, arr. Keller, L 3,,  ACCOMPANIMENT Agape 1309.

Hallelujah Chorus, arr Kauffamnn, L2, Presser 494-42052.

Hallellujah Chorus, arr. Keller, L5, AGEHR  AGSE 05  QUARTET.

3-5 Octave

And the Glory of the Lord, arr. McChesney, L 3, Agape 1607.

For Unto Us a Child is Born, arr. McChesney, L3+, Jeffers 9327.

Hallelujah Chorus, arr. M L Thompson, L3, Agape  Bell part  2175  Keyboard/Score  2176.

Hallelujah Chorus, arr. M L Thompson, L3, Flammer HP 5104.

He Shall Feed His Flock, arr. Dobrinski, L4, Agape 1327.

He Shall Feed His Flock, arr. Edwards, L2, Alfred 36513.

He Shall Feed His Flock, arr. Sylvester, L3, From the Top 20185; also includes Sicilian Bagpipe Carol.

Pastoral Symphony, arr. McChesney, L4, Presser 114-40641.

Pastoral Symphony, arr. Sherman, L3, Beckenhorst HB 255.

Tidings of Great Joy, arr. Wagner, L2, Lorenz 20/1304L; Includes excerpts - And the Glory of the Lord, He Shall Feed His Flock, O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion, For Unto Us a Child is Born.

4-5 Octave

Sinfonia, arr. B Burroughs, L3, Fred Bock FH1002.

5-6 Octave

Every Valley Shall Be Exalted, arr. Meredith, L6, Self Published 9815.

Hallelujah Chorus, arr. Meredith, L5, Self Published 9803.

How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them, arr. Meredith, L4, Self Published 9816 C/B; Includes voice/C Instrument,Chimes.

Overture, arr. Meredith, L5, Self Published 9814.

Pastoral Symphony, arr. Meredith, L4, Self Published 9902.

Pacific NW Youth Handbell Festival 2012

Michele SharikMarch 24, 2012

Theme: "Around the World"
New: Teen Challenge Choir!
Mich�le Sharik, guest clinician
First Unitarian Church, Portland

 For additional information,

contact Ellie



  Music List & Registration Form

 More information about Michele

Techniques Workshop 

handbellsFriday, March 23, 2012

 7:00 - 9:00 pm

 Mich�le Sharik, guest clinician

 First Unitarian Church, Portland, OR

 Buchanan Reception Rooms, Eliot Center

 (enter SW 13th & Salmon)

additional information & registration form 

Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference 

Michele Sharik May 4-5, 2012

Ashland Middle School

Ashland, Oregon


Movement and Musicality

Guest clinician:  Mich�le Sharik


        Registration materials will be sent out in early January. If you have any questions or would like registration materials sent electronically please contact Diane Barnes at


Repertoire List


Alaska Events 
Your concert/event could be listed here! 
Idaho Events 
Saturday, March 3 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Boise Bell Bash, King of Glory Lutheran Church, Boise.
Montana Events 


Friday & Saturday, April 27-28, 2012 - Big Sky Handbell Festival "Magic Fest." For information, contact Julie Draeger,

Oregon Events 

Friday, March 23, 2012 - Techniques Workshop with Michele Sharik, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, First Unitarian Church, Portland. Additional information or email Ellie Hodder


Saturday, March 24, 2012 - Pacific NW Youth Handbell Festival with Michele Sharik, guest clinician, First Unitarian Church, Portland. Additional information or email Ellie Hodder at


Friday & Saturday, May 4-5, 2012 - Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference, Ashland Middle School, Ashland. Guest clinician: Mich�le Sharik. Repertoire list. For additional information, email Diane Barnes,

Washington Events 


Sunday, January 8 - 4 pm. Encore Epiphany concert by Bells of the Desert at Central United Protestant Church, 1124 Stevens Drive, Richland.


Sunday, January 15 - Emerald City Ringers is hosting an open house for interested ringers from 2:30-5pm at the Daniels Recital Hall at the corner of 5th and Marion in downtown Seattle. ECR can accept up to 25 ringers in a two-choir format and rehearses every Sunday afternoon. If you can ring level 3-4 music (copper), you are welcome to come and join without audition. Contact Colin Walker at for more information or to RSVP.


Saturday, January 28 - 9:00 am, Emerald City Ringers is hosting a winter directors' forum and read & ring at Grace Lutheran Church in Des Moines. Our morning session will include networking, discussion, and two education sessions for handbell choir directors on the topics of ringing with less than a full choir and fundraising/touring. In the afternoon, the read & ring will focus on music for the upcoming Area 10 conference. Limited quantities of Area 10 conference music will be available for purchase after the event. For more information contact the Emerald City Ringers at or call Colin Walker at 425-269-8182.


Saturday, February 4 - 2:00 pm. Concert by Nancy Kirkner, solo handbells, with Janet Anderson, piano. Music of British composers, including Purcell, Howells, Elgar, and Vaughan Williams. Frye Art Museum auditorium, 704 Terry Street, Seattle. Free.


Sunday, February 26 - 4:00pm??, Distinctly Bronze West Concert at Kitsap Conference Center, Bremerton.


Wednesday, April 11 - Noon. Concert by Nancy Kirkner, solo handbells, with Janet Anderson, piano. Music of British composers, including Purcell, Howells, Elgar, and Vaughan Williams. Seattle Public Library, Microsoft Auditorium, 1000 Fourth Avenue, Seattle. Free. Bring your lunch.


Friday, June 22 - Directors' Seminar with William Payn, Tacoma Convention Center, Tacoma.


Friday - Sunday, June 22-24 - Area 10 Conference, Tacoma Convention Center, Tacoma. William Payn, clinician. Music List.

     Please remember to send information for the February issue to me by January 22.
Happy Ringing,
Phyllis Tincher
Area 10, Handbell Musicians of America