You can do it and here's how:
Decide - One of the most important factors in achieving a goal is DECIDING that it is something you really want. Be sure not to set any goal that you are half-hearted about. Focus on what is TRULY important to you.
Write It- Writing your goals out is a very powerful step toward achieving them. When you write your goal(s) down, your subconscious mind will know what to work on. Be sure to look at your written goals daily and, better yet, say them out loud to yourself.
Make it SMART - SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time oriented. For example, which of these goals is clearer? "I will organize my office" or "My office will be free of paper piles and a system will be in place to easily file and retrieve what I need by March 1st."
Identify Specific Steps - Take the time to really think through the specific actions you will need to take in order to achieve your goal and write the steps down. Think of this as planning for HOW you'll meet your objectives. For example, the specific steps involved in eliminating your paper piles and creating a system to easily file and retrieve papers may be to:
1. Purge the papers and files from your file cabinet that are no longer needed;
2. Categorize the remaining files from your file cabinet and separate active from reference;
3. Go through the stacks of paper on every surface in your office and purge or shred what is not needed;
4. Put away papers your keeping, creating files as needed; and
5. Determine a weekly office maintenance schedule.
Calendar your Plan - Determine when you will work on each step of your goal and put these days and times on your calendar. For example, you may decide to set an appointment with yourself to work on these steps every Monday and Friday from 9- 11 a.m. After you decide when you'll work on your goal, block out this time in your schedule. Set reminders for yourself so you'll remember to do the things you've committed to. Consider setting an alarm on your phone to go off when you are supposed to begin and to end.
Track your Progress - Make a list of your action steps and the dates you plan to complete them by. Check them off as you finish each step.
Stay Positive -According to Bob Canfield, the creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and author of " The Success Principles", we have 50,000 thoughts a day and most are negative. So, be aware of the voice in your head that says "you can't do that" and tell it to get lost!
Adjust - If you find yourself falling behind, don't get down on yourself or give up. Instead, try to assess why and make adjustments to your plan as needed. And of course, we are here to help you with any of your home or office organizing projects.
For most people, success is not a matter of luck but persistence and hard work. You can accomplish what you set out to do. So just get started and keep at it!