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An Extraordinary
Performance Experience
Dr. William Payn
Date: June 7-9, 2013
Raleigh, North Carolina
Virtuoso is a unique opportunity for a small group of advanced ringers to participate in a professional performance experience, under the baton of Dr. William Payn.
Participants will be determined by an application/audition process. Email for an application. Deadline to apply is January 1, 2013.
This event is sponsored by The Raleigh Ringers, 8516 Sleepy Creek Dr, Raleigh, NC 27613
Additional information at
virtuoso.aspx |
Big Sky,
Greater Puget Sound,
Siskiyou Summit
Youth Festival
music IN STOCK.
800-482-3772 |
Norm Heitz & Carol Scheel
A full service handbell store:
music, equipment and
maintenance items, bell tree,
solo, ensemble music,
Malmark bells, Choirchimes�
and products.
1 (877 or 866) 426-3235
6603 Queen Ave S, Suite S
Richfield, MN 55423 |
Board of Directors
Chair - Brian Tervo
15504 NE 52nd St
Redmond, WA 98052
Chair Elect - Diane Barnes
479 Drager
Ashland, OR 97520
Secretary - Cyndy Patterson
4080 Carlton Ave
Central Point, OR 97502
Treasurer - Cindy McAfee
136 East Broadway, Ste 7
Missoula, MT 59802
Past Chair - Dennis Dell
3915 15th Ave S
Great Falls, MT 59405
Alaska Chair - Ella Saltonstall
Kodiak, AK
Idaho Chair - Barbara Mix
1729 Dora Dr S
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Montana Chair -Diane Hould 142 3rd St S Shelby, MT 59474 406-434-5317 mt.area10@
Oregon Chair - Shosh Meyer
10390 SW Canyon Rd
Beaverton, OR 97005
Washington Chair -
Jennifer Vangolen
4820 40th Ave SW Apt. B
Seattle, WA 98116
Education Coordinator -
Wendy McPhetres
6073 Sycamore Ln
Bremerton, WA 98311
Youth Coordinator -
Ron Mallory
Maple Valley, WA
Membership Chair -
Campanologist Editor -
Phyllis Tincher
3301 Seminole Dr
Nampa, ID 83686
Webmaster - Rod Lloyd
Advertising Rates
All ads are $5 per issue
There are two options:
1. An ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 100 pixels x 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will be hyperlinked to your website.
2. An ad approximately 1.5 X 3.5 inches which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text that will be formatted by the editor.
Send ad or text with picture to
Phyllis Tincher
with how many issues you would like. An invoice will be sent to you. |
Deadline for articles and events to be included in the January issue of the Campanologist is December 22. Information can be sent to Phyllis Tincher, or
3301 Seminole Dr Nampa, ID 83686. |
Please update your profile/email address following the link at the bottom of the newsletter. This will give you the opportunity to select various regions of our area so we can send you information about events and concerts close to home. You may change this information at any time. |
The Northwest Campanologist
Merry Christmas! There are many Christmas concerts listed below. Hopefully there is something near you that you will be able to attend and invite friends!
Handbell Musicians of America is inviting all individuals and groups to be a part of the Virtual Handbell Ensemble. Check out the article below.
If you are looking for a way to involve your ringers in helping your community, ringing handbells by a Salvation Army kettle is so rewarding. For several years I have rung solos at our local Fred Meyer. It is so fun to watch shoppers stare at all the bells as I ring. They love it and are very generous with kettle donations. From ring along to eight and twelve bell music, grab a few ringers and have fun!
Emails for officers in all areas of Handbell Musicians of America have been undergoing standardization. The format that was recently used with some of the emails has changed slightly, so please check the emails for the Board of Directors in the left column and update your address books accordingly. This format makes it very easy to remember email addresses for all the area officers.
Phyllis Tincher, editor |
From the Chair......
Greetings Handbell Musicians.
For the past couple of months, the Area 10 Board has been operating with a number of our appointed positions vacant, and I am pleased to welcome a few new folks to the board. Ella Saltonstall is our new Alaska State Chair, a position which was vacated last October when Paula Johnson's term ended. Ron Mallory has accepted our Youth Chair position, which has been vacant for the past couple of years. And last, but not least, Rod Lloyd has taken over for Jim Dahlgran as Webmaster. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing board members for their years of service to Area 10 and welcome our new board members. I have asked each of our new board members to provide a brief bio to introduce themselves, which you will find in this issue of the Campanologist.
Last month, I requested submissions for handbell related Christmas memories. Unfortunately, I did not get any responses, so I will share a couple stories I have from years past. The first would have been while in Bells of the Sound, the first year they participated in the Seattle Men's Chorus Christmas concert series. I recall this being eight performances over two weeks to sell-out crowds at Meany Hall on the University of Washington campus. We opened the concert on the lift in the orchestra pit, performing Hart Morris's arrangement of Ukranian Bell Carol (aka Carol of the Bells) while being elevated into audience view on the lift. After being a part of the orchestra accompanying the chorus for the first few pieces of the concert, we were dropped back down into the orchestra pit to put bells away and clear the stage apron for the remainder of the concert. During one of the performances, someone picked up a 4th octave bell case which was not latched. Needless to say, G3-B3 hitting concrete is one of the most terrifying sounds you will ever hear as a handbell musician.
Another year I remember clearly was the year I was involved with six Christmas Eve services. I was in college at the time, full of ambition, but lacking in wisdom. I was not yet a handbell director, but agreed to cover for the handbell director at my church, leading children's bell choirs at 3 pm and 4:30 pm services. Then, after a dinner break at the one pizza joint which was open on Christmas Eve, I returned to play a solo during the Prelude of 7 pm, 9 pm, and 11 pm services. Finally, after finishing the Prelude at the 11 pm service, I hopped in the car and drove to another church down the street in time to substitute in their handbell choir. While I really enjoyed participating in all of these services, it was a long and exhausting day, and not likely something I will repeat.
As we have entered the 2012 holiday season, I wish each of you the best for all of your holiday performances, whether it be a children's choir playing the one piece they've spent the entire fall learning for a Christmas pageant or a community choir performing to sell-out crowds in large performance halls. We have entered the season where our audiences are most eager to listen to the music we've worked so hard to prepare, and I hope that this December brings all of you great memories you will be able to share in the years to come.
Brian Tervo
Meet our new Area 10 board members
Webmaster - Rod Lloyd has been playing handbell for about 18 years. I currently play in two church choirs and the founder / director of Columbia River Handbells, a select community choir in Longview, Washington. I am author of "The Handbell Ringers Bible" and have many how to Handbell videos on YouTube "Handbells 101'. I have been creating nonprofit webpages for about 18 years since the internet arrived and am happy to take over the Area-10 website.
Youth Chair - Ron Mallory has a master's degree in choral conducting from the University of Washington and a bachelor's degree in music composition from California State University, Long Beach. He teaches handbell classes at Forest Ridge School in Bellevue, WA, serves as choir director at Living Word Lutheran Church in Puyallup, WA, and directs the Rainier Ringers community handbell ensemble. He has over two dozen published compositions and arrangements in print, and has won composition contests sponsored by Bells of the Sound and Handbell Musicians of America. Ron lives in Maple Valley, WA with his wife, Emily.
Alaska Chair - Ella Saltonstall was born and raised on Kodiak Island. As a youth she rang with a youth group that toured the Moscow area in Russia in the early 90's. Following college, she was a founding member of the San Diego Harmony Ringers in 1999. In 2008 she co-founded the first community choir of its kind in Maine, Penobsoct Bay Ringers. Prior to her move back to Kodiak in 2011, she learned to conduct from Area I mentors at a Director's seminar. In the fall of 2011, she co-founded and is the Artistic Director of Isle Bells, a 15 member, 5-octave community group in Kodiak. |
Community Christmas Concert
by Cyndy Patterson, Area 10 Secretary
Nine years ago I became the director of the bell choir at First Presbyterian Church in Medford, OR, after being a ringer in that choir and director of the choir at First Presbyterian Church in Central Point, OR for the previous 13 years. This choir had been doing a Christmas concert every year on the Sunday before Christmas, but our numbers were shrinking and the ringers were a bit tired of the stress. While trying to decide whether to continue the tradition, I had a great idea - why not get other choirs to join us? Each group could play the 2 or 3 pieces they had played in church for Christmas and no one would have to put together a whole concert's worth of pieces!
My group was overjoyed with the possibility, and I got immediate buy in on the idea from 3 other churches, which along with my 3 groups gave us a total of 8 groups participating. The biggest problem was that everyone wanted to ring on their own bells. Fortunately our chancel area is fairly large. By moving out most of the standard "furniture" (lectern, choir chairs, communion table), we were able to make room for 3 long rows of bell tables, which meant that we would only have to do a bell reset at intermission. Moving groups in and out of position was covered by having our organist lead the audience in singing Christmas songs. I organized a schedule of warm up times throughout the afternoon so each group could do a run through in the space, ending with us set up for the first groups to play.
I decided that we needed to start with a big bang, so I found a simple to memorize processional and had all the groups divided up into sections to play it as we all came in, filling the aisles and the front with ringers - it was an incredible sound with over 50 ringers playing together.
The traditional concert had always had a great turnout. That was one of the reasons I was reluctant to just cancel the tradition. With 4 other church's choirs participating, the audience was literally standing room only! We had to release the pews I had set aside for the ringers to the non-ringing audience and we all stood in the back to listen to each other play.
We had always taken a collection at this concert, which had always gone to our bell choir, but that didn't seem fair with other groups involved, so I advertised that the collection would go to the food banks at all of the churches. In the years since, we have simply put that collection into our own food bank, as it is one of the main ones in the downtown Medford area.
For a reception, I asked all the groups to bring lots of cookies, and got some of the non-ringing husbands of my ringers to make the coffee and Wassail and organize everything. People loved the chance to talk to the ringers after the concert.
Our Ringing In Christmas concert is now a firmly established tradition. The church gets phone calls from the community wanting to know when it will be held, and I don't even have to ask the other groups to participate - they just ask when. The logistics set up the first year have worked well for the most part with little adjustment. We are getting set for this year, so come join us on Sunday evening, December 16th at 7:00 pm on the corner of 8th and Holly in Medford, OR!
How to be a Blessing When You've Been Blessed with an Abundance of Handchimes
Handchimes have played a major role in the musical life of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Beaverton, Oregon. About 25 years ago, while at a Rogue Valley Handbell Festival, two of our ringers became enamored with the sound of handchimes and decided we needed a set for our music ministry. Their donation of those 3 octaves started us on a glorious musical trip of playing handchimes, fundraising to bequeath sets to start new choirs, and developing a loaner program. We now have a full 7 octave set of Malmark chimes that we use regularly with our five choirs, plus we have two 3 octave loaner sets of Malmarks and one of Suzuki.
We have found that by getting chimes into the hands of eager musicians (or non-musicians sometimes making music for the first time), the joy begins and on a few occasions the experience has even enticed people to join handbell programs. To encourage groups to use our loaner chimes, we have purchased the "Ring Along" series (Christmas, Favorites, and more). This easy to play system of ringing and singing allows even the "I've-Never-Played-An-Instrument-In-My-Life" kind of caroler to ring along with the best of the group (no musical notes, just circled words - if you read English, you're sure to have a great time).
To check them out and/or to get a list of "We had a great time playing" endorsement personnel, people contact me. A chart is kept of who has what, when they will be picked up, and when returned. People come to the church to pick up the chimes and books and check off their name when they are returned. First timers are given an introduction to chiming, how to care for them while on loan and how the books work. The checkout system has worked well over the years and has been used for holiday parties, neighborhood caroling, school room celebrations, professional group luncheons, chiming at retirement homes and even in the ICU, at Salvation Army kettles and they were even taken to Canada to add to the fun of a family reunion.
If you ever get to the point where you are blessed with an abundance of handchimes, think about developing your own loaner program. One of the reasons that our handbell/chime program is so well supported by the congregation is because so many members are able to say, "I play handchimes." If you would like to learn more about this program, contact me at or 503-644-9148.
Have a great Christmas season.
Shosh Meyer
Director of Handbells/Handchimes, St. Matthew Lutheran
and Oregon Chair - Area 10, Handbell Musicians of America
Big Sky Handbell Festival 2013
Fred Gramann - Conductor
Great Falls, Montana
April 27-28, 2013
Music new to Big Sky Festivals
Carol of the Wise Men, Fred Gramann, Jeffers Handbell Supply, Level 3+, JHF9178, 3-7 Octaves
A Time to Dance!, Karen Lakey Buckwalter, Beckenhorst, - Level 3+, HB403, 3-5 Octaves
Exodus Dance, Derek K. Hakes, National Music, Level 3, NMHB-604, 3-6 Octaves, Handbells & 2-3 Octaves of Chimes
Gloria Hodie, Turner & McChesney, Level 3, Jeffers Handbell Supply, JHS9482, 3-6 Octaves, opt. 2-3 Octaves Chimes
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him, Fred Gramann, Level 3+, Beckenhorst, MBEHB299, 4-7 octaves
Music Performed at Previous Big Sky Festivals or Area 10:
Celebration, Fred Gramann, Lorenz Pub., Level 2+, #20/1397L, 3,4 or 5 Octaves (Big Sky 2008)
Jubilance, Anna Laura Page, Breckenhorst Press, Inc., Level 3, HB302, 3-5 Octaves (Big Sky 2009)
Cantad Al Senor (Oh, Sing to the Lord), arr. Hart Morris, CPH, Level 4, #97-6817, 3-5 Octaves. Instrument set including full score and parts # 97-6827. (Big Sky 2003)
Chanson (A Sacred Song), Kenneth Lowenberg, AGEHR, Level 2, AG46028, 4-6 Octaves, Optional Chimes 3 octaves or AG23037- 2-3 Octaves (Area 10 - 2012)
pdf of music list |
Virtual Handbell Ensemble
Virtual Handbell Ensemble is an exciting new project of the Handbell Musicians of America, in which you will have the opportunity to perform a new work of music via video uploads.
Misterium, by James Meredith, consists of 135 musical segments to be recorded separately by individuals and small groups of players from around the world over a seven month period and uploaded to the web. All of the segments will be assembled by the editing videographer and the composer into the final work to be premiered online in July, 2013.
For a video introduction by Mr. Meredith and all the information you need to participate, please visit the project website by clicking the picture above or going to
2013 National Seminar in Portland, Oregon!!!
Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar moves around the country each summer. In 2013, we are so fortunate to have it in Area 10 in Portland at the Oregon Convention Center. The dates are July 24-27, 2013. Start making plans now to attend this exciting event. Keep watching for additional information. |
Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival
April 20, 2013 * Bellevue, WA
Emerald City Ringers, a community handbell ensemble based in the Seattle area, invites youth handbell choirs from around the Pacific Northwest to the 2013 Youth Handbell Festival. This year will feature three guest clinicians: Marlene Anderson, Ellie Hodder, and Emerald City Ringers Music Director and Area 10 Chair Brian Tervo. Please email for a registration form.
We are currently working with the Bellevue Red Lion Hotel for a discounted room block - rooms are anticipated to be $96/night, including free wi-fi and parking. Email for more details.
Fees (includes lunch and dinner): $55 per ringer postmarked by March 1 * $60 after March 1
Adult chaperones: $9 lunch, $12 dinner
Music List
Brochure/Registration Form
Email or call 425-269-8182for more information. |
2013 Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference
Save the date! The 2013 Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference will be held Saturday, May 18, 2013 at Green River Community College in Auburn, Washington. This event is open to all ringers - not just those in Washington! Our clinician for the massed ringing will be Kath Wissinger, and for the first time we will be having a bronze conference choir. (The bronze conference choir requires a separate application from the regular conference registration, and selected members will be assigned a position and prepare the repertoire prior to the conference on their own.)
Registration will open soon - we hope to see you all in May!
2013 Greater Puget Sound Repertoire
For additional information, please contact Jennifer Vangolen, Washington State Chair, at |
2013 Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference
May 3-4
Ashland Middle School
Ashland, Oregon
Guest clinician: Monica McGowen
The repertoire this year is loosely organized around the theme of "Our Journey;" there are some really nice pieces on the repertoire list. Again there will be two groups The Siskiyous and The Cascades along with the Massed group and an opportunity for those ringers who love a challenge and can ring Level 4 and 5 music to ring in the Bronze Conference Choir. Ellie Hodder will once again direct the BCC; remember that you will need to apply to be part of BCC and must learn your ringing position prior to arrival. Rehearsals for the BCC will begin Friday at 4:00 pm.
Registration materials will be sent out in early January with a March 1st deadline for application to the Bronze Conference Choir. If you have any questions or would like registration materials sent electronically please contact Diane Barnes at
Emerald City Ringers Wants YOU!
Ever dreamed of ringing in a community handbell ensemble? Emerald City Ringers has openings for its spring ringing season, which begins in January. ECR rehearses Sunday afternoons at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in Bellevue, WA and can accommodate up to 25 ringers in a two-choir format. Email for more information or to be added to our interested ringers list. An open house will be scheduled in early January. |
Alaska Events
Spring 2013 - Isle Bells, a community handbell group on Kodiak Island, will be hosting David Harris of the Raleigh Ringers next spring for a weekend seminar and massed ringing. The probable dates are either the end of April or beginning of May. Isle Bells anticipates musicians from around the state will be interested in learning from Mr. Harris and ringing under his baton. Please contact Ella Saltonstall, Artistic Director of Isle Bells, at for more information. |
Idaho Events
Saturday, December 8 - 3:00 pm, DeColores Concert at Community Presbyterian Church, St. Maries, free/offering taken
Saturday, December 8 - 7:00 pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church, 6500 Overland Road, Boise. The church's handbell choir presents their 2nd annual Christmas concert with guests Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist. An offering will be taken for the handbell ministry at the church and Ring Praise Music Ministry.
Sunday, December 9 - 4:00 pm, First Baptist Church, 221 E Linden Street, Caldwell. Carols of the Bells concert featuring Treasure Valley Bronze, homeschool choirs under the direction of Ruth Whitley, plus others.
Sunday, December 16 - 4:00 pm, Nampa Civic Center, 311 3rd Street S, Nampa. Bells of Christmas, 7th Annual "Kettle Koncert" for the Nampa Salvation Army. Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist, with special guests Treasure Valley Bronze. Free admission, offering will be taken for the Nampa Salvation Army.
Thursday, December 20 - 7:00 pm, United Methodist Church, New Meadows, Christmas Concert by Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist. Freewill offering. |
Montana Events
Saturday, December 22 - 2:00 and 4:00 pm. The Billings community ensemble bellissimo! will present two performances of their Christmas program at First United Methodist Church, downtown at 2800 4th Ave North, Billings, by the new Stockman Bank. As usual, a free-will offering will be accepted.
Saturday & Sunday, April 27-28, 2013- Big Sky Festival in Great Falls. See information above for music list. |
Oregon Events
Saturday, December 8, 7:30 pm and Sunday, December 9, 2:00 pm - Ring Noel!! Central Oregon Mastersingers & The Bells of Sunriver, Tower Theatre, Bend. Celebrate the magic of Christmas as the 40-voice choir with harp, directed by Clyde Thompson, performs chorale works for the season including Britten's "A Ceremony of Carols." An ensemble from the Bells of Sunriver will present a variety of holiday music such as Infant Holy, What Child is This?, Joyful, Joyful and an upbeat "Jazzy Jingle Bells." Tickets $16: contact the Tower Theatre, 541-317-0700, or visit the Tower website.
Sunday, December 9 - "Bells 'n Brass" is presented by the Covenant Bell Choir at 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm at Lake Grove Presbyterian Church, 4040 Sunset Drive in Lake Oswego. Our special guests once again are the brass players from the Oregon Symphony! You will be entertained with Christmas carols with a jazzy twist and traditional arrangements of Christmas favorites with readings by Bill Schonely.
Sunday, December 9 - the annual free "Holiday Brass and Bronze Concert" with the professional Big Horn Brass and the Exaltation Handbell Ensemble of St. Matthew Lutheran Church. Concert will be held at St. Matthew, 10390 SW Canyon Road in Beaverton. The musical evening begins at 6:10 p.m. with Exaltation, and Big Horn Brass begins at 6:30 p.m. A reception is held during intermission. Contact is Shosh Meyer, 503-644-9148;
Friday, December 14 - 7:00 pm, St. Francis Catholic Church, 27th Street, Bend and Saturday, December 15, 7:00 p.m., Zion Lutheran Church, Redmond, Bells & Bellows Christmas Concert. Organist Extraordinaire Mark Oglesby & an ensemble from the the Bells of Sunriver in Concert. Free with donations gladly accepted. Information: 541-593-1635.
Sunday, December 16 - 12:45 pm, "Carols Through the Ages." A concert of Christmas music presented by Westminster Concert Bells, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland. This concert is our gift to the community - no admission fee.
Sunday, December 16 - 7:00 pm, Ringing In Christmas Concert at First Presbyterian Church, corner of 8th and Holly, Medford. (See Community Christmas Concert article above for history of the concert.)
Saturday, December 22 - 1:00 pm, Phyllis Tincher, handbell soloist, and Sean Rogers, pianist/organist, at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Parish, Baker City. Freewill offering.
Saturday, February 23, 2013 - Workshop on Musicality for the Handbell Choir with Nancy Hascall, Sunriver. See article above. Contact Barbara Brocker at or 541-593-7396.
Friday & Saturday, May 3-4, 2013 - Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference with Monica McGowen, Ashland Middle School. See article above and email Diane Barnes at for more information. |
Washington Events
DeColores concerts:
Saturday, December 1 - 4:00 pm, Valley Baptist Church, Spokane Valley, free/offering taken
Sunday, December 2 - 3:30 pm, American Lutheran Church, Newport, free/offering taken
Sunday, December 9 - 4:00 pm, Evangelical Free Church, Chewelah, free/offering taken
Sunday, January 6 - 4:00 pm, Lake City Assembly of God, Medical Lake, free/offering taken
Saturday, December 1 - 3:30-4:45 pm. Holiday concert by Nancy Kirkner, solo handbells, and Janet Anderson, piano. Redmond City Hall, 15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond. Just before the tree lighting at the Redmond Festival of Lights. Free admission.
Sunday December 2 - 3:00 pm, Columbia River Handbells Christmas concert, St Stephens Episcopal Church, 1428 22nd Ave, Longview. Director Rod Lloyd. Free will offering.
Saturday, December 8 - 7:00 pm, Bells of the Desert, a community handbell choir in the Tri-Cities, is presenting a Christmas concert, "Resounding Joy", on Saturday, December 8 at 7:00 pm, and an encore Epiphany concert on Saturday, January 5 at 7:00. Under director Cathy Rohrig, ringers strive to bring out the amazing versatility of the handbell instrument. All ages will be engaged and entertained! The program includes Cathy Moklebust's setting of The First Noel; Gloria Hodie and Leroy Anderson's Sleigh Ride. The concert will be at Central United Protestant Church, 1124 Stevens, Richland. Donations are appreciated. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Children's Developmental Center.
Sunday, December 9 - 7:00 pm. The Raven Ringers from Forest Ridge School join with the Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra for "Snowflake Season," a combined concert of holiday music for handbells and orchestra. At the Meydenbauer Center Theater (11100 NE 6th St., Bellevue). $15 for adults, $12 students and seniors; tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance at
Bells of the Sound presents Home for the Holidays. Wishing for snow and mistletoe and presents 'round the tree? Bells of the Sound brings you Home for the Holidays, a fun-loving and heart-warming program of holiday favorites. Join the Puget Sound's premier handbell ensemble as they present a program of traditional and modern holiday classics like Dance of the Reed Flutes, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Linus and Lucy, and The Christmas Song.
Friday, December 7 - 7:30 pm, Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, 3605 84th Avenue SE, Mercer Island.
Saturday, December 8 - 7:00 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6215 196th Street SW, Lynnwood.
Sunday, December 9 - 4:00 pm, Woodland Park Presbyterian Church, 225 N 70th Street, Seattle.
Saturday, December 15 - 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm, Fairwood Community United Methodist Church, 15255 SE Fairwood Boulevard, Renton.
Sunday, December 16 - 4:00 pm, Tibbetts United Methodist Church, 3940 41st Avenue SW, Seattle.
A suggested donation of $10/adults and $8/youth and seniors will be collected at the door (children under 8 are free). For more information, please visit, email or call (206) 931-7669.
Tuesday, December 11 - 7:00 pm. Forest Ridge School's three high school handbell choirs present their annual holiday concert in the school's chapel (4800 139th Ave. SE, Bellevue), directed by Ron Mallory. The school's vocal choir will also perform. Suggested donation $5 at the door. Directions at
Friday, December 14 - noon-2:00 pm. Holiday entertainment by Nancy Kirkner, solo handbells, and Janet Anderson, piano. Pacific Place, 600 Pine Street, Seattle. Free admission.
Saturday, December 15 at 7:00 pm & Sunday, December 16 at 3:00 pm - Southwest Washington Symphony with Columbia River Handbells in a combined concert of holiday music for handbells and orchestra, Longview Community Church, 2323 Washington Way, Longview. This program was so popular last year, we added a second concert so everyone will fit. Free will offering. and
Thursday, December 20 - noon-2:00 pm. Holiday entertainment by Nancy Kirkner, solo handbells, and Janet Anderson, piano. Pacific Place, 600 Pine Street, Seattle. Free admission.
Saturday, January 5, 2013 - 7:00 pm, Bells of the Desert, a community handbell choir in the Tri Cities, presents their encore Epiphany concert at Richland Baptist, 1632 George Washington Way, Richland. Under director Cathy Rohrig, ringers strive to bring out the amazing versatility of the handbell instrument. All ages will be engaged and entertained! The program includes Cathy Moklebust's setting of The First Noel; Gloria Hodie and Leroy Anderson's Sleigh Ride. Donations are appreciated. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Children's Developmental Center.
Saturday, April 20, 2013 - Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival, Bellevue, WA. Click for Brochure/Registration form. Email for additional information and see article above.
Saturday, May 18, 2013 - Greater Puget Sound Handbell Conference with Kath Wissinger, guest clinician. See article above. For additional information, contact Jennifer Vangolen, Washington State Chair, at
Please remember to send information for the January issue to me by December 22. |