News for the Week of:

May 26, 2024

Dear Friends,

After an exciting but somewhat breathless spring, I confess I'm relieved to be entering the more relaxed season after Pentecost, called "Ordinary Time" in some churches. While I love the drama of Lent and Holy Week and the joy of the Easter season, we live most of our lives in ordinary time, the day in and day out of work and school, laundry and grocery shopping, family life and small pleasures like cookouts.

Years ago I read Ordinary Time: Cycles in Marriage, Faith, and Renewal by Nancy Mairs, which made a deep impression on me. In this book, Mairs, Catholic feminist and searingly honest writer, explores how her faith waxes and wanes and interacts with her marriage, beset by problems like all marriages, social justice activism, living with MS, and more. I think of it every time we transition into these seasons that are sort of "after" or "between" big seasons and remember to look for God, to rest in God, not only in times of great joy or great sadness, but also--especially?--in the mundane and daily, for the Holy is there, too.

This Sunday, though, is anything but ordinary as we contemplate the Trinity as we do every year the first Sunday after Pentecost. I promise there will be no complicated diagrams or metaphors attempting to explain the Trinity, but there will be awe and wonder!

See you in church!

Faithfully, Suzanne+

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Thank you to all who participated in our 2 Connecting Conversations sessions!

Small groups walked the surrounding neighborhood to look & see.

Click here for the video to see some of the images taken.

If you were unable to attend either of the Connecting Conversations, we’ll be gathering another session in the future. Stay Tuned!


Another Round Begins!

We are experimenting with small groups at All Saints! In a busy, fragmented society, taking time to connect regularly and deeply with others and with God is a balm.

Centering Prayer

Wednesdays, May 22, 29, and June 5. 6:20 - 7:00 pm. Reading Room.

Learn the basics of centering prayer, sit together and pray in silence, and end with a brief conversation about faith and prayer.

God Sightings & Bible Study

Wednesdays, May 22, 29, and June 5. 11:30am - 12:30pm. Reading Room.

This small group will check in with one another about where and how they have experienced the Holy in the past week and then read and discuss the scripture for the upcoming Sunday.

On-Line Option: God Sightings & Bible Study

Wednesdays, May 22, 29, and June 5. 7:30 - 8:30pm. On Zoom.

This small group will check in with one another about where and how they have experienced the Holy in the past week and then read and discuss the scripture for the upcoming Sunday.

You can sign up for these groups HERE.

Questions? Contact


Celebrating Seniors & Church School

Join the Intergenerational Choir!

Sunday, June 2

On Sunday, June 2, we will honor parishioners graduating from high school and celebrate another successful year of church school with an ice cream social. That day, we want our choir to be intergenerational!

Calling all young musicians, singers, their families, and friends! 

The multigenerational choir will sing one special song. Our Music Director Colin Collette will post the music and practice tracks online for you and your family to listen to and learn. We'll have one rehearsal on Saturday, June 1, the day before. 

For more information or to sign up, please email Colin:




Hymns in the Courtyard

Wednesday, July 10 at 7:00pm

Theology at the Annex

Wednesday, August 14 at 7:00pm



Chicago City Council approves the sale of 500 lots for United Power's Reclaiming Chicago campaign!


The All Saints community has demonstrated faith and persistence for years to get us this far. Many of you donated to the Green-lining Campaign when North Lawndale invited us to help build the first of a hoped-for 1,000 homes in a community long-plagued by the legacy of redlining and contract-buying practices. You have show up for actions, ground breakings, and meetings with two mayors. And you have pledged to support All Saints, enabling us to pay our United Power dues. You are making GOOD TROUBLE!


CALL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS. The state budget is in the final stages of getting ironed out. This is a great moment and opportunity to follow-up with your state legislators to let them know that the city has approved the next phase of 500 lots and that we need them to ensure that they keep and increase the line item of $15 million for Reclaiming Chicago. 


Ask them to support United Power's Reclaiming Chicago campaign and have them let their chambers' leader know of their support: Senate President Don Harmon for Senators and Speaker Chris Welch for Representatives.

Download this PDF that contains more information.

Join Us in Registering Families for Christmas Baskets

This year, we need your help during the months of June and July to register approximately 1000 families.


Volunteers will welcome families, help determine their eligibility for the program or record their individual Christmas wishes on a simple google form. This is a great opportunity for you, your family or a group to meet and get to know some of Chicago's struggling families.


Registration will be held on the following days:

Wednesday, June 26th 

Friday, June 28th

Saturday, June 29th 

Wednesday, July 10th 

Friday, July 12th

Saturday, July 13th 

Wednesday, July 17th

Friday, July 19th

Saturday, July 20th 

Wednesday, July 24th

Wednesday, July 31st


All registrations will be held at ReVive's office at 1668 W. Ogden Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Please join us for all or a portion of a day.

RCS Volunteers

Ravenswood Community Services (RCS)

is looking for Tuesday Afternoon volunteers!

RCS is currently experiencing an historic increase in neighbors seeking assistance. If you've been thinking you might like to give volunteering with RCS a try, now would be a really great time. If you've tried volunteering in the past but were discouraged by full sign ups - please give us another shot! 


Check out the new RCS Volunteer Hub!

This page will feature all available upcoming Tuesday volunteer opportunities with RCS. Bookmark it for easy access to available spots without searching through your inbox for newsletters!

We're also looking for volunteers who would like to join our Tuesday Delivery Crew.

Every Tuesday between 12:30-2pm volunteers unload A LOT OF FOOD from pallets on the sidewalk to the Parish Hall for distribution. You should feel comfortable lifting 30-50 lbs and going up and down stairs. Those interested should reach out to Parker at

THURSDAYS: After School Pantries

We're looking for volunteers for our After School Pantries on Thursdays.

More information in the link: Thursday After School Pantry Sign Up 


The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church

June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky

Join thousands of Episcopalians and neighbors for the final revival in Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s term—a ministry that has inspired Episcopalians to come together for Jesus-centered worship, prayer, and action. Give thanks for Bishop Curry’s leadership, deepen your love for God and one another, get immersed in inspiring worship and community, welcome new friends discovering Jesus through The Episcopal Church, and kick off the 81st General Convention.

On Saturday, June 22, the day before General Convention begins, Bishop Michael Curry will lead Love Always, the final revival of his term in office. The service of prayer and music will be an opportunity to thank Bishop Curry for his nine years of leadership. 

A livestream will be available on The Episcopal Church’s Facebook and YouTube pages, and on the General Convention media hub


Public Talk at All Saints’: Choose Compassion Over Fear

His Eminence Demo Rinpoche

Saturday, June 8 from 2:00 - 3:30pm

Free Admission. Registration Requested.

Come join His Eminence Demo Rinpoche for an exploration of how compassion can help overcome the limitations caused by fear and confusion, and serve as a reliable guiding force for our everyday lives. His free public talk will take place at All Saints’ Parish Hall.

Register at

More info HERE


Our next Vestry meeting is Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 pm in the Reading Room.

Any member of All Saints is welcome to sit in on our monthly meetings.

You can read the April minutes approved at our May meeting HERE.

Please Note: Monday, May 27 is Memorial Day. The Church Office will be closed.

Serving This Sunday

Altar Guild: Steve Larson
Acolytes: Jonah Kruse & Skip Yates
Altar Guild: Margaret Dunn & Emily Feldhake
Chalice: Caroline Moore & Krys Springer
Intercessor: Paula Stevens-Contey
Lector: Reader 1: Caroline Moore 2: José Sanchez-Perry
Ushers:  Josephine Koo
Vestry Announcement: José Sanchez-Perry

11:00am Service
Acolytes: Ashley Gilmore & John Tyler
Altar Guild: Liz Morris & Gretchen Schlabach
Chalice: Liz Morris & Gretchen Schlabach
Intercessor: Lorraine Langer
Lector: Reader 1: Zain Jamshaid 2: Lelia Fry
Ushers: Nancy Kipnis
Vestry Announcement: Gretchen Schlabach

Facebook Livestream Team at the 11:00am Service

Audio: Kuo Tye

Camera: Lelia Fry

We Pray For

Those who suffer in mind, body, or spirit:  especially for Patrick Crowley, Kathleen Crowley Francis, Patrick Francis, Zachary Eichen, Stephen F., Mary Lee Fergus, Carter Wright, Christian Cullo, Beth Young, Jenna Rabideaux, Bobby Lentell, and for those whose hurt, burdens, and fears go unspoken.

For those on our long-term prayer list: Carl Youngberg, Eugene Washington, Helen LoRusso, Peg Deppe, James Guite, Nina Chinn, Jim Crandall, Lionel Edes, Clara Maddox, Kamila and Kathy, and Sarah Booten.

For those around the world: the people of Gaza and Israel, the people of Ukraine and all affected by war; and our siblings in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Renk, South Sudan; and throughout Latin America and East Africa.

For those who celebrate birthdays this week:

5/26 - Cordelia Strauch, Bill Ziska

5/27 - Michael Mattson

5/28 - Chester Kelly

5/29 - Patrick Tucker

6/1 - Eileen Crowley, Joshua Dufour, Dwight Stickrod

For those who celebrate anniversaries this week:

5/29 - Betty Douglas & Norm Linde, Dale Patton & Chet Kelly

For those who have died: especially for Florence Gellman, mother of Mashell Gellman.

May the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

If you'd like to have someone included in our community prayers, visit our website.

Request Prayer

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