News from Annapolis
2016 Session:  Week 9                             Delegate Trent Kittleman - District 9A
March 7 to March 13
This week's hot topics:  Guns & Money
  • MORE Gun Control Measures
          • Banned on college and university property
          • Banned for those on Terrorist Watch List
          • Toy Guns Banned
  • MORE Democrat Spending
          • Hogan says Dems are "defying" the will of voters on spending
          • More MANDATES 
        • Legislative Scholarship 

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More Gun Control Measures .

D espite the fact that Maryland already has among the strongest gun laws in the nation, a leading Democrat Senator expressed what seems to be the clear intent of his party.  When asked how many gun laws are too many, Senator Jamie Raskin said,  "We'll stop as soon as Maryland is safe from gun violence." 
HB 1002 would make it a crime to carry a gun onto any college or university property in the State
          All public colleges in the state have a policy making their campuses gun-free zones.   University policies are one thing, but this law would expand the policy and make it a criminal offense -- carrying a three-year prison sentence. 
          Putting aside the merits of the basic policy, this Bill creates an independent problem, in that the law would apply not just to college campuses, but to  all property
owned by state universities and colleges.  This includes undeveloped property, agricultural extension service properties, adjunct commercial properties, among others.  In Southern Maryland, for example, college property often includes the roads that pass around and through the campus .

 It will be virtually impossible for an individual to know for sure where the prohibited property is located.  Thus hunters, anyone with a carry permit, 
and anyone else legally transporting a gun may accidentally, violate this 
law.  And they will be guilty regardless of intent.

          Proponents argue that in such cases, only a fine will be levied.  What they don't tell you is that if convicted, the  individual will lose his or her right ever to own a firearm    That is because of the  potential  three-year sentence.  The law denies gun ownership to anyone convicted of an offense for which a sentence of more than two years  could  be given .
HB 1000 would prohibit anyone on the Terrorist Watch List from owning a gun
Here is another bill that seems  like a reasonable idea, right?  Surely, terrorists should be banned from owning guns in this country.

The problem is that the "Terrorist Watch List" is created ad hoc, contains many wrongly identified people, and makes no effort to correct itself.  The Terrorist Watch List is a great deal like the Blacklist of communists kept in the 1950's.    

You cannot find out if you are on it.  You cannot find out how to get off of it. And the State police would not tell you if that was the reason you were denied a license.

HB 1000 would remove all due process rights from anyone applying for a handgun qualification license who happens to be on the terror watch list.  Due process of the law must be followed before depriving anyone of their rights -- particularly, their Constitutional rights.

. Bill to ban TOY GUNS

Last week, the Senate heard testimony on a bill to ban toy guns.  The same bill in the House was withdrawn.

It's unlikely that the bill will pass this year, but no doubt it will come back next year. 
Gun Bills to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 9
Below is a short description of the bills that will be heard in my committee this Tuesday.  Those in red  are problematic.  Anyone interested in testifying is welcome.  The hearing begins at 1:00 pm.  You need to sign up in advance, but you can call my office if you'd like us to sign up for you.  Call 410-841-3556 and speak to Chelsea.

HB 17 Requiring digital fingerprints, but only one time
HB 184
Firearm application only has to contain handgun license NUMBER rather than a copy of the actual license
HB 301 Reducing the handgun application fee from $50 to $25
Eliminating the need to be fingerprinted again for a license renewal
HB 317
Authorizing a person to replace a lost or broken assault weapon that was lawfully possessed
HB 367
Says that if you were convicted of a crime whose sentence was NOT disqualifying at the time, you cannot be denied a handgun license if the penalty is subsequently increased to more than 2 years
HB 369
Requires Maryland to recognize right to carry licenses from 
Deleware, Pennsylvania, D.C., Virginia and West Virginia
HB 375
Clarifying that personal protection can qualify as a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun
HB 398
Exempting honorably discharged members of the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard from the need to get a handgun qualification license
HB 466
Establishing  a  presumption  that former law enforcement officers have a "good and substantial" reason to obtain a wear,carry, or transport permit
HB 692
Requires that before the transfer of a rifle or shotgun is conducted, the parties must  meet jointly with a licensed firearms dealer and  request that the dealer facilitate the transfer.
HB 703
Eliminates the exemption for antique firearms
HB 725
Allows a county board of education (including Baltimore City) to authorize school employees in the local school system to carry a handgun on school property
HB 768
Creates new exemptions from those who have to complete firearms safety training.
HB 769
Creates a temporary waiver from the firearms safety training if an applicant has demonstrated evidence of imminent danger.
HB 846
Excellent bill requiring police to keep detailed records of all firearms seized relating to a crime and report annually.
HB 1019
Establishes that the firearms safety training required to get a handgun licence need NOT include having the applicant fire rounds of live ammunition.
HB 1207
Establishing a presumption that an active, certified correctional officer has a "good and substantial" reason to obtain a wear,carry, or transport permit
HB 1260
Repeals the requirement that an applicant have a "good and substantial reason" to wear, carry, or transport a handgun from the list of requirements to obtain a carry permit
HB 1263
Establishes increased incarceration penalties for the violation of certain laws regarding carrying a handgun or possessing a regulated firearm if the weapon is loaded with ammunition at the time of the violation
HB 1264
Authorizes the STATE to APPEAL a trial court finding of not guilty, for certain firearm possession crimes.
HB 1305
Prevents someone convicted of a crime of violence involving a firearm from: (1) entering into a plea agreement; (2) earning any diminution of his sentence;  (3) being paroled; (4) having any presentence or postsentence confinement deducted from his sentence.
HB 1326
Requires the police to report every six months on the number of applications for carry permits received and processed.
HB 1332
Increasing the term of a handgun license to five years for retired law enforcement officers.
HB 1340

HB 1345
Establishes that it is NOT a legitimate law enforcement purpose to use captured vehicle license plate data that indicates the owner of the vehicle has been issued a carry permit as the sole basis to stop and question the vehicle's driver.
HB 1480
More Democrat Spending!

Hogan Accuses Democrats of Defying Voters on Spending
         Gov.  Larry Hogan accused the Democrat-controlled  General Assembly of disregarding his request to limit new spending, saying Tuesday that proposed legislation in Annapolis flies in the face of what voters want.
         "This is completely unacceptable and it's the exact opposite of what our administration was sent here to accomplish," Hogan said during a news conference in Annapolis. to read more, click here
Dems continue to legislate spending "Mandates"
       The Governor and Budget Secretary David Brinkley  also criticized Democrats for proposing new mandates.  "Over the first 45 days of session, 85 new mandates have been proposed, totaling $3.7 billion, over the next four years," Brinkley said. "That lack of fiscal restraint is not what people are expecting."
To read more, click here.
The General Assembly Has Introduced $3.7 BILLION in 
New Mandated Spending, Equivalent to $80 Million Per Day:
Scholarship Information .

District 9A residents attending a college, university, trade school or equivalent in the State of Maryland are eligible for the Delegate Scholarship. Current high school seniors and full-time (12+ credits per semester) or part-time (6-11 credits per semester), degree-seeking under-graduate students, graduate students, and students attending a private career school may apply. 
For questions regarding the application process, please call my Annapolis office and ask to speak with   Chelsea Leigh Murphy  at   410-841-3556.  

Please be sure to have your completed application   postmarked by April 10, 2016.

  Click here  to download the scholarship application for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Delegate Trent Kittleman
District 9A, Western Howard County and Southern Carroll County (Sykesville)
Room 202, Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street,   Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3556  *   Trent.Kittleman@House.State.MD.US
Interim Office
3000 Kittleman Lane,  West Friendship, MD 21794
301-661-3344  *
Administrative AideChelsea Leigh Murphy