Portrait Winston Churchill, December 30, 1941 (detail) 
Yousuf Karsh (Armenian/Canadian, 1908-2002) 
Gelatin silver print 
Gift of Richard J. Mahoney
© The Estate of Yousuf Karsh
National Churchill Museum
Dispatch Box: March 2019 Edition
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The Special Relationship Project: 
Engaging the Next Generation of Churchillians through Art
Opens March 5

Two words: Special. Relationship. How would you depict that concept on a 6" x 6" canvas? 
When Sir Winston Churchill delivered his historic address at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, on March 5, 1946, he coined the phrase "special relationship" referring to the alliance between Great Britain and the United States.

For Churchill, alliances were critically important. His Fulton speech, now known at the 'Iron Curtain' speech, was given the title "Sinews of Peace." Sinews are tissues or tendons that bind muscle and bones together. They make us stronger. So do alliances and special relationships. As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, America's National Churchill Museum invited 4,037 K-12 public and private school students from Mid Missouri to paint or draw the concept special relationship. READ MORE.
Churchill Fellows Weekend and
50th Anniversary Celebration
May 3-5, 2019

Churchill Fellow Andrew Roberts
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of America's National Churchill Museum at Westminster College where Winston Churchill delivered his legendary 'Iron Curtain' speech.
Discover the wonders of the Museum that  The Wall Street Journal recently named one of the ten most intriguing 2019 travel destinations in the world.
Join biographer and Churchill Fellow, Andrew Roberts, together with members of the Churchill family, and other dignitaries from across the globe in Fulton, Missouri for a weekend of extraordinary exhibitions and events, including a special commemoration of the re-hallowing of Sir Christopher Wren's Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, an unforgettable memorial to Sir Winston Churchill.  READ MORE.
The Noel Mander Organ at 
St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury

"I saw them all burn, and it is a sensation I will never forget-hearing the bells fall down the tower, hearing the organs burn, because the hot air blowing through the organ pipes almost sounded as if the poor old organs were shrieking in agony in their destruction."
Those were the sights and sounds a young soldier named Noel Mander could not forget of the horrible night of December 29, 1940, when German planes bombed London, and he watched his own church, St. Vedast-alias-Foster, as well as the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, engulfed in smoke and fire. READ MORE.

Westminster College presents
Westminster College presents "The Churchill Minute," Episode 2

Churchill Necktie from America's National Churchill Museum
Online Shop Features Churchill Gifts
In anticipation of the Museum's 50th Anniversary, a host of new products have been added to our online store. 

Your purchase supports exhibition and education programs at the Museum.

Save the Date: October 29-31, 2019
36th Annual International Churchill Conference
Washington, D.C.

The 36th International Churchill Conference will take place on October 29-31, 2019 at the Washington Georgetown Marriott in Washington, D.C. just a half mile from the National Churchill Library and Center   READ MORE.
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